Join Rachel Mann, PhD, sacred activist, social scientist, healer and spiritual mentor and her amazing guests on her podcast, Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending Violence as they explore the multidimensional sources and impacts of violence and how we can end the cycle for future generations into an enduring peace. In these tumultuous times, it is critically important to continue to build a Great Wave of Peace on a planetary level. Destiny lines are energetic pathways of light along which humanity and the planet travels from the dimension of the soul at the moment of birth and on into this physical time-space continuum, and from there, into the present and towards the future. We stand at a critical turning point in which violence in all its forms, from subtle to overt, unfolds and escalates in every corner of the world. To heal and end transgenerational cycles of violence and build a sustainable world, we must expand on and even change political, societal, psychological, and medical solutions to include spiritual practices, tools, and wisdom. Building the fires of compassion into practical actions will have an exponential impact on all the challenges we face, including war, genocide, racism, oppression, climate change, poverty, and economic justice.Tune into interviews with: Chris Saade, a psychological and philosophical teacher, trainer, life coach, and author of Rebellion of the Heart: Deep Authenticity, Bold Love, Passion, Strength, & Global Solidarity, and a new 6th book with co author Mandy Bird, Tears Are the Source of Your Passion: The Power of Authenticity & Grief( .Mandy Bird, LCMHC Mandy Bird, LCMHC, licensed clinical mental health counselor, grief coach and specialist, speaker, and author of co author with Chris Saade, Tears Are the Source of Your Passion: The Power of Authenticity & Grief ( Harkin, Mystic Poet and author of Let Us Dance! The Stumble and Twirl with the Beloved ( Morton, Professor of Public and Community Service, Providence College, Board Members and Volunteer with the Nonviolence Institute, and author of Getting Out: Youth Gangs, Violence and Positive Change.And others....Social activism is as sacred as our beloved world is to us.
Rachel interviews author, shamanic healer and teacher, Christina Pratt, founder of the Last Mask Center about the importance of healing trauma, our ancestral lines, and the initation of our young into spiritual adulthood. She discusses how the resistance we feel both individually and collectively to undertaking the steep incline to what she calls spiritual adulthood both normal and yet must be faced if we are to create a world of peace.Christina Pratt is a healer, author and teacher of exceptional clarity, humor and practicality. At the Last Mask Center, which she founded, she is pioneering new shamanic techniques to deal with complex trauma, the healing of our ancestral lines and initiation of our young into spiritual adulthood. The Center offers healing sessions, online classes and in-person retreats. She is the author of The Encyclopedia of Shamanism and the host of radio show, “Why Shamanism Now?” She can be contacted through the website Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
6/28/24 • 55:22
Rachel opens the floor to the indomitable, inspiring and wonderful P.M.H. Atwater, author of a dozen books, near death researcher and expert on the new children being born in these times, as well as a lover of life. Be inspired by the story of her life as she navigated the aftermath of several near-death experiences and was called on spiritual adventures and into fascinating areas of work. In a time when there is so much trauma and turmoil in the world, P.M.H.'s vitality, optimism and full embrace of her unusual life and calling is inspiring and refreshing in a time when there is so much heaviness in people's hearts. To order her most recent book, Edge Walker: The Many Lives and Deaths of PMH Atwater, click on this link. To learn more about her work, click on: Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/8/23 • 81:50
My heart weeps for my Jewish friends and all Jewish people in the wake of Hamas' attack on innocent Israelis and for all they and their ancestors have endured. My heart also weeps for innocent Palestinians who are caught in the grip of oppression and terror, as well. Compassion is merited for all concerned. Listen in as I grapple with the moral, geopolitical, and spiritual complexities of the unfolding war. How we can call out Hamas for its brutality, while holding an eagle's eye view of how through decades, an unending, transgenerational cycle of perpetration and victimization continues? How do we hold our shock and grief in a way that creates a healing vibration for all concerned and for all of humanity? Here I try to honor the pain and loss and call for us to find more creative, new solutions to resolving conflict and to creating a space of safety for all peoples. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
10/26/23 • 24:44
