This podcast is a follow-up to my book. I am here to bring messages to the deaf and visions to the blind. We have lost sense of who we are as human beings and frequently misunderstand this experience because of how society has poised us to be unaware of the very thing we live in. In our struggles to find our ways past the traumas that likely began in childhood, we’ve developed a disconnect as we aged that we call by many names – such as, anxiety, depression, and fear. But, it’s simply mental and spiritual discord. Thus, we live chaotic, despair-ridden lives that reflect the chaos and despair within – as within, so without. It’s beyond the time to find and reconnect to our untraveled pathways, and to fully embrace and heal & evolve in that process. Many people have been slapped with clues of their duties here and didn’t recognize them for what they were. Then, they usually follow with some reasoning like, “well, it just wasn’t my time.” The Universe doesn’t have imperfect anything, much less imperfect timing. It can’t give you what you aren’t aligned for, and that slap was only ignored, misunderstood, or refused by you. We have to stop with the excuse of being human when we don’t fully understand what our humanity is or not living fully in the experience, whilst denying the very things we need or desire to have because society tells us to. The pain and trauma we all have endured, with a great majority of it coming from our younger years, were only to help bring us back into ourselves to find our innate strengths; not for us to retreat in weakness from who we truly are. We are to learn from it all. We must, also, accept and love our flaws (while not becoming them) and any trauma that may have created them, so we can move on in life through genuine forgiveness of ourselves and others, mental and spiritual growth, and creating Infinite Sustainability™ on our individual journeys. So, in other words, get your shit together people. The world is waiting on you to finally show the fuck up for it, and yourselves! I am very passionate about humanity being and doing better, and you will hear that passion through histrionics. Messages come to me at any given time so the recordings may not always be superior as I did/will record wherever I am. I am not going to follow how someone else says I should because my every day is filled with that in my professional environments. I will ramble & speed-talk all while discussing many topics, but the main theme will be how those things pertain to the human experience and the mind, and being better at navigating both. I am going to be real and it will always be rooted in truth. Seemingly, truth is missing in this reality simulation because people are too sensitive to look at themselves without deflecting or bathing in the energy of paralyzing fear of others’ judgments that may not even happen. Screw any naysaying, negative hoes. I am, also, not going to follow any rules or complicate any of this, just to sew more confusion like history has shown will lead us willingly off an Everest-sized cliff. Real shit only. Authenticity, brilliance, and love of all will be the order of every day here. If you are put off by a little profanity, go elsewhere at your loss. Everyone else, you will be enlightened and entertained. I know you will enjoy what I bring, even the hard stuff. Lastly, if you enjoy these episodes, share and support this podcast. Thereafter, go buy my damn book already! No need to be late for everything, geez.I apologize for nothing and change only my underwear. Happy listening, my lovlies!
Connect With E Here!This one may be too harsh for some of you, but the caring and wise beauty of my passion for humanity to do better for themselves that you know and love in this podcast is weaved in. No one is expecting people to divulge their entire lives to random people or even strangers, but if a friend asks you how you’re doing, be mf’n honest. Your God can’t do everything for you. If every adverse event was handled by other entities, wtf will you have learned in this life? We use religion in the wrong way – to tell us everything to do step-by-step versus living our lives from and through our souls within.Everyone grieves in their own way but if people are trying to help you not go down a path of despondency which could lead to an even darker path, hear them out. No one is telling you specifically how to grieve but simply trying to encourage you to not go down a dark road without any light. They are simply giving you light so that you know you aren’t alone, and that the people that care for you want you to come out on the bright side by trying to lead you to it for you to exercise your grieving free will. You don’t know where that dark path will lead you if you can’t even see the road beneath your feet. There’s no short in anticipating a grieving person’s emotions, so we respect them. However, loss can push some to lose sight of reality in the living world that surrounds them. Their village is evermore important at this time.When Uni puts us here, we have a job to do from day 1. As we age, we are taught the ways of being a human but we aren’t taught how to be proper vessels. We are supposed to be learning our soul’s purpose as we develop into smarter, better humans in the form of adults. Because religion stepped in and derailed this process, we have no clue who we are or who we’re supposed to be. Some aren’t even connected to their own souls, let alone fully trained in their purpose. We are given clues as to who we are even as infants. Remember, we see things differently with a clean slate. When we have listened to everyone outside of us on how to live our lives, we set ourselves up for failure every time. In the current state of things, we have to start the ride over and begin from scratch. It is beyond that time for sure. Let the bullshit go people, and heal ffs! The longer you wait, the more painful life will become.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
8/2/24 • 15:40
Connect With E Here!This is an excerpt from my book, "How to Not Give a Shit, and Not Be a Dumb Ass in the Process: The Ultimate Guidebook on Being a Better Human." Check it out if you enjoyed these couple of minutes. Amazon link below in the sign-off. Try out our new text messaging feature directly above the episode descriptions if you have some experiences you'd like to share or requests for our next episodes. Soon, I will be bringing out episodes more frequently. Can the world handle that much crass? Likely not. Everyone is a nun with their asses in the air. Holier than thou except on the weekends.Happy listening!Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
8/1/24 • 02:33
Connect With E Here!There’s a giant web of collusion. If people are eating unhealthy food, they’ll eventually fall into the healthcare arena. Then, we have to deal with more assfuckery. We already know insurance companies will deny life-saving drugs and treatments. We know that doctors will only see you if they can bill insurance, so they’ll let you die because they can’t make any money off you. Even if you pay out of pocket and have the cash to do so periodically, versus having it siphoned out of their small paychecks biweekly. So, people are left as they are unless they have a social service to lean on. Then, the stupids come out in droves saying that any person on social services is likely a minority that is draining their tax money, while sitting unemployed in their trailers eating lavishly on food stamps and getting adequate healthcare through their state’s medical aid; except, seemingly, dental and nutrition, if you’ve ever seen what these people look like. Our country has the highest obesity (and genuinely low intelligence) rate. Other countries have banned lots of things we inhale like water here in the states, while our morbidity increases. Let’s not forget that we are, also, shit when it comes to health insurance because of the costs. Once again, unequal. Only those who can afford good coverage receives good treatment, leaving lower-income folks like the differently-abled and elderly to die from poor health and care. It’s been this way for many decades. And, it’s only getting worse as the same people mentioned above enter the political arena with zero political education/experience other than watching certain news channels and a lot to f’n say against anyone else receiving what they barely contribute to. Greed runs this country, and so do stupid people. History and said news proves this.Love is all we need, not more 'stupid'! Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
8/1/24 • 15:54
