A weekly, solo podcast from Atlanta hosted by cartoonist Rick Baldwin. Part stand-up comedy, part one-man-show and part social project, this show blends humor with interviews, stories, facts and trivia. Outta Toon Podcast is the off-kilter roadmap for decent people trying to navigate an unpredictable world. New episodes every Monday.
Hi, friends welcome to a new Monday episode of the Outta Toon Podcast. How are you? I'm feeling good. Getting back into the swing of things. I've been burning a lot of incense recently. Does that symbolize that I'm creating a new atmosphere or covering up something? Perhaps I'm trying to cover up instead of accepting? I'm been reading and seeing a lot recently about how we become invisible to people as we age. Am I avoiding? Let's chat about it. Thanks for dropping by.
1/27/25 • 33:21
On this Monday of political history and activity, I come to you with an episode packed with a buffet of topics. Topics such as 8 year old Chinese guitar players, "Breaking Bad" astronauts, mysteriously popular facebook pals and pimento cheese sandwiches from the north. These are the kinds of things you've come to expect from this podcast. I don't want to let you down. See you soon.
1/20/25 • 33:21
The holidays are done but it's still a great time to set some goals! Give it a shot. Do some fun new things. I'm hoping to be more creative and more healthy this year. Here's hoping. Thanks for listening to the podcast in 2024. Let's see if I can make it even better in 2025!
1/3/25 • 21:42
This week I'm getting into some new jazz music, approaching strangers in supermarket parking lots and getting carded for being too old. Is this what the holidays are all about?? It's no wonder the Grinch's heart was two sizes too small. See ya next week friends.
12/19/24 • 30:30
Hey everyone! How's your holidays so far? Have you made cookies yet? Anyone made potato chips? I tried. Didn't work out the way I had planned though. I wanted to chat a bit about something personal here. Maybe you can relate. Maybe not. But it might be something you are battling too. Also, can you believe I once paid $11 to see Van Halen live? Those were the days, kids. See you next week.
12/13/24 • 37:50
It's Monday and we're heading into the holidays at full speed. Is it too early for decorations? I think I'm going to go with it. And in the spirit of that, I request you embark on a journey with me in 2025. Up for it? Let's see if we can. Listen and I'll explain. Be back Thursday.
11/18/24 • 24:14
Hey, Look! It's Thursday! Two shows in a week again! In this episode I discuss techniques people use who wish to control you. This in hopes you don't get controlled. Look out. Also, most of the albums are more interesting played forward so put on some headphones and enjoy. Thanks for popping in twice this week. Let's try it again next week!
11/14/24 • 37:44
It's the post-election episode and I discuss coping. Surviving. Even thriving, if we dare. How you doing? I'm taking a bit of a social media sabbatical. Backing off the news too. What are your plans for moving through the political fray? Maybe you could become at artist. A guy in Italy just sold fruit taped to a canvas for a ridiculous amount of money. Maybe I should try that. See you soon, y'all!
11/11/24 • 39:53
Hey, it's a short show. Second time in a row this podcast has referenced genitalia. What am I becoming?? Getting a chest cold. Halloween is coming up. Just wanted to check and make sure you are doing ok? Hope you get good candy in your Trick or Treat bag.
10/26/24 • 13:36
Welcome to the Outta Toon Podcast my friends! This week, Al Pacino declares there is no afterlife. This, from a man who did two Godfather movies after the original. Can we trust him? I participated in early voting with the rest of the seniors today. We're all in trouble, folks. Atlanta Pride was fun as usual. Let's get our Halloween on this week. If your name is Dick Wiener, maybe this isn't the best episode for you to listen to. Fair warning. See you soon, friends.
10/17/24 • 32:14
This week I'm fighting my Tennessee accent, battling my inability to remember things and hoping to help some friends and family affected by the recent hurricane. I discuss techniques for memorization and how to come up with a name for drugs you may have recently discovered. Seriously? That's what you spent all that time waiting on? Hey, let's try again in a few days.
9/30/24 • 30:08
On this Friday the 13th show, I discuss tea, classic movies and young, naked people. Nothing unlucky can happen to you now, right? You're welcome.
9/13/24 • 33:58
This week I'm freaking out at the process of ordering from Amazon. Is it better than going to the malls of the 70s and 80s? Well, no, but you take what you get, right? Do you have a favorite dog breed? If youve been listening for awhile, you may know mine so now I need to know yours. Drop me a Facebook post and let me know. Thanks for hanging out again. Let's get some autumn going soon!
8/27/24 • 32:02
This week I'm wondering about dating for older people. I don't know why. I'm not needing to date. But I suppose I'm just looking out for the elderly. Where are the best places to date? How are older people even making frends? I want to know this stuff. I've started planning for Halloween, folks. I'm planning on a Halloween story epidode of the podcast. Get ready for it and let me know if you'd like to participate. I'm still experiencing a bit of creative crisis. I will say, though, that I've discovered a secret about the creative life I'll share with you. It's mostly free. And fun. Those are always good things. See you next week.
8/16/24 • 40:23
Getting back into the swing of things this week and looking for a good formula for coffee. Do you have one? Do you have a specific coffee/water ratio for your recipes which you have developed over years of experimenting? If so, feel free to share. It's back to school week so I've been out buying three ring binders and new sneakers from Kmart. Eh. I guess the kids don't do that anymore. I gripe a little bit about politics on this show. Please forgive me. I won't do it again. I hope. See you soon...