I love Payam. He is a man who lives in his heart and walks his talk. With all the many people offering entheogens, I know him to be a skilled and ethical practitioner. In our talk, we not only explore what healing is and how his work facilitates the transformation of trauma, but also how every effort spent doing this sacred work affects the whole planet in this time of peril and promise. Here is his website and read below for his bio: payam.comYou can also find this podcast on a variety of popular platforms at this link: is a Psychedelic Somatic Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practitioner and Medicine Carrier, who interfaces with various traditional and non-traditional psychedelic compounds in the treatment of trauma and chronic pain. He collaborates internationally with world-renowned Surgeons, Physicians, Psychiatrists and Therapists in the treatment of an underserved population. Additionally, he has presented his work at numerous medical conferences reporting on the nature of pain through the unitary Mind-Body paradigm while also demonstrating how to alleviate pain at the intersection of traditional shamanic psychedelic medicines and Western evidence-based practices. His work factors in the biopsychosocial (BSP), spiritual and energetic elements of healing. By acknowledging and addressing the totality of the human experience, he has seen firsthand how it can have a dramatic effect on mitigating the patient’s affective experience of trauma and pain.Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
9/13/23 • 64:22
The devastation and loss to the people of Maui in the wake of these terrible fires has penetrated the hearts and minds of all of us around the world. It is also just one more sign of how the climate and other processes around the planet are intensifying. Rachel offers her prayers of support for the people of Maui and reflects on how to navigate all of this intensity.Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
8/25/23 • 19:17
To awaken is part of our spiritual and human nature. Evolution is built into our DNA and our soul. Join Rachel here as she unpacks the controversial term, "woke" and redefines it as "awakening into a radical compassion for and kindness to all beings, stepping into service to heal our families, communities, nations, and the planet.” Hear how, according to new laws in states such as Tennessee, Florida and Alabama here in the United States, she has taught seditious, divisive content for years in her university and spiritual classes and why. Her university courses have covered topics such as the historical harms of slavery in the United States, of authoritarianism in the former Soviet Union, and the systematic genocide of Native Americans, theft of their lands, and destruction of their cultures. Students explore in a deeply personal way the dynamics of racial injustice, war, genocide, and violence. Even in her courses teaching the spiritual cosmology of the mesa tradition from the Q’ero people of the Andes in Peru, these topics are never far from my lips. Rachel shares the trauma-informed, healing, ethical, caring and gentle way she leads her students into delving personally and in community into the harms of history and the present with the goal of finding inspiration, building compassion, resilience, and wisdom. She reclaims "woke" as not simply sociological and political, but spiritual. Read the transcript here. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
8/8/23 • 26:24
Joe Weston, author of Fierce Civility: Transforming Our Global Culture from Polarization to Lasting Peace, shares his powerful framework for healing the world through and out of these times of intense conflict and polarization. He redefines the concepts of "fierceness" and "civility" in his definition of Fierce Civility: "An unrestrained zeal and furious, active determination to communicate and build relationships motivated by our highest principles, thereby igniting hope, honor and respect for each individual and the planet." Learn about how Joe proposes how to break the gridlock of stagnant polarization, foster healing and reconciliation, find new alliances, set the groundwork for inclusive, diverse collaborations, design new, resilient and sustainable solutions, while utilizing them as a blueprint for lasting peace. Joe Weston is an international trainer, author, lecturer, consultant, coach, professor, and—above all else—an advocate for lasting peace. With a career spanning 30+ years in the fields of conflict prevention, leadership, stress management, and communication, he is a highly sought-after facilitator for individuals, as well as corporations, government agencies and nonprofits around the world. He has been on a lifelong quest to understand the source of conflicts and polarization and to find solutions. This led him to develop a methodology called Respectful Confrontation. Through a network of 30+ certified trainers, and even more allies and collaborators in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, people from all walks of life have greatly benefited from Joe’s highly effective methodology—from corporate innovators and entrepreneurs, government agencies, INGOs, educators, healthcare workers, parents and young adults. He has consulted with NASA, the World Bank, Oxfam, Booz Allen Hamilton, PBS, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, KLM, The National Cancer Institute, The National Health Institute, The United Nations, and Mitsubishi Motors. In 2020, he founded the Fierce Civility Project, a nonprofit that further carries out the Weston Network’s programs and message across all sectors by helping others reclaim and reframe of concept of civility for the 21st century, activate deeper levels of civic engagement and respectful civil discourse, and break the