Connect With E Here!Self-explanatory, but I always have to explain. Souls born from the uterus of a junkie, my generation used to call crackhead babies. These are the ones with the innate propensity to follow the ashy apple tree they fell from. This is a medical circumstance. This episode talks about people not of this beginning but make it their life and end if born into this surrounding. On the streets leaning or in the streets selling. One of both lifestyles only end one way if changes aren’t made. Next, those traumatized and actively chose to be this way…bitch, heal ffs. Jesus Hernando Lil Ray Ray Christ! I thought that, too, would be obvs folks. Then, again, I’m called to do this work because nothing seems to be obvious to people these days. With confidence, you have it or you don’t. One may have confidence in some things and not others. but confidence is a form of faith. Just like faith, you either have it or you absolutely don’t. One thing I do not accept is a person not having confidence in themselves. The only person you should be able to trust is oneself. If you can’t be confident and faithful in yourself, then wtf are you doing in life? Because that lack of confidence affects the rest of humanity – your ability to do your job here. One thing I abhor is a useless employee and that’s what you are on this earth rn if you can’t even muster up your own innate skills without some external help. I mean, what’s your purpose at this point? You’re actively being a disservice to yourself and complaining about your suck ass life. No one gets that behavior. The rest of the world is confused about how to even begin to help you while you rely on everything else outside of you, then complaining the shit isn’t working. Make the shit make plausible sense, losers. These ways of being, this shit has to end. The last two and a half minutes are the book excerpt referred to in the, "Worry-Free is Me," episode. It applies here. Get help folks, fr! Nobody wants to see you leaning in the middle of the street during rush hour. Get your ass on a bus to the next rehab out in the rural country, not to your dealer in the next pissy alley.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
8/1/24 • 21:00
Connect With E Here!While this episode was in the spirit of closing out another women's month, there was more on my heart to share. There is yin and yang to everything. Duality and balance in all. Faith is the energy of believing in the integrity of this truth. We can have faith in many external things, but they mean nothing if we don’t have faith in ourselves from within ourselves. This is a universal feminine energy of being. Understanding is another. Living in totality, not living in lack or need. When we flow through the world in our masculine energy of action, we shouldn’t have to fight through it as we go. That fight comes when our egos tell us we are missing something. Once alerted and aware, we feel we must act on it, versus waiting for the Universe to lead the way. We take it upon ourselves to change the course of preordained events; thus, running into obstacle after obstacle. We put ourselves through unnecessary trials when our path comes in-built with more than plenty. Conversely, we don’t learn through these events if we are not present in them. We must always trust that the heavenly powers-that-be have our backs. It serves no one for us to fail, so why do we continue to force ourselves down our egos’ paths, and accept it as our end? The only failure is in not seeing what’s directly in front of us. Our own self-inflicted injustices, carried on by those which society inflicts on us every minute of every day. We must have faith that what’s in store for us is real and true, within and without. If we fully put our faith in humanity, we are disappointed every time because it is often misplaced within a place already full of mistrust. Love and trust are other things, while faith can only be had when understood from within. We hear it loudly ringing all day long from the hoi polloi’s lips and fingertips, but the state of the world shows otherwise. The yin to this yang is the masculine energy of action. While we must have faith in ourselves, what we do during this time is what spins the sphere of reciprocation. As balance and duality move through its orb, it surrounds us as it runs through us – like the ocean deep to our creeks and the life that springs in between. If we want to reach our highest level of potential, we must put the energy out that we are built and internally ready for it. We can’t say we are ready for our greatest acting like we’re at our lowest yet believing it will still lead us there. Neither will thinking we may never reach our zenith because we’ve never attained anything so great before; as if it can never happen a first time for us. That negative thought process is not the kind of balance and duality I’m speaking of. Yin and yang, masculine and feminine, are accessible and reside within all of us, energetically and physiologically. Our brains are split the same way between creative and logic. As we open up more to our inner gods and look at the people and world around us, we can easily see the one and the same beauty within each other, regardless of any earthly affiliations or affinities. The Universal messages apply to every human breathing on and in this planet. Are you contributing your draining, straining lack of faith to the human abyss; or, are you helping to collectively raise it with your deepest, highest convictions? PreferablySupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
4/1/24 • 16:21
Connect With E Here!The same stories seemingly cross many major cultures of the world, further showing us we are all made from the same inaugural thread weaved. The Ark of the Covenant is very similar to a purportedly older Egyptian technological device called, the Osiris Device, which was said to have the same function of communicating with God/the Gods. The Ark was said to be only accessible to certain people as it had a special power that only some were imbued with authority or knowledge to properly approach and handle the ‘device.’ Moses being one as well as some priests, just like its Egyptian counterpart.Just as we have our current language and colloquialisms in every culture, tongues were even more varied in antiquity, and even in medieval times. When these ancient books were found in earlier centuries through the deciphering of those books in more recent centuries, it is obvious to any thinking person that interpretations have the highest likelihood than not of being misinterpreted. How much depends on the Catholic Church releasing the information they’ve had passed through Rome from Alexandria if you know your history (& if you listened to my podcast about these rapist MFers). Both times. Trust and believe the good shit wasn’t burned. It’s under watchful eyes. Not to give a history lesson but we have to remember that societies throughout the Mediterranean and some parts of the Middle East subscribed to paganism. Earlier before/when the catholic church was in its birth and infancy as part of the Theodosian and Constantine religious changes and solidifying church and state’s compounded powers, Rome was largely pagan. So beliefs or any practices outside of this edict was persecuted until Catholicism dominated (why were these people so damn violent?). I say the information given in the Bible is “sketchy” because the books in the cannon were cherry-picked, alongside what was left in and further added to these books. If you really know the Bible, you know that there are lots of mentions of things but very rarely expounded. Then, over time, the specific matters that were left out, which were just as important as the remaining pieces, were then considered heresy, ‘occultish’, or flat out demonized. As we also see, hypocrisy is rampant throughout the Bible as is with alleged “Christians” in this country. The biggest examples are pagan acts and worship that are exhibited clearly in their reverence to saints, in ‘holy’ celebrations like Easter and Christmas, and using pagan symbols like the cross which are/were used in many cultures to represent different things *before the founding of Christianity and especially now with the increase of challenges to this mode of being – finally seeing the truth over and through what we’ve been brainwashed to believe for almost forever and a week.Feed into your affinities. You never know where they will lead you or how they can help someone outside of you in the rest of the world. Additionally, time is relative. Time meant something different in antiquity. However, there’s no more time. We need to be working to be better now. We seem to be going in the wrong direction. The beauty in the dark is the light it indirectly brings forth. How else would we find and have light when we’re already in the dark, or Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/3/24 • 24:18
Connect With E Here! This episode is about going back to basics – like, elementary basics. Things don’t seem to sink in until the nexus of the thought is made as plainly as possible for people to get it. Nothing in adulthood makes sense, so we need to view it from untainted eyes and minds. As I like to say, “life is an ouroboros.” Sometimes, we need to view the world as simply as possible to understand how it works, how it moves the people in it, on down to what is going on at-present in your own life. It doesn’t have to be as big an ask as the single formula to creating the one-pill cure for cancer with zero side effects. It’s simply just asking self-awareness (no longer seeing ourselves as ‘victims’ in every negative situation; instead, seeing it from, “what did I do in this situation to cause or exacerbate the problem?”) and understanding (seeing how we affect our own present-tense and the present-future-tense of others, while working to reverse events/things of the past so you can move fluidly, made of love and peace, through this universe.).We look to everything to do the hard work for us, or we do nothing at all. This is why there are so many traumatized people in this world still reeling from the traumatized situation(s); or, Ozempic butt for those using it for weight loss. The first thing we need to do in our healing process is ‘want’ to heal. Surprisingly, people who constantly say they need to heal don’t actually want to. It vividly shows in their actions. A good example is when a person has developed a bad habit to deal with the trauma but don’t want to let the habit go. When one truly wants to heal, it will require relinquishing all the actions/people/things that are band-aids or otherwise things that serve to protect us from the trauma and emotions that come from reliving