Show cover of Let's Talk to Animals

Let's Talk to Animals

Find out why animal communication is the superpower of the next generation pet parent and how you can tap in and use it with your pet!Have you ever felt like your pet is trying to tell you something important and you just aren't quite getting the message? Do you sometimes wonder if your pet in spirit is sending you signs but you don't trust that it's real? Have you ever had a veterinarian tell you that your pet is healthy but your gut is telling you something is amiss? Do you have an animal in your life and the bond is so deep you feel like you've been together before?Then Let's Talk to Animals is a must-add to your podcast playlist! 🌟Now in our fifth season, this popular podcast answers questions like: what do our companion animals truly want and need? What can you as a pet parent do when everything you have already done isn't enough to heal pet trauma, help pets get along, recover after pet loss, find your new forever pet? Is it possible for your soul pet to reincarnate back to you and how can you start that process? How do soul contracts work and how can you know if you have a soul agreement with your pet?Hear from pet industry leaders, holistic practitioners, energy workers, intuitive communicators and get your questions answered. Let's Talk to Animals truly is the podcast all species can enjoy together.Support Let's Talk to Animals!


Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨It's always so interesting to connect with prospective animal communication students and hear their fears or concerns about "what it takes" to learn this skill of animal communication....and if they have what it takes.If you have found yourself wondering the exact same thing, this is definitely an episode created just for you!I review six key traits that will absolutely determine whether you are successful AND how successful you will be.You will also learn what it is like to begin the learning journey and what to do when you encounter obstacles or challengesPerhaps most importantly, you will hear about what is waiting for you on the other side as you become fluent in this new interspecies language AND why I call animal communication the "best self-development program I've ever found."Animal Communication Adventure is now OPEN for enrollment! Learn more & claim your spot: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

8/14/24 • 49:12

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨What is pet anxiety? As a pet parent, it is common to worry that your pet is feeling anxious. But how much do you really understand about how anxiety shows up on different levels, whether what you are tuning into is actually pet anxiety and what you can do to help your anxious pet?This podcast episode is recorded as an aid and support to the companion resource Anxious No More: Helping Your Pet Find Peace in an Anxious World. 🌟 Download your free Guide here: episode is organized into three major categories. 1. Defining pet anxiety and the five different levels of pet anxiety. 2. Identifying three different types of anxiety that your pet may be experiencing. 3. What I look for as an animal intuitive when I am talking with your pet so I can determine if anxiety is at the root of their symptoms and what tools will work best to ease anxiety for them.You will also benefit from learning more about the highly sensitive genetic temperament trait and whether it is affecting your pet. 🌟 Access your free Guide here:🌟 Enjoy this past podcast episode about highly sensitive pets: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

7/31/24 • 41:40

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨The "how" of interspecies communication can still seem more than a little mysterious - even for professionals working daily in the field!In this very special episode, I invite Anna Anderson from Quantum Living Podcast to help us unpack the science - the real nuts & bolts mechanics - that make animal communication possible. Join us to explore questions like these:What does the word "quantum" mean?How does quantum consciousness work, exactly?What are the mechanics behind telepathy, a common pathway through which animal communication becomes possible?What is the significance of feeling a particular fondness or affinity for different animal species - for example, horses, birds, dogs or cats?What is the role of meditation and is it necessary to be an accomplished meditator to effectively talk with animals?What are four key insights from the field of quantum psychics that can further explain how the world really works?How can developing a meditation practice deepen insights into interspecies consciousness?If you want to take your experiences with quantum science further, Anna also has a very special limited time offer JUST FOR our Let's Talk to Animals community.10 discounted Quantum Shift single sessions for just $129 AUD (normally $257 AUD). FINE PRINT: Valid for two weeks until July 24. Sessions must be booked by July 24 but can be taken later.Anna Anderson is a Quantum Living® Coach & Teacher, Reiki Master, Spiritual Guide, Theta Meditation Teacher, Writer and Podcaster based in Melbourne, Australia.  Born with a strong connection to the Spirit World, with unstoppable curiosity since her early childhood Anna has made it her life's quest to find out how Life really works. Anna is the Founder of Quantum Living® - a holistic, Personal Transformation & Spiritual Healing Practice at the intersection of science & spirituality, helping people find self-empowerment and self-mastery, and connect with their Higher Self. Anna works with clients online from all over the world in her Quantum Shift personal transformation programs. She also produces powerful Guided Meditations, and is the Producer & Host of the popular Quantum Living® Podcast. Connect and learn with Anna: website – - – – - the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