gridlock caused by extreme polarization. Joe’s work with women’s rights and other humanitarian organizations in the Middle East and United States focuses on empowerment and leadership. He has also worked with various veterans’ organizations in processes of integration and healing, as was a volunteer facilitator for the Liberation Prison Project, teaching meditation and leadership to inmates. Joe is a the author of two groundbreaking books. Mastering Respectful Confrontation: A Guide to Personal Freedom and Empowered, Collaborative Engagement, and his most recent book, Fierce Civility: Transforming Our Global Culture from Polarization to Lasting Peace. Click here to order his books.For more information about Joe's work: more information about the FierceDestiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
7/21/23 • 67:16
Elizabeth Soltis shares with Rachel her passion for building heart-based, respectful relationships and authentic collaboration, often between diverse parties who might otherwise never connect or who may even consider themselves to be adversaries. Authentic Collaboration is a holistic vision that cultivates respectful bridge-building with self and others and Earth. She discussed how we are often hindered in this process by thought forms of competition, mistrust, competitiveness, defensiveness, power struggles and polarized thinking. Elizabeth shares her RELATE method and her experience working in diverse contexts for the United Nations. Her book, Authentic Collaboration: A Bridge to Meaningful Connection can be found at this link. Elizabeth the Founder/Director of Bridges Global, a social enterprise that supports leaders and groups with inner empowerment and outer bridge-building. By elevating the art of collaboration, people are better able to sense-make complex issues and discover creative, sustainable solutions. Her book entitled “Authentic Collaboration: A Bridge to Meaningful Connection” will be published in April 2023. In all sectors, Elizabeth has served as an organizational development practitioner, learning specialist, group facilitator, leadership coach and social change architect. When supporting change-makers, she is awe-inspired by the synergy of teamwork, the courage of vulnerable expression, the uplift of new perspectives, the choice towards alignment and the liberation that comes from living one’s heart truth. Her purpose is catalyzing transformation. For many years, Elizabeth has supported United Nations teams to strengthen their processes of learning, change and effectiveness. As a global citizen and advocate of social and eco-justice, Elizabeth has had the privilege of traveling to, working in or volunteering in over 80 countries. Elizabeth’s global experience is complemented by a Master of Arts (International Relations) degree, a diploma in Human Resource Management and certificates in Adult Education, Life Skills Facilitation, Empowerment Coaching and Shamanic Wisdom.http://www.bridgesglobal.netDestiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
7/19/23 • 55:49
Join Rachel Mann PhD for a restart of her podcast, Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking & Ending Violence. In this episode, launched in 2023 as the war in Ukraine and elsewhere continues and authoritarianism, oppression of others based on race, ethnicity, culture, religion, and mass shootings are constant, she speaks of a road less traveled, but still there--a destiny line to a Great Peace in the future. Learn more about what destiny lines are and how you can, through bringing all the wisdom, gifts, and knowledge from your own healing journey and spiritual study, contribute to this powerful momentum. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
7/13/23 • 33:53
Sacred activist, Chris Saade, author of and contributor to more than 6 books, including The Quest for Individual Authenticity and Global Solidarity, shares his reflections on the power of honoring our sacred wounds, finding our individual authenticity, pleasure and as a pathway to tapping into our individual authenticity and how this is the key to peacemaking worldwide. Chris Saade is an author, a psychological and philosophical teacher, trainer, and life coach. After years serving as a psychotherapist in private practice, Chris spent two decades training therapists coaches and the general public and two of his models, Integra: 6 Keys for Heart Centered Living, and The Quest for Individual Authenticity and Global Solidarity. Born in Beirut, he was involved in peace and humanitarian work for 14 years before and during the Lebanese war. The difficulty of those times led him to develop a great respect for freedom, authenticity, diversity, peace, and a passion for justice, and solidarity, especially for children. Chris co-authored his 5th book, Rebellion of the Heart: Deep Authenticity, Bold Love, Passion, Strength, & Global Solidarity, and a new 6th book with co author Mandy Bird, Tears Are the Source of Your Passion: The Power of Authenticity & Grief. He can be found at Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 44:56
In this final podcast of Season 1 of Destiny Lines, Rachel provides a luminous teaching about how just the act of coming into incarnation and breathing, you are in service in sacred reciprocity. She seems to dismantle the ways our world may lead you to feel that if you are not doing something big and grand, that you are not doing enough. Listen to this podcast and drink in the Love-Light that is yours, even as you go with Rachel as she leads you on an exploration of what your offering of sacred activism is. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 29:11