it, even if for a short moment. We must acknowledge and embrace the situation for what it is. We must be open and vulnerable with ourselves to ourselves during the process. And, above all else, we must be resolute in our healing process. It’s a disservice to half ass it. It’s exactly like doing nothing at all. We must face and we must release.We set our goal posts so close yet so far. It doesn’t help us to take the easy way out having a goal post that’s only inches away, yet it’s also unproductive to aim for a goal post across town on another field. We have to test ourselves but not set ourselves up for failure, adding more obstacles and other shit to our field that stands between us and the target.We need to always carry high standards. Big diff between high standards and arrogance. One is not the same as the other. When we carry high standards in the right way, people will be forced to come correct when they approach you. A family member who is trying to borrow money better be coming with a business proposition, not to get a hit, bottle, or anything on sale before they sell out. Most times, this will also elevate those in your square who have even lower standards. This is akin to part of the idea of tangibly helping another rise, with the other part showing another how to do it. In this, we create a chain reaction to creating our own universe and moving through and with others in our galaxies. We must be stars so others can be suns, with each star shining brighter thaSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/3/24 • 05:06
Connect With E Here!For millennia, the Catholic church has had its hand in everyone’s life, including those who are not of their grain. This hand has infiltrated our homes, politics, and many societies’ norms. However, not in any good way. Religion should never be something abusive and vicious. It is what people cling to for understanding life and getting through it in the most altruistic way. Religion helps people navigate life to come out on the other side pure, and successful in accomplishing their assignments on their journeys here. When that very thing that is held in such close, high regard is used as a wide net cast to draw people in for nefarious reasons, it erodes the spiritual value derived from people’s beliefs and their passion in fervently living and passing on its baseline teachings in fellowship; and, also misleads people onto a path of internal destruction. At its inception, this entity killed people who did not convert or follow this method of delusion. Later in Puritanical and similar societies, people who had other ways of believing and worshiping were seen, hunted, burned and killed at the stake or otherwise unjustifiably murdered as witches. Today, any other faith system is denigrated and seen as less than Catholicism/Christianity, while people are still persecuted - even those who honor and worship virtually the same Supreme Being just as they do. Lord forbid they call God by any of Her other numerous names – like we see in Judaism. Also, Lord forbid we mention that we all were created equal and in God and the rest of the Council’s image as plainly written in Genesis 1:26. Being what they call “woke” is knowing the truth, while others proactively stay complete fools. So, we must be better than them. We have a duty to help reverse their erroneous ways of thinking and being that, ultimately, keeps our version of humanity in the stone age. As we saw in the early centuries, around the 8th or 9th, many churches were being erected with Satanic motifs. Gargoyles and other demonic depictions on a church? The obvious answers of wanting to represent the constant human struggle with temptation and the burning desire for higher knowledge and powers don’t really depict the right image for an entity that wants to control our beliefs and ways of living,'s a facade. There is art in everything, but why this for these kinds of places? Why demonic warfare instead of eternal peace, angels, love, and light being spread through the soulful human connection we naturally have with each other?If the art of exorcism was learned, who did they partner with to become educated on how to successfully exorcise demons? They would have to partner with groups or people (Voodoo priests/priestesses) that are experts in dark arts subject matter. The Latin prayers Catholics sing are incantations, just like Psalms is, also. Some are praises while numerous others are sung to many different entities, and used to summon/affect/control circumstances and/or people. The Giants of Sardinia's bones are missing. Why? Who took them like many other historic artifacts and what’s being covered up? If we're gonna question, we need to question and understand everything. We have to really ask ourselves questions we never really asked ourselves before about this widely contSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/3/24 • 06:39
Connect With E Here!Another recording from 2021, as we are watching and experiencing out of control wildfires; earthquakes in places that are not normally busy with seismic activity; volcanoes waking up from their million- or billion-year slumbers; and water raising from everywhere in tsunamis; numerous and out of control storms; and the global sea levels rising more every year as the earth warms. I live on a peninsula so as I experience various types of weather, I follow what happens everywhere for my own research and studies of the impacts to coasts/peninsulas and their people. This ‘sea levels rising’ shit is real.Environmental information includes other people’s actions and energies. Since we are electronic beings, we need to protect ourselves against the unceasing barrage of every form of information that is consistently filtered to us. We also shouldn’t give any negative information we receive to anyone else unless you are returning to sender. Even when we are giving back the negative information (feelings, words, energy, etc.) so we are no longer absorbing and holding on to it, we must remember energy continues to flow and is alive and ready to spring into action when triggered, especially when springing from a dormant state. Leviathan is a very ancient creature, alongside Behemoth and Ziz. Powers as old as the void itself. Entities as old as the Universe itself. This in consideration, it’s not beyond the limitless power of the mind to think the energy of these things are real, which could also tell us what they are and their positions in this reality. We just have to find out how and where these creatures, rather these higher entities, work. I am not a religious person but there are truths (surprisingly such) in the bible that are relevant now. The book is meant to be a life guide, not the misinterpreted truncated version of the Dead Sea Scrolls that the bible is today. This is an age of change and evolution, so we need to: evolve our actions and ways of thinking; and, reverse course from how we are destroying vs healing and uplifting Mother Nature - then, we need to do the same healing and evolving to ourselves thereafter. Earth will be uninhabitable once we've finished the job of total destruction because of our extreme greed and indolence. Not like it's our first time destroying an entire planet.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/3/24 • 19:46
Connect With E Here!This episode was recorded in 2021. I have to laugh because, as I'm highly intuitive, I brought this shit to light in my book and on this episode just to be watching it unfold two years later. Everything I say is truth. The Golden Rule applies to anyone and every business. You can't treat your stakeholders like shit then expect to be around for the long run or without karmic consequences. Karma is everywhere and in perpetual motion. If your karmic bank is full of the bs you've done, that interest racks up a thousand-fold for a monumental payout when you least need it. Never a dull moment watching these banks and other companies fold like a used, greasy fast-food napkin. We don't need you. The trash has been put out.This is a subject that especially ruffles my feathers if you can’t hear the frustration and passion in my exclaiming tone. Homelessness is a result of capitalism and greed. If you don’t do good in the world, no matter how big you think you are, you will be knocked down. What else pisses me off are the people who think that all homeless people choose to be such and should not be helped. No bitch, you can't be helped if that's your mode of thinking, being exactly what's wrong with the world. How they got this far in life is a mystery. There seems to be no brain activity there, and seemingly no heart-centered activity anywhere around them for them to completely understand social issues that involve other human beings.The surpluses I mentioned will usually be said to be part of rainy-day funds. Simultaneously, these funds can be used to remedy scale issues or ones that will, otherwise, strain the regular budgets – like, unforeseen concerns and natural disasters; infrastructure or public health issues, which are augmented by FEMA or other related federal programs for these situations, as we saw in the pandemic; and any other events outside of the normal budget where the rainy-day funds will come into play. Unless a state is exceedingly poor, there is no reason why large swaths of people are consistently left with limited or no options for food or shelter of some sort in a state with a multi-billion dollar surplus. They can go fuck themselves alongside the aforementioned idiots with this non-logic. People, including children, die because of this idiocy, which makes us no better than a third world country. At least they genuinely can't afford it. We're rabid animals when it comes to money and keeping it. I absolutely bow down to and applaud Mercedes-Benz for being a beacon, a guiding star, in corporate philanthropy. Kudos! I absolutely love this brand. Not just for making a far superior product than any other manufacturer in the entire world. They are at the top of everything meaningful to me - community, innovation, safety, and overall human advancement (climate, social, and cultural initiatives). Not many brands are this dedicated to have multiple foundations and an assload of partners on the ground. They pick up what/where our elected and paid reps fail. Hands down at the top of my respect list of less than five. Other corps need to fully follow this model or shut the fuck down. We're good without you. Show yourself out.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
