A journey through centuries of art history, pop culture and the human condition, centred on a frame-by-frame deconstruction of Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. Also an attempt to forensically examine the 48 hours leading up to when two of the hosts first saw Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. Hosted by Rabia, Felix & April. Season 4 coming in November 2027. Contact: artofblart2 at gmail dot com.
Close your eyes and count to ten.
11/10/24 • 00:08
11/9/24 • 58:27
She was born in spring, but I was born too late.
11/6/24 • 121:45
"You're not getting any younger." See the photo gallery on Internet Archive here.
11/4/24 • 146:39
Watch the George St Cinemas Supercut: YouTube, Internet Archive, OK, Google Drive.
11/2/24 • 124:48
Have we learned nothing?
11/1/24 • 137:26
Season 3 coming November 2024.
11/18/23 • 92:26
あの「ダイ・ハード」な男が帰ってきた!今度の戦場はラスベガス⁈ メタボ級アクション・コメディ!! 大型ショッピング・モールで警備員として働くシングルファーザーのポールは、警備運盟の総会に出席するために一人娘のマヤと一緒にラスベガスへ。すると、宿泊していた高級ホテルで美術品を狙う盗難事件にマヤが巻き込まれてしまう!セグウェイにまたがった彼は、メタボで低血糖の失神体質とも戦いながら、窃盗団に挑んでいくー!!
11/16/23 • 71:21
Be moved.
11/14/23 • 161:49
11/12/23 • 44:46
Dancing, music and books.
11/10/23 • 122:56
I'll take it.
11/9/23 • 86:36
"Remember: the real treasure is in your imagination." Check out Felix's sketches here.
11/7/23 • 187:08
"Well, look me over."
11/5/23 • 124:55
"The housekeepers are all good friends of mine. They let me know when the high rollers check out early, so..."
11/2/23 • 159:42
At 46:49, Paul Blart runs past a sign that says "AVICII."
11/1/23 • 112:51
Season 2 coming November 2023.
11/21/22 • 31:38
They called him the Shadowman. They said he was key to the whole film, a sign of dark forces behind the scenes. They were right.
11/20/22 • 42:33
"Daddy, look at the beautiful flowers. Can I draw on them?"
11/20/22 • 30:56
“This whole thing’s like a pool inside, like an indoor pool. Unbelievable.”
11/20/22 • 41:41
A Toyota Yaris pulls into the Wynn Las Vegas. Bert and Ernie wave at Marilyn Monroe.
11/20/22 • 82:22
Who is Maya Blart, really?
11/20/22 • 58:51
Paul Blart's mom is killed by a milk truck.
11/19/22 • 21:19
Hanscom Field runway. Crossfade to Burlington Mall food court.
11/19/22 • 31:13
North Korea. Julian Assange. Paul Blart.
11/19/22 • 45:32
Rabia has spent a year exhaustively combing over every frame of Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2. Felix has just seen it for the first time.
11/19/22 • 37:25
This is not a joke.
11/8/22 • 01:09