8/8/24 • 36:25
Didn't expect a 3 month delay but, hey, we're back! What started as technical problems, turned into existential questioning and doubts. In the end, though, we made it through to a brand new show. Hope it was worth the wait. Let me know if you're still here...
7/29/24 • 35:15
It's the 100th Episode of the Outta Toon Podcast! For this very special show, I wanted to have as my special guest, my original podcast partner Cheri Brown. For those of you who don't know, Cheri and I started podcasting in 2013 and created the Life In A Kilt Podcast and This Epic Disaster podcasts together. We had a bit of a falling out a couple years ago but we recently patched things up so its a good time to discuss what happened and what's been going on. For those of you who know, well, you'll be happy to hear this show. Thanks for sticking with me for 100 shows, my friends. It's been fun. Let's keep it going, okay?
5/28/24 • 62:57
Greetings Tooners! I'm back from my Minnesota vacation and all primed for a new show. This week I discuss fasting, traveling with dogs, having an Orange Julius at the Mall of America, and being stalked way too many times for an ugly dumb guy. How have you been? Are you getting your house all decorated in festive display for next week's 100th Episode? I am! We're putting up our tree tomorrow! Can't wait. See you soon.
5/21/24 • 28:47
Hi friends! I'm heading out on vacation tomorrow. Taking our dogs but we're leaving the cats behind. Hope they're going to be okay. I'm a little anxious about it. Someone will be house sitting and checking on them but I'm still stressed about it. Got a lot of things packed up in my travel tote. It's not a purse! I swear! At least I don't think it is. Dudes are carrying purses now days. I guess it's okay. Right? Oh man. I'll let you know how it all goes. See you next week.
5/8/24 • 23:20
Hi folks! Welcome to episode 97 of the Outta Toon Podcast! We'll soon be at our 100th show! This week I give an update on life events, look at some strange people and happenings around the world and discuss how we are all artists. I was told this week that the podcast sucks, which most of us already know, so I tried to make this one extra sucky. Let me know if it worked. See you next week, friends.
5/3/24 • 33:00
I'm starving here. No food for 24 hours. No food or drink for the next several hours. Today is my colonoscopy. So much fun. Looking forward to a beer and fries though. Also, this weekend is the big birthday. Getting old is not too bad. Might as well celebrate it. I'll keep you updated. Thanks for hanging out, friends. See you again soon.
4/25/24 • 23:03
Greetings everyone! Welcome to episode 95 of the Outta Toon Podcast! We're speeding quickly toward episode 100 and I'm ready for it how about you? As I prepare to celebrate my birthday in a couple weeks I reflect on just what the heck I've done over my life. What have I accomplished? What have I learned? I've come to realize recently that I've only learned one thing about life. I think it is the actual "Secret of Life!" Fortunately, I share my knowledge in this very episode so you can now know it too. Sorry the episode is a bit long but it's the secret to life, people! What did you expect?? Geez. See you again soon.
4/16/24 • 48:56
Today was a total eclipse of the sun (FYI: There is a total eclipse of the sun every single moment in time, depending upon your location...). Consequently, some religious group assumed this would be a good time for god to do its business. So, how are you? Did you survive? Did you get raptured or eye damage? Hope not. I discovered a very strange thing about the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy" this week. Join me as I uncover the supidity of tons of people. I'm still digesting the delicious food from my first Ramadan Iftar. You shoulda been there. Join me next year. See you soon, folks!
4/8/24 • 37:28
This week I'm counting down one month until my Bedian Birthday. I need something cool to do for celebration. Any ideas? Contact me if you think of something. I've noticed that getting older doesn't mean you don't appreciate the beauty of the human body. Only problem is, no one wants to know. I want to let you know about a couple of awesome documentaries. Both entertaining and thought provoking. Also, have you seen my tape?
3/28/24 • 43:23
A return visit from pain has slowed me down the past few days but at this point everything seems to be looking up. I have new understandings about the body and also about who I am. Okay, yeah, this show is a bit metaphysical. Maybe a little spiritual. Not in a bad way, though. I'm having a cold one on this St. Patrick's Day, how about you? Erin go Bragh!
3/17/24 • 37:02
This week I tried AI art creation for the first time. Listen to this episode for the results. I kinda think AI has a promising future in the porn industry, including in some controversial ways. I've been getting back in touch with my "Philosophy of the Unfinished." It's something I starting working on a couple years ago and have been creating new art though its framework. Hope you are doing well, my friends. We'll talk again very soon.
3/6/24 • 39:23
An unexpected vacation brings up some questions, causes me to encounter some brutal facts and leads me to ask a few hard questions of my own. It's all fun though. Come join me and hang out for a few minutes.
2/21/24 • 34:46
This week I find out the secrets behind "We Are The World" and have a grocery store experience with an angel in a cowboy hat. That's all. See ya next week.
2/8/24 • 27:29
Today is a show about dinners with long lost friends, very late Christmas gifts to far away friends, chugging whisky and how I almost got thrown out of Mexico. Enjoy!
2/1/24 • 33:36
This week I'm reflecting on the last month and a half of non-stop pain. I let you in on what that feels like and some methods I've been using to deal with it. Other than that, I mostly talk about drinking beer and I ridicule some people's inferior god. Another typical show. Enjoy.
1/22/24 • 36:21