8/18/23 • 29:55
Connect With E Here!This episode was recorded just over a year after my mother’s transcendence in 2021. People kept asking me if I was grieving and getting through everything. I questioned whether I was grieving because people kept asking, but these were other people’s questions. I grieved when I saw her soul leave in a dream then again at other times during herthree weeks in ICU. It made it a little easier when she finally passed but I still cried like a baby when I was seemingly forced to make the decision to take her off of life support. To be forced to let go and to force them to let go is hard as shit to do. Even when people are sick, it doesn’t make it any easier when they do finally let go. I don’t get into the details of the entire experience of those 3 weeks she was physically here unless asked about it, but a few days into it, I was broken. I knew then she wasn’t coming home, just as I knew when my favorite aunt who raised me wasn’t going to make it home. I grieved, sobbed, and let my grossest runny nose run a full 10K, but I was at peace when she (and my wonderful aunt) finally let go. That was three years ago now, but it still and always will hurt. But, the beautiful thing is I get to see her every single night almost. Unfortunately, she's giving me other people's bad news so that I can comfort and help them. C'est la vie.People are suffering in their grief instead of actual grieving. There are quite a few people I know personally that are still suffering in their grief 7, 8 years into it. Still on psychotropic drugs that are keeping them depressed and suicidal. Others have taken up drinking as their new therapeutic hobby. This kind of grieving is highly toxic and unproductive in every way, as I have had many experiences with people resorting to this method of pain relief. I'm teetotal, so drinking especially bothers me. One cousin died a painful death 2 years ago after developing cirrhosis of her liver because she drank nonstop in her (not so much of) grieving process after her mom passed. Nonstop isn’t an exaggeration. It was so sad to see this person in this manner of experiencing and suffering in her pain. Her last day on earth was heart-breaking to a lot of us because her entire grieving journey was ending the way it did. Now her kids have no mom, but they are still too young to understand the ‘what/when/how’s’ of death - particularly, hers. They just know their momma will never be back. Was this selfish? Very much so, because these kids are now suffering in a multitude of ways because of her actions. However, she had no real understanding of how to deal with death in her 30s, as a lot of people of any age don’t. So, the children, once of a mentally-developed age, should understand death more from their situation and how their mother dealt with it. It will be up to them what happens next in how they, then, will be able to view their mother’s death and their grieving process – which could start all over again, but, hopefully, in a different way with different information than they originally received.I didn’t edit this much because I wanted you all to hear the human side of this episode. This is a very human subject, so this episode needed to be as real as possible. My mom died helping others and so will I. It’s my lot now and in everySupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
8/18/23 • 24:06
Connect With E Here!This one is self-explanatory. We need to be better to ourselves before we can be anything to anyone else. We have to be reminded to be kind to people. Last I checked, it should be paramount over what we get out of the deal. How soon we forget the Golden Rule but want to thump and wave Bibles in people's faces. We are selfish beings in a really fucked up world because we are fucked up beings. It's a cycle each and everyone has to break. We refuse to do any work on ourselves. Going to therapy is good to talk and clean out the shit but we still have to do the work ourselves. Cleaning up the clutter and bullshit that's stuck in between us and peace and prosperity is the first step. If we get out of our own ways so we can heal, self-sabotage will finally end. We can then get back on track on our journeys so we can complete them successfully. I've already told you all that if/when we fail here in this life, we have to come back and do this shit all over again until we learn the lessons put before us. We can't learn anything if we sit and cry about every damn thing that's wrong and worrying about what others are doing or want us to do. You people can have that low vibe bullshit because I don't want to be low vibrating or have to come back to be this person surrounded by damaged goods that choose to be such, and fight tooth and nail to remain that way while complaining they are that way. No amount of booze, delusion, or drugs, illicit or otherwise, can fix any of you. Fix your own shit and stand up to take accountability for the resultant actions crawling out of your shit. We're the only species that does this dumbness, yet we want to claim dominion and intelligence over all. GTFOH! But what should be expected from the controlling, greedy, horny, selfish animals that humans are? Listen to this episode and get your shit together. Not just for you to be a better turd, but to be a softer one to others while they deal with their bullshit. Only then, can we help each other crawl out of the toilets we created to live our lives swimming in, full of our own and other people's shit.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/22/23 • 17:09
Connect With E Here!I’ve been called narcissistic, obnoxious, and more, but everything I say comes from a higher place of knowledge. I was put here to be the Universe’s vent of frustration. Through our fears, greed, and insecurities to name a few, we've fucked up so much beauty and perfection in us/the world that the regency has peaced out, and are forcing us to fix this shit ourselves. Even the Sun has gone on hiatus, as to why we're seeing solar events that haven’t happened since time immemorial. Our own creators have given up on our redemption. We're going so far in the wrong direction that we must reverse to course correct. My job is to help get the evolution wheel turning forward, by any means. My candor is that means.Holding on to people/things over their appointed time of serving their purpose on our journey makes them more difficult to let go of as we are naturally averse to relinquishing comfort and familiarity. It’s just another stone thrown into the discomfort pool. We lose the comfort in building ourselves as individuals and pruning our energetic branches during our 'rest and trust' time. We're so used to noise that when we're forced into discomfort, we still crave the punishment of the noise as opposed to the comfort of the silence. We fill these times with inducers to feel anything familiar again. To feel the comfort that’s already within. We don’t need anything external when we're created perfectly. We have our endocrine and immune systems that activate our physical healing process. We have innate healing abilities for emotionally-charged traumatizing events, also. If we ask our physical bodies not to heal when we break something or catch a cold, we end up with a gangrenous limb or dying of pneumonia or TB. We need to reconnect with our souls and get back in touch with the cosmos yesterday.Humans have spent millennia being stuck in an alternating vortex of control and self-punishment. We're following something that's a tainted version of the truth. Humanity has been living in a tutorial far too long. It's time to start playing for real as we are up against the cosmos this round. Our souls are being called to fight in this good v. evil warfare and most of us are unprepared for it. Read whatever cutesy books, videos, or check in with your spiritual advisor(s) but the work, you must get your ass down in the trenches and do. We have to get out of the social habits we've developed and evolve into our own persons. We're individuals trying to be like everyone else. That stops today. There's too much heavy shit buried in humanity, and we need to unearth it for our collective healing together. Only then, war, famine, poverty, racism, and everything else negative will end.Respect and honor the God in each of us. Respect each other’s temples by not: knowingly poisoning us for profit; placing bullets in our temples; telling women what to do with our temples; or, otherwise desecrating something godly, that doesn't belong to you, for personal gain (of further negative karma). Our temples are our own.We all have unlimited potential. We should always strive to reach that nonexistent end so that we can help others do the same. People must want to be infinitely limitless. If they don’t for whatever reasons they have, they must deal with the ‘UniversaSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/20/23 • 17:15