Rachel tells the story of how in her early 30s, she started through the onset of physical and mental pain, she sought out energy healing. A spiritual world opened up to her through which she learned to transmute her own suffering even as she was given visions and images of how to heal the traumas of past lives and of humanity as a whole. She shares how this made her understand on a visceral level how we are all interconnected and how there is a vibrational frequency of violence, as well as one of peace. Through sharing her own story, she hopes to inspire others to share their own and learn from them what their calling to sacred activism to peacemaking is. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 26:12
Jesse Crosson speaks with Rachel about his experiences as an inmate for 22 years in Virginia prisons and his perspectives on how there is better way to address criminal justice, a way that respects victims and prioritizes both public safety and genuine rehabilitation for offenders. He also shares how learning meditation and a spiritual experience when hitting bottom as an alcoholic radically changed the trajectory of his life and how such resources should be made available to all inmates. As he and his friend and colleague for the project, journalist, Courtney Stewart puts it, there's a better way to address criminal justice in a way that respects victims and prioritizes both public safety and genuine rehabilitation for offenders. He discusses why he believes we can be part of the solution.Jesse Crosson is a former inmate in Virginia correctional facilities, a writer and activist on behalf of reforming the way the justice system works and the way inmates are treated. While in prison, he received a degree in psychology from Ohio University. He volunteered as a mentor in the mental health treatment unit, he learned job skills taught programs, connected with other people, and as he puts it, passed on the love and support that was so steadily given to him by so many. Jesse was released after nearly 19 years in August of 2021, with a conditional pardon by the Virginia Governor, citing the fact that he had committed the crimes before the age of 18, was sentenced to twice the high point of the sentencing guidelines, and had made great strides to improve himself and help others while inside. jessecrosson.comDestiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 47:09
Rachel interviews Martin Winiecki, a lifelong sacred activist for peace, about his understanding of the great shift we are going through, including how and why at this time fascim has such appeal. He talks about the way people feel isolated and unable to show their authentic experience and their grief and so look towards leaders and movements that will give them a sense of this lost belonging. He discusses the fact that the system of patriarchy, white supremacism, and capitalism is dying. He enjoins us to gather together to hospice modernity through this transition by gathering together in transformational communities to imagine new possibilities and new ways of being together. He discusses how we can shift the psycho-social force field that entrains us into this old system through healing, addressing trauma in safe spaces, and through connection with the Earth. He gives a message of hope from a younger generation who are carrying forward the work that was started in the Countercultural Revolution.Martin Winiecki was born in Dresden, Germany in 1990. He has been politically engaged since his early youth. He completed a 3-year training in peace studies at the Tamera Institute in Portugal. Since 2013, he has led the Institute for Global Peacework to help establish a global network for Tamera, networking, campaigning, organizing international events and providing online education. His writings have been published in Kosmos Journal, TruthOut, CommonDreams, and Tikkun. Since 2017, he’s been engaged in raising the Defend the Sacred Alliance together with with Indigenous, social movement and intentional community leaders from around the world. Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 51:58
Rachel discusses with Rob Corcoran, author of Trustbuilding: An Honest Conversation on Race, Reconciliation, and Responsibility, about the power of trustbuilding to transforming misunderstandings, prejudices and even ending violence between groups. He shares how his work in Richmond, Virginia over several decades broke down barriers to interracial friendships and collaboration on projects illuminating and healing the city’s history of slavery. He reflects on the spiritual underpinings of the work in compassion and love. Rob Corcoran is trainer facilitator, Rydell writer, racial healing practitioner and international consultant, who has led workshops and dialogues among diverse and polarized groups across North America and in Europe, South America, Indian, Australia and Brazil. From 2006 to 2016. He served as US National Director of initiatives of Change International, a global network of people of all faiths, and social backgrounds dedicated to building bridges of trust across racial, religious, political and class lines. In 1993, he founded Hope in the Cities, the Initiatives of Change national flagship program based in Richmond, Virginia. His book,Trustbuilding: An Honest Conversation on Race, Reconciliation, and Responsibility is about this journey and the process. He was co author of a dialogue guide for President Clinton's Race initiative AND he consulted with the WK Kellogg Foundation in the creation of its national truth, racial healing and transformation enterprise. he serves on the UNESCO slave Route Project Task Force on Racial Healing, and the National Episcopal Churches Advisory Committee for Beloved Community Implementation. robcorcoran.orgDestiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 45:21