7/17/24 • 50:26

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Every time I welcome a new group of animal communication students to my Animal Communication Adventure program, their greatest fear is the same.: "will I be able to hear my pet's messages?"I remember these fears well from my own student days. And - truth - sometimes I still worry, especially when I am communicating with an animal who has a quieter or more shy personality.Even if you are not currently dreaming of becoming an animal communicator yourself, as a pet parent, you probably wonder if you are receiving any messages from your pet. This can be especially true when you feel like your pet doesn’t feel well physically or having behavior challenges. And if you are parenting a rescue pet, you might feel especially concerned that your animal is trying to talk to you and you just aren’t getting their messages.This episode is focused on helping you learn how to feel confident that you are receiving messages from your pet. We cover:The two responses I hear over and over in my pet parent client sessions that prove to me you actually are hearing your pet directly! How hiring animal communicators to talk with my own pets helped me begin to trust in my own intuitive abilitiesThe most common reason you might not be understanding what your pet wants you to knowA little intuitive anatomy lesson to help you understand your doubting mind betterWhy now is the BEST time to begin developing your personal intuitive skills – to talk with your pets AND to improve your life in every other way as wellA few easy and fun prompts you can start to use right away to begin picking up messages from your pet and open up your intuition in every area of your lifeSupport the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

7/3/24 • 38:38

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨In this episode, I talk with Emmy Award-winning journalist, storyteller, podcaster and pet parent Nancy Aziz about her personal animal communication journey. Learn along with me as we talk through:How to move through initial disbelief or skepticism to find openness to intuition-based practices such as animal communicationWhen is the right time to invite an animal communicator into the mix to support your pet through challenges and various life stagesWhat to think through as you choose an animal communicator to work withHow to make the best use of the information an animal communication session may provide about your petAdvice, guidance and practical tips to guide you as you include animal communication in your pet parent toolkitWe also enjoy sharing stories about how animal communication has helped us in our mutual pet parenting journeys. 🌟 Find Nancy Aziz at Rover Says podcast:🌟 Catch my episode on Rover Says ✨Read Dr. Temple Grandin's book "Thinking In Pictures" ✨ the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

6/19/24 • 43:06

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨It isn't a small thing - making a complete change in career. But that pales in comparison to making a complete change in self-identity. Which is exactly what happened to me when I woke up one morning and realized I was meant to communicate with animals.In this long-awaited, long-overdue episode, I answer a listener question - how did I become a professional animal communicator? And what had to take place in order for me to find the courage, the trust, the support, the experience, to say yes to this bucket list dream?Learn exactly what happened step by step as I left one career and began another. Discover the behind the scenes and the temporary chaos it caused in my life and relationships. Begin to try on a dream career of your own for size as you listen to my story of following my heart.Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

6/5/24 • 48:07

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨I was tempted to title this episode "Whose Planet Is It, Anyway?" With fewer and fewer wild places remaining, sharing planet Earth with other species increasingly means sharing our urban spaces with wild birds, animals, insects and other species. These other species need the same basic resources we do - air, water, land. They need places to hunt and forage, meet mates, raise families, live their lives. This means your choices and actions can have a huge impact on the wild lives being lived all around you!In this episode, we talk through vital points to consider:Reframing concepts like "mine" and "yours" to consider the option of "ours."Taking a hard look at terms like "invasive species," "pests," "bad: or "good" animals.Rebalancing the taxonomic charts in light of our dependence on our artificial modern conveniences to meet our own basic survival needs.Using our knowledge as empowerment to use the home spaces we control for the benefit of all species.Remembering our own wild roots and using those as inspiration to share what we possess as equitably as we can.I'd love to hear your ideas for how human animals can help and support other species to get their needs met as they live their lives alongside ours! Drop a comment or send me a message to share your insights. 🩷Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

5/22/24 • 37:13

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Wild animal communication is one of the profound gifts that animal communication offers us, the human animals. Talking with wild animals offers up fresh possibilities that are (ahem) wildly under-represented in the majority of pet communications. Not only does the whole tone of the conversation tend to be different, but also the questions are different and the takeaways can feel quite different as well.In this episode.....Learn how animal communication with wild animals differs from the more typical pet communications I do every day. Hear stories of my conversations with wild animals from my volunteer experiences on Isabella Island in the Galapagos. Get creative ideas for how you can expand your communications with your personal pets here and in spirit.Discover how to start creating deeper conversations with the wild animals who share your home space.🌟 Intuitive pet parenting mini-course (mentioned in this episode):🌟 Animal Communication Adventure (mentioned in this episode): the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

5/8/24 • 46:48

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Are you a highly sensitive person? Does your pet have the trait of high sensitivity?   Dr. Elaine Aron pioneered research into the survival trait of high sensitivity, a genetic trait people share in common with over 100 other animal species. However, if you are a parent or guardian to a highly sensitive pet, you are most likely not aware that your pet has the trait. You may even think your pet is just overly anxious, reactive or poorly socialized due to past trauma, abuse or rehoming.  In today's episode, I talk with Jane-Marie, highly sensitive person and coach for highly sensitive people, about what it feels like to be a highly sensitive person in the world today.   We also talk through the process of identifying if your pet is highly sensitive. As a dog mom of two, Jane-Marie unpacks her journey to discover if one of her dogs is also highly sensitive.   In this episode you will learn:  The hallmarks of the highly sensitive person The DOES framework for understanding high sensitivity Self-care and coping strategies for highly sensitive people  How to help your highly sensitive pet de-stress and unwind Ways to find support as a highly sensitive being in this world  ✨ Jane Marie's website✨ HSP Community of Asheville, NC✨ Dr. Elaine Aron's work on high sensitivity✨ Free Highly Sensitive Pet Help Guide ✨Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