Connect With E Here!Remember, repetition becomes habit. This episode brings everything full circle. We end these points (listen to "Pt. 1") right where we began. Fears, or those unreal thoughts, we created at some point in our lives that tell us that we aren’t good enough or worthy of something new, different, or that great was born from fear of failing at being great. Fear makes us think things like this about ourselves when we know we can flourish in anything we attempt to accomplish. Fear is just a disease of the mind that we need to cure ourselves of, simply by remembering how great we actually are and if the world is presenting something for us to try, then it’s for us, bitch. Stop the crying about what you don’t have and thank God every minute of every day for what you do have and how far you’ve gone getting there. Roll around naked in those blessings if you have to so that you remember that you are worthy and you can accomplish even more. No one can take your worth but you – by gift or by sorrow. Always question your fears. Ask where they come from and why they are there. At the beginning is, almost always, trauma's end.With knowing that we have to be 100% better for ourselves, why do we settle for 99% and feel like the remaining 1% is too much for us, or that we are undeserving of it? We have been conditioned to believe we should be happy to be peasants as mediocrity is sacrosanct. Just like we have been taught opposite the truth for millennia. To move out of mediocrity, we have to accept and embrace our passions at 100%, so that the energy from that passion will bring in all blessings abundant. To which, then, we are pushed into our greatness. It's okay to accept 100%. We were made complete. No holes, no flaws, just perfect. Our egos screwed that all up. We can accept and grow back into unconditionally loving ourselves and each other just by being 100% true to both. (Un)Poetic that Justice.This is why I had to separate these 2 episodes. I spoke nonstop because y’all are annoying. It’s a continual message that everyone not acting and living in and from their authenticity will need to hear. I wouldn’t have to be this kind of a messenger if less people needed to hear this shit. Rolling my damn eyes.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/15/23 • 14:02
Connect With E Here!Fear and procrastination is what keeps most people from realizing their purposes and allowing love in, especially to themselves. Whatever your soul’s purpose and (re)connecting to it, getting up today and acting within its goals and power is paramount to everything that is your human experience, with that (re)connection at the very crux of your healing process.Do you know that you must water and tend to your soul’s passion, your duty in this life, constantly? Don’t water it once and expect it to grow into anything useful. It has to be maintained - pruned, watered, ego-stroked, threatened, loved, etc. What're you doing for your soul's purpose? Are you heeding its call or are you sending it to vm every time? Our soul's purpose just doesn't go away because we ignore it. It constantly cries out to the Universe for help escaping its imprisonment inside of you. That's when we start to see chaos and confusion in our lives. We can't focus on our passions since we are consistently tasked with the life we created and the bullshit that comes with it.So, what do we do? We do the thing we can control. We control what/how much we drink, smoke, sniff, or, otherwise, inject into our temples. We claim that everything is stealing our happiness and joy when we, in fact, red-tag special give it away. We don't put the effort into fixing and growing, but we'll give both kidneys and an ovary or cojon just to avoid facing anything; all while attempting to put out the fire(s) we created with 100-octane gas. We do so much, yet not really doing anything in our own Queen's race. We have to step back on course and conquer each "no" or obstacle with an attitude that "yes" has already happened; lest the obstacle be just another leg-day hurdle we conquer but don’t fully understand.Increase your levels of happiness. Hug yourself. Kiss yourself. Masturbate. Whatever you have to do to increase the magnitude of your positive energy that pushes you into your greatest self on your individual soul pathway. Don't be content. Be infinitely fruitful and giving. Don't ever underestimate yourself, your worth, and your abilities. We all are mighty in our own ways; albeit, not in the way the world teaches us. If women wholly believed what the world, rather the patriarchy, said, we would still be having men drag us along bumpy roads by our hair (now, it's by our uteruses). We also wouldn't be able to read, vote, have businesses, careers, or have high-level jobs in finance/legislature/politics/…anywhere. As this person within & where I am on my soul's path, I bring the conference room and every damn mahogany table and tufted Victorian chair in it. My royal presence welcomed by a few bottles of Isabella Islay or 1928, '35, or '66 Chateau Lafite served from a Louis XVI buffet flowing like the Nile through the room, as I stretch my royal ass out on a beautiful, plush hand-carved Rococo chaise longue for everyone to study me like the untamed Lion in the wild I am. What I’m placing down on my Napoleon desk is true balance and reciprocity. I've the soul of a great regal Lion that's the masculine embodiment of strength; but, the ever-powerful, omniscient, yet humble, feminine that I physically embody is the balance we all need to equally possess for the healing of both, so that it can be shSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/9/23 • 11:07
Connect With E Here!Doing whatever that brings you joy has to be real. It can’t be something unconducive to successfully ending this part of your soul's journey with completed tasks. It cannot be an addiction that is not a result of your passion. It must be something that genuinely brings your heart happiness and joy. You can’t reach your goals high, drunk, gluttonous (unhealthy relationship w/ food), greedy (money & power), and full of negativity. When I say, “It’s all you have to do,” I am not degrading the value in the actual struggle it takes to shed old habits, people, and things. I know it’s hard to extract lifelong or situational pieces of us and toss them away like they never existed or had an impact on the person that we are in that moment. It's just past the time for humanity to heal and let go of all of their bullshit. Enough of the excuses, the cutesy ways of doing things so that we feel the least, and only dipping our toes in the sea of healing instead of full-on diving in. It's time to do real work, and stop bullshitting and fighting our ways through this existence. It's real and it's here, now! Just like your internal struggles. This lesson works like a vicious uroboros. We can’t become stronger in being able to let go of our attachments, which we shouldn’t have in the first place, if we do not have practice in letting go. In this two part lesson of equal significance, we foster growth and invigorate our strength while learning the flow of letting go to receive; with the full after effect being our complete and pure happiness. Letting go allows us to shed weight that wears us down the longer we carry it. This process of letting go becomes effortlessly easy once we swallow the biggest rock...letting go of not letting go and making yourself subservient and vulnerable to the discomfort. Embrace the discomfort and feel the flow of lightness and joy follow in-kind.Some of our discord is in the struggle to accept the change in living our lives without that person or thing. Beings with any level of emotional intelligence don't like loss. This lesson of letting go falls right onto the grief collision course some people find themselves on for longer than they internally need to be. Other soul-level discord comes from the simple existence of change itself. Change can be traumatic for some, especially with the hardest part of letting go. However, it is inevitable. Our souls are continuing their tasks, but their hosts' earthly, ego-fueled, material minds are in the way. We all have unlimited potential. We should always strive to reach that end. Don't be a mediocre lump.If you’re happy being coal, then so be it. That just means your job here may be to be the best damn lump you can be. If you're not happy with being just another grumpy lump in the world, then let's work together to get you pass mediocrity and up to your highest potential. The world needs the highest you for humanity to be our highest us.Repetition becomes habit. When I reiterate points, it is so that it is listened to, not just heard. Our minds tend to focus on the odd, so hearing something against what our brains perceive as a normal event pushes that thing front of mind. You always know that you always know.Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
2/3/23 • 04:06