Most recently in Ukraine and in almost every nation around the world, we are experiencing the rising shadow of authoritarianism and increasingly violent rhetoric and conflict. Rachel speaks in this special episode of her podcast her reflections on the actions of Russia in Crimea, Syria and Ukraine based on the 15 years she spent studying the former Soviet Union with her BA in Russian Studies, MA in Soviet Studies and PhD in Slavic languages and literature. She weaves into her thoughts her understandings of how the shadow dimensions of human consciousness are being revealed from a spiritual, healing and shamanic point of view. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 34:17
Rachel shares her journey of discovery and healing as she unexpectedly met and studied with Native American teachers from North and South America, including the Q’ero of the Andes in Peru. She reflects on what these ancient wisdom lineages translated into contemporary contexts by both indigenous peoples and their non-Native students have to do with the potential for a great shift in consciousness in these times of crisis and change. Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/20/22 • 32:00
Rachel interviews Mandy Bird, LCHMC, and author of shares her view of why it is important to feel our grief to become individually authentic and know our purpose and take care of the world. While grief may take us to our knees, she teaches us what can we do with it so we are not destroyed in the process as part of caring for ourselves and the world! doing this is profoundly connected to feeling our oneness as human beings and, thus, to ending all forms of violence and oppression into peace. Mandy Bird is a licensed therapist in private practice for 30 years, a speaker and grief counselor who supports people working through trauma, grief, depression, anxiety, and loss. She began the radio show finding hope on E W. N Radio Network where she hosted notable guests who openly shared their passionate journeys of loss, joy, soul growth and leadership. This morphed into the Finding Hope podcast, which can be found on all major listening platforms. She is co-author with Chris Saade of Tears Are the Source of Your Passion: The Power of Authenticity & Grief. Mandy can be contacted at and found at Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/19/22 • 47:03
Rachel Mann discusses her fervent belief that healing personal, ancestral, and global wounds is central to harnessing humanity’s highest destiny lines to a Great Peace. She talks about her own journey of healing from PTSD due to family trauma and how it brought her in touch with her mission and purpose as a sacred activist, shamanic energy healer, and spiritual teacher. Rachel challenges a dominant belief in the world that we are destined to always suffer from betrayals, losses, and harms.Rachel Mann, Ph.D., is a sacred activist, social scientist, healer and spiritual mentor. Learn more at https://www.rachelmannphd.comDestiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/19/22 • 30:29
Join Rachel Mann, PhD, sacred activist, social scientist, healer and spiritual mentor and her amazing guests on her podcast, Destiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending Violence as they explore the multidimensional sources and impacts of violence and how we can end the cycle for future generations into an enduring peace. In these tumultuous times, it is critically important to continue to build a Great Wave of Peace on a planetary level. Destiny lines are energetic pathways of light along which humanity and the planet travels from the dimension of the soul at the moment of birth and on into this physical time-space continuum, and from there, into the present and towards the future. We stand at a critical turning point in which violence in all its forms, from subtle to overt, unfolds and escalates in every corner of the world. To heal and end transgenerational cycles of violence and build a sustainable world, we must expand on and even change political, societal, psychological, and medical solutions to include spiritual practices, tools, and wisdom. Building the fires of compassion into practical actions will have an exponential impact on all the challenges we face, including war, genocide, racism, oppression, climate change, poverty, and economic justice.Social activism then becomes as sacred as our beloved world is to us. Rachel Mann, Ph.D., is a sacred activist, social scientist, healer and spiritual mentor. Learn more at https://www.rachelmannphd.comDestiny Lines: Sacred Activism for Peacemaking and Ending ViolenceHealing is PeacemakingRachel Mann PhD sacred activist | healer | spiritual teacher | social
12/19/22 • 22:07