Connect With E Here!This fast-paced, verbally offensive episode is to get you all pumped and ready to tackle yourselves - your inner selves. Along with all of the pain in this world, I feel God’s frustration with us, and Her and the rest of the Divine Council’s) wtf energy. What exactly are we doing? Ask any person this and the answer is usually a mess of I don't knows and head shakes. We're killing, poisoning, and doing many other low vibrating things to each other. Companies and the 'healthcare' system are raping and killing us into early graves; and, our government, no matter who’s running it, is the most piss-packed litter caked in the corner of the litter box I mentioned in another episode. Galatians 6:2 says we must lovingly carry each other's burdens, but not if there’s a hole in the bottom of the litter box. With that, one would only be leaving a trail of your mess for others to step in or have to clean up. This is humanity's life, what we do in it, and how we affect other people’s lives as we continue using the litter box as if it’s self-cleaning. We need to rise above this mentality and way of being so that we can be our greatest for others, then to make our higher selves proud in so doing.It's common knowledge that people’s lives are their own as is their decisions, but I'm referring to helpful info that's requested. If one asks me for intuitive info then doesn’t take advantage of the info, they can’t rightfully complain to the Cosmos when the outcome is exactly what they didn’t want. We spend our lives looking for the right ways & strategies to make life easier. We get blessed every day with bits of serendipity that includes people brought into our lives to help us navigate its trials; yet, we are too blind and ego-fueled to recognize them for what they are. We ask God if She’s there, but we don’t always like or listen to her responses. We’re acting like bratty children here. We ask questions then we close our ears when we don’t want to hear the truth. It’s one’s lesson to learn through every trial’s triumph or loss, but the consequences are to be met with embrace and understanding, not complaints and sorrow. Although we have adapted to deep mistrust of anything different in the world, we are given cheat codes on our journey. The very things we ask for in our prayers but we see them as opposing what society wants and don't follow through - even when it's for our highest good to bring our highest selves to the "fixing humanity" party.We need to look deeply in a mirror or step outside of ourselves to see who we really are. We've to shed the unnecessary bulk we add to our lives so we're not making other's lives as ours. We're meant to live simply and be happy, not slothing around in every day misery. However, we need to recognize when we're the cause of our own shit. We clog our own toilets then feel our world has ended when we have run out of places to make shit deposits. When do we look at ourselves and be in full honesty with that person to unclog our thrones? Be above reproach with that person. They should be honored to know you, your highest self. Get off your pots and be the best of that better person. Remember, no one’s life you are supposed to touch will evolve if you are full of shit – your own bs and low vibe energy. ThSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/8/22 • 16:41
Connect With E Here!Omnipresent love comes in many forms. Don’t be the doctor who sends sick patients home because of their inability to pay. You find every technicality in the book to justify doing it. That patient then goes home, and dies. You've knowingly & willingly killed them. This isn't love of your fellow brothers & sisters. Do you feel good about yourself at the end of the day? Did you think about the impact it'll have on the loved ones of the decedent; or, rather, do you care or have full regards of your actions’ effects on people you don’t even know? Although, we shouldn’t have to pay for love, it’s nothing wrong with a good neighborhood $2 hoe or $3k Vegas slice every now & then. Just don't go to the doctor above if you bring something home you can't get rid of.Homosexuality in the Bible isn’t explicitly clear. We've many books that mention marriage referring to male & female roles, but books like Romans & Leviticus that speak of “immoral sexual behavior” being an abomination are all someone’s misrepresentation and conjecture on what God wants. When Paul wrote his letters to the Romans condemning homosexuality, he had an agenda to get a prestigious seat at Rome’s church table. We've to remember the Romans were trying to convert everyone to Rome’s version of Christianity (early Catholicism) and condemning those who were not obeying, like the non-Christian Jews, and killing them. So, we're supposed to listen to this as God’s word when it's a self-serving man’s vision of how the world should be by his own agenda and biases, as well as his support of the force and violence used to get people to convert? Have we not learned anything in this country’s past 400 years of small-minded people thinking that other human beings should be what they deem them to be and said people should be graciously accepting of that vision, while whosoever disagrees are lesser human beings met with death; or, the consistent news of Catholic clerics ritualistically practicing pedophilia and other “immoral sexual behavior”, then it all being swept under a rug because of their positions in the church? None of us should base our lives on what some rando wants that’s not exactly what God truly wants. This is what we need to break free from, as we are all free people! We should honor the truths delivered directly from God but be wary of those that come from any human in a mass control attempt – an act that still lives alive and well in general society and the Catholic and other Christian churches.God doesn't condemn people for acting in love despite what any human has to say about how that love is shown, especially when we're following God’s main tenets on how we should love and treat one another despite our differences. She also did not call on any particular person to make these rules on her behalf, specifically not in the way of murdering people who do not fall in line. If God comes down here and verbally says it’s a horrible thing, it's individual souls that'll be judged by God on their own. That’s none of your business, hoe.In the past 2 years, almost everyone has lost people they loved. The very basis of grief is love. I’ll fully talk about grief in an upcoming episode but it's just as relevant to love as death or loss is toSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/5/22 • 11:15
Connect With E Here!This episode applies to everything from abortion rights, bigotry, to love and lots of things in between. In the examples I used, people who beat the odds are showing others in the world that they're not alone and it's very much possible to ascend above antiquated thought patterns in our society, and live a full, loving life despite being in a world that’s fueled by hatred. So, soaring above all the madness that exists in this world is paramount to humanity’s continued evolution and success, especially those full of hatred of any human being that doesn’t look or think like them.People try to knock blocks off of people’s Maslow’s, the very basic things every single human being is entitled to simply for being born on this earth, just to suit their inane bigotry. If you are this type of person trying to control people’s lives, pony up those coins bitch. All people are just trying to live, and some people’s foibles should be nowhere in anyone’s individual life equation.Do you fear things that you don’t understand? Just because you don’t believe in something, fear it, or have never heard about it, doesn’t negate its existence or value, especially to other people. Simultaneously, we have to ask whether that thing we don’t understand or misunderstand comes from religious belief contradiction or a place of hate because we don’t like what’s different for/from us in whatever category of person (homosexual, different race, lower class, other belief system, etc.). In any case, it’s not coming from a place of love, but it could very well come from a place of fear. All beliefs tell us to love one another. One can’t truly love as one says they do if there is hatred for another. We shouldn’t respond to different/unfamiliar things with hatred and other negativity. In being the perfect hypocrites, try asking yourselves, WWJD. Would he ever deny those people, or anyone, love? Would he hate those people enough to kill them daily in droves? …and, every other question one can ask about Jesus’ actions in today's society. Since some “Christians” ride the Bible in their condemnation rodeos, here’s something they can fall on:“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 KJV Our blinders and idiosyncrasies can stop people from living their best lives. It's no one’s “right” to piss on someone else’s God-given path. Being a bigot, judgmental, or in any way unhelpful to people you don’t even know, only hinders your own growth and stands in the way of your happiness. What other people do, or who they are, have nothing to do with you. It’s your own degeneration and misery that is your roadblock. No one is trying to take away anyone’s privilege as if this is elementary school. So, please, grow the fuck up. Everyone on the playground just wants to be treated fairly like any other human being, as is a very basic thing to do. Be better human beings and let others be that, also, in their own way. We all expect other people to leave us the hell alone and let us live, but there are some who feel they have been imbued with the power to make decisions on other people’s bodies and lives. Women already deal with chauvinism; andSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/4/22 • 07:03
Connect With E Here!Forgive my voice here. This was a busy day of fussing at people and recording multiple episodes about the dumb shit humans do. 2 Timothy ch. 2 explains everything we need to know about our lives and finding our Soul’s purpose - what we’re here to do. We must know that the resurrection is symbolic of our own evolution. Jesus shed the old life and moved on to eternal life which is in God, as God is within us - The I AM, straight like that. He was ridiculed and chastised as we know, but as he hung strong and in his light, he said fuck y'all low vibrating hoes. The resurrection, in its simplest terms, is we need to shed this old zombie life we stagger through every day, and live in our strongest, brightest light while working in one’s official capacity here so we can live eternally in our highest form once our job is done. Our souls are tethered to a higher power that is trying to lead us in the right direction. Yet, the ego is steering us wayyy left.We all have a job to do, so get that ass up, stop hitting snooze, & get your ass to work. You likely begrudgingly hit that snooze button every morning because of that disdain I mentioned in other episodes; lack of sleep due to anxiety, depression, or a jacked up circadian; or, just not liking your shitty minimum wage paying employers for a myriad of reasons, to slave every day to make someone else fat, happy, and rich. So, create a life where you won’t ever need, or want, to hit the snooze button. The only good reason to hit it is due to going to bed too late from having a too raunchy & sexy yestreen; although, there is no such thing as anything being too raunchy & sexy in my raunchy & sexy gutter mind. Look into your darkness and pull out your light. Discover your passion. It’s usually right in front of us but our minds & views are tainted with everything else. We aren’t acquainted with or don’t see our good, but we know quite well all of our bad - what it looks like, what it’s called, & what color thongs it’s wearing next Tuesday. Switch your focus, and your life will markedly improve almost instantly. Stop being a trash magnet and attract beauty, happiness and light.Torture is only fun when there's more than one person. So, if you are a masochist, continue on by all means. If not, then you need to step out of your comfort zone and be different in your own life. Stop living for everyone else until you have embraced and fortified your foundation and reached your apex. Right now, most of you are wandering around life like the walking dead, literally. Look in the mirror as if you are a stranger and ask yourself who you are. Who are you? If you mention things like work, family, friends, etc., then start over. You are asking who you are not what/who you are to those people or things, and whatever other irrelevant positions you play. As I said in my book, people are everything from a coworker to a parent or spouse to a child of someone, but most people couldn’t tell you who they are outside of those ways of being, considering those ways are for other people. Some people may find their passion in their life's warm-up exercises. The end is often found at the beginningSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/4/22 • 12:47
Connect With E Here!I knew very early on what my path was, but it took the following years figuring out how to best live out that path and pinpointing the best route to take on it. It took lots of dealing with dirty, selfish people, psychological suffering, and internally dying and healing repeatedly (my cycle of resurrections) to achieve the level of enlightenment that I have. It's all for my soul’s purpose to bring service to others. Ginormous, earth-moving surprise, I actually hate talking about myself, which is unusual for a Leo. It's to show that everyone can reach this point of needing and wanting the same for others. It isn't impossible nor an insurmountable task. No matter what a person goes through, it's not meant to stop them from living and finding their purpose. It takes real work that we don’t want to do since it requires us to face the demons we prefer to keep hidden. Let those bitches out, face them, embrace them, then send them back to hell and weld the portal. We have to face them to become our best selves and live our best lives in our fullest potentiality. I talk about myself to put things into context to show that I'm one who practices what they preach with a firm knowledge of the information I'm giving. This is what society requires so I'm just giving the ridiculous superficialities people feel are necessary in a world we all despise.Perfecting one’s self for their calling, generally, isn't a sin or taboo. It's absolutely necessary, but we've been brainwashed to believe that we should settle, not make any waves, and not want to be the better versions of ourselves we need to be for the rest of humanity. We absolutely must do this if we're going to find our passions and follow them. Our passions always lead us back to ourselves for the sake of the people in our close communities and the rest of humanity. Ipso facto, shitty people aren’t usually good people to follow, have in our environment, or seen as reliable in their claims of altruism in their actions, so it only makes sense that we need to be lighter, higher vibrating people in order to be the change for ourselves and the world that we want to see. The saddest part of this is when people don’t think their low vibe energy and negative habits and thoughts have nothing to do with other people. This is the baseline problem in the world and many of the selfish reasons why we are where we are. Low vibe people can siphon energy from higher vibe people as well as lower their vibrations unintentionally, even when people attempt to protect themselves from it. It happens most with the people we care for, thinking they are perfect as they are and higher vibe people are wrong in their thoughts about the lows they love. The tether of love is the way this happens. It's a constant connection that can always be used as a line to feed on any positive energy or to share the lower vibrating energy one possesses. Additionally, negative energy in itself can’t bring light energy on a large scale. If you have a stock 3 or 4 cylinder car, you can’t expect it to run quarter miles around a stock biturbo 8, 10, or 12. We have to be good people made of our purest light to bring beautiful light to others to help them illuminate others in their lives. So, clean the shit from youSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/2/22 • 39:19
Connect With E Here!We have a tendency to self-sabotage ourselves then develop immensely paralyzing blockades to growth and well-being that we call fears. For example, some people have a fear of Mondays. Not just the typical, “Mondays,” but high anxiety-fueled fears about a Monday. It’s called lunaediesophobia. Things that give us extreme anxiety or make us relive any trauma gives us the most irrational fears. Going in to the place that gives us the most angst lends to the anxiety or despair we feel as the weekend winds down. We fear facing the negative mental and physical feelings and the torment that these things conjure up. However, we actually have total control of every one of our situations that we actively choose not to control. Sticking with our example, we can’t change our coworkers’ behaviors and habits, and we may not even be in a position to change our jobs in the immediate short term, but we can change our perspectives of/how we deal with it until we find a more pleasurable employment experience. After that work is put in, we will notice the fear of Mondays will fade. We will recognize that that wasted anxious energy could've been focused on maintaining a positive mindset put into changing our circumstances sooner. But, as with any of our experiences, there are lessons in them. Anything that comes in to challenge us is meant to push us in the right direction, and we have to choose the best outlook that's conducive to a healthy mindset and staying on track with living our best lives.Way too many people claim to be these extremely faithful people when they have all of these fears of every ridiculous thing. We should always remember that when it's our time, there’s nothing we can do to change that. It's, in fact, the only thing we absolutely cannot change in our lives. Thus, we must always live our lives to the fullest, irrespective of fears or anything external that counters that. We have to stop discounting our and God’s potential while living with fake faith. Those who believe in our Creators say they have faith in one breath then will say “but” and spew bullshit in the next. This isn't complete faith. You have to trust what the Universe has in store for you. You can't stop living because of your fake faith and fear. Bolster your faith and strength in upholding that faith. Your phony ass is flat out lying to God and to yourself. Then, will have the temerity to fake pray and genuinely ask why shit isn’t working out for you. Well, were you expecting God to give you what you want when you present Her with counterfeit love? If you unconditionally love yourself, you'll never have excuses, fears, and all the other unnecessary, nonsensical bullshit that people come up with. Anxieties and fears are solely to push us to be better, not to stunt us in our growth and living. So, stop fake being faithful and stop fake loving yourself and God. If everything seems to turn to shit, this is exactly why. So, love Source and love yourself unconditionally as you love the things that are comfortable but not necessarily good.This verse applies in many places. You will see. Fear is like an ouroboros that lies within itself, and is itself. “There is no fear in love; but perfecSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/2/22 • 05:12
Connect With E Here!Be advised, this episode was recorded in an office setting where I couldn't be loud & clear, so the second chapter is a little distorted but still audible, while the first & third are too clear, enough for listeners to hear my nose hairs swaying in the wind as I speak. Keep in mind I recorded the first few batches to come a year before I even considered being a podcaster, let alone an audio editor. Audio editing is a complete succubus bitch, so you all better enjoy this shit. Transcriptions are available because I care.Emotions have a molecular effect on our bodies. People who internalize more or have issues with maintaining lighter moods have a higher likelihood of health problems that can range from migraines to cancer. This, also, goes the other way for people who are always happy. They usually do not have as many health concerns, if any at all. People who have a hereditary disease or high predisposition to certain diseases will benefit most from maintaining happier moods as some of the chemicals that are released have a positive effect on bitch cells, like cancer. At every level, we are affected by our moods.The brain does its part in the body as the power center but how we think, how/what we feel emotionally/physically, etc. is different across every person. What works for one person may/will not work for the next when it comes to doctors/therapists, medications, etc. It’s so important that we be an actual functioning part of our own mental health treatment and wellness, and stop leaving it completely up to others to fix. Why should anyone be tasked with fixing your bullshit while you remain fucked up because you aren’t/don’t want to be active in your own damn process? Looking at oneself is difficult but we cannot allow someone else’s biased eyes lead our soul’s way. We must be accountable to/for our own soul’s evolution and progression. Nothing external will ever be able to help you heal internally. We must always refer to our own capabilities, strengths, & even finding closure, forgiveness, and solace in our traumas & weaknesses – all, to help us heal. If you’re on meds now that aren’t helping, talk to your doctor about changing them or tapering down/off to see how u do with switching up to more CBT/PT and less/no meds. If they don’t want to help you work through balancing your moods in a more natural way, find another doc that’s willing to do what’s best for you. That’s absolutely your right. You're not married to the first one you see. Albeit, good ones are hard to find and this is the reason most depressed people stay where they are in the downward spiral of the vortex.Fear is something we have manufactured as a race of beings. It isn’t a real, psychologically (emotional or mental) tangible thing. We cannot fear what we discover in our closets or our face(s) behind our face. We must make those discoveries so that we can evolve into our best selves. If we don’t, the face we hide will become our true face. I ask again, will we be happy with what we see? I put this here as a reminder to love yourself enough to not fear you.“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: Support the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/2/22 • 18:57
Connect With E Here!Life is about the journey and making it to the finish line, but there are things we need to do on that journey. If we run a marathon, we don’t just run. We still need to eat well days before, stretch prior, & hydrate during. However, we’re doing too much of nothing by doing a lot of busy work that have no real value to push us in the direction of our paths. I use “operating optimally” a lot in my episodes. It means that we are not vibrating at our highest energetically, mentally balanced, and physically free of internal restraints that stem from vibrating at a low plateau. We need to raise that benchmark and never plateau. There’s always room for spiritual improvement.When on a team, the only time you should think as an individual is when you are building yourself to be the best version of you that you can be to build your team to its best form. It is still a collective effort for each individual to grow as a master of their craft. Using football as an example, every lineman has their job of maximum skill improvement so that the quarterback can function in his/her position. And, that quarterback has to be their best at connecting and building synergy with each team member to advance the ball to the goal and each other on the team. If anyone lacks communication, athleticism, mental strength, etc., the entire team can fail. This is where individual acuity of their unique position is as important as being a part of that team. It is symbiotic and creates a realm of individual collectiveness. Overall, this is the very definition of team from the individual standpoint, and a team is only as great as the individual members of that group. Utilize your team so that you can be the best you can be in the group you belong to, and so that group can be a bomb ass team for humanity.It isn't selfish to use a teammate as a resource to build yourself up. As stated, it may be their job to be that person for you. I speak often about reciprocity, and this is one of those moments. On the receiving side of allowing them to play their position, that person can help you grow into the best you that is needed to impact the world. On the giving side, you are blessing that person with the needed opportunity for them to grow into the best version of themselves by helping you. The most beautiful example of reciprocity and teamship where everyone wins. It isn’t a one-way situation where you are simply taking and not giving anything in return. Not using the gifts of support people is a selfish act and works against you when you may have a conditioned mind of thinking that it is, in fact, a selfish act to use them for their actual purpose. You deprive yourself, the resource, and your team of all its due glory in growth by thinking you’re doing a good thing of giving back what the Universe is gifting you. That is a backwards thought pattern that needs to be trashed for an altruistic, collective thought pattern. You’re doing no one any favors and more harm than any good by being unwittingly but subconsciously selfish. You give by receiving, and vice versa. Learn and practice reciprocity. It creates balance in the energetic ether. And, most certainly, don’t forget to give of yourself in being a resource to someone else so they will grow to be a resoSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/2/22 • 09:38
Connect With E Here!Hola, everyone! The Androgynous King is here, finally. Don’t call me “them”. Call me by my name – the One. I'm going to take everyone on a journey untraversed by a great multitude. This is where you will be tackled with the choice of facing: your lower vibrating self or the face of the outcome of its work. Our lower selves have many hideous faces that show up in our nightmares and our daily lives. We can no longer hide or run from those faces. Humanity is overdue for its evolution. Look in the mirror as you listen to my podcasts, and ask yourself, “do I love this person I see; and, am I truly that person?” Well, enough about you for you right now. Let’s get on this roller coaster and start talking about the you for the rest of humanity... while I talk about me. The world is changing and so are we! Those of us who are awakened, or at the beginning of this process, are having a hard time trying to navigate through what's going on in the world from this new perspective. This, sometimes, can come in the form of new or increased mental health concerns that make life more confusing and difficult than it already is. However, this podcast is not just for people struggling to grasp normalcy; it's for anyone trying to make sense of our preordained reality. I will be helping everyone, no matter their situation, to understand this new way of being by candidly touching on subjects that affect everyone across the globe - such as, mental health, religion/spirituality, societal problems, the daily lives we lead, and many other difficult subjects we have a hard time discussing and digesting. And, how all of those things tie us together as individuals in one collective human race. We will work together to take all of this information and the inherent lessons in the events in our lives and in the world, and use them to heal as individuals first, then as humanity. But, be warned! This is not your typical wholesome, tough love podcast. You will learn how to tell your problems to go fuck themselves from a place of unending love. Most of our unresolved trauma stems from our childhood and compounded by life's events. When we have unresolved trauma after trauma, it erodes our energetic and mental strength. Then, we go to people who push meds on us to band-aid the symptoms but don’t really provide effective or useful methods to face and work through our mental duress and replenish our energies. We have to find and face our own individual pain points so that we can heal them. This will strengthen our energetic and mental foundations so that we are better fortified for our battle with the contemptuous whore we call, or that is, life. That bitch and I have had many run-ins, but following the Jesus Christ ideology (not the whole of Christian belief or the man, but his teachings and my Soul’s purpose), I subdued that ass. Now, we chill on cosmic beaches planning our work for humanity, together. You can, too, for your God-given purpose. So, leash and check your bitch, and see how she changes for the better. She, nor anything other than the omniscient Creators, should not be controlling you. Ever! Reins are my gift to humanity.Full notes will be added to my website foSupport the Show.Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.Book: Media & web: @weaverofmyweb
10/1/22 • 14:18