4/24/24 • 39:52

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Welcome back to Let's Talk to Animals podcast! This week we have a very special episode to introduce you to your personal pet parent light team AND your animal spirit guides!If you are missing your pet who has passed into spirit, you will especially want to tune into this episode because it offers you a very powerful way to reconnect and keep deepening your relationship.This episode also introduces you to one of what I call your "pet parenting superpowers." Because your light team and your animal spirit guides can help you work through all kinds of challenges with your pet such as health issues, behavior problems, trauma and anxiety, end of life planning and SO much more.In this episode, we cover:What is your light team?What kinds of things can your light team help you with?What are animal spirit guides?How can animal spirit guides help you?How can you connect with your light team and animal guides?Is there a difference between animal guides and animal totems?How can you simplify the process of asking your light team for help?And much more!Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

4/10/24 • 48:35

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Anxious dogs. Reactive dogs. Dogs bearing behavioral scars from past trauma, abuse or rehoming. Sometimes these canine quirks are easy to resolve. But sometimes our pets need more from us, their pet parents, to overcome quirks arising from selective breeding, high sensitivity, anxiety and other bumps in the road.When is one intervention, such as dog training or western veterinary care, enough? When is it time to look at other options such as holistic vet care or energy healing?What is the role of pet parent intuition in creating your dog's support team?How can animal communication be part of the solution for your quirky pet?I talk with celebrated canine experts Jess & Scott from The Quirky Dog about all of these questions and so much more.Find Jess & Scott at Canine Healing  Tune in to The Quirky Dog Catch my episode on The Quirky Dog!Enjoy Jess & Scott's "100 Quirky Tips" Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

3/27/24 • 54:07

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Traumatic pet death is much more common than most pet parents realize. The truth is, the grief of pet death - even under the most idyllic and ideal circumstances - is still under-appreciated in most parts of the world. And so resources for support and coping can feel few and far between. And for suffering pet parents who feel lost and alone, it can feel hard to express the depth of the loss - even to close partners and friends.The loss can feel even harder to bear when your pet dies in a way that leaves lingering questions, guilt, shame, self-blame and feelings that it should have happened differently.This causes many pet parents to stay stuck in a grief cycle where the traumatic experiences of their pet's death never get expressed or resolved.In this episode of Let's Talk to Animals, we focus in on life after traumatic pet death, how to recover and regroup and the role animal communication can play to help you find closure and healing.Specifically, you will learn:The definition of traumatic pet death - how to know this is what you are experiencing. The two levels of how we as pet parents interact with our pet's inevitable death and our understanding of why it happened the way it did.The opportunities available to you as a pet parent for finding grief support, greater understanding and reconnection with your pet in spiritThe role animal communication can play in bringing you the answers you seek and the closure you need to move forward in your life.✨Find pet grief support resources now ✨Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

3/13/24 • 50:40

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Pet reincarnation is a wondrous experience. But it can also bring up a lot inside us! This is especially true if you go into the experience having certain assumptions or expectations about what it should be like to live with your reincarnated soul pet.And it's hard not to have expectations or assumptions since, if you are like most pet parents, this is probably going to be your first time consciously welcoming your pet back in a new body!Recently a pet parent client of mine asked me if I ever still feel grief about my soul bird Pearl, who passed away a year ago and then returned to me 8 weeks later through pet reincarnation as my current bird, Petal.✨Listen to How Pearl Became Petal: answered, "Yes, absolutely!" So that is what this episode of Let's Talk to Animals podcast is all about. What is it really like living with a reincarnated pet? What if grief comes up (spoiler alert: it will!). I share six tips to navigate your first days and weeks of life with your newly reincarnated soul pet. Key topics include:- How you can start at the acceptance stage of grief and work backwards- What it feels like when your reincarnated pet gives you signs- The magical power of gratitude for embracing your old pet in a new body- The one key thing you need to say to yourself if you are grieving- The power of honesty in bonding with your reincarnated pet - Why it is so hard to be patient with the pet reincarnation processFall in love with your soul pet all over againGet your copy of "Love & Feathers: what a palm-sized parrot has taught me about life, love, and healthy self-esteem" 🦜 this episode with a friendPet parents need each other - share this podcast with a friend. 🐾Help me plan Season 5's contentLet me know what you'd like to learn next 🤔Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

2/21/24 • 53:39

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Pet death is the worst. In this episode, I give you actionable steps to take NOW to begin feeling supported, seen, connected, comforted, held and heard as you grieve and recover.Just a year ago, I was absolutely flattened when my soul bird of 24 years, Pearl, suddenly and without warning transitioned to spirit. This episode comes from that immeasurably hard place. I want to share with you what helped me move through that time and into a space where I was quickly able to welcome in a new animal life companion, Pearl's reincarnation, Miss Petal. ✨Listen to A Tale of Pet Reincarnation: How Pearl Became PetalKey topics include:What acceptance (of your pet's passing) looks, sounds & feels likeHow to start moving the toxic impact of grief out of your body systemMaximizing the times when repair of that traumatic impact takes placeRerouting unproductive thought-loops that don't help and are not true!Understanding "recovery" (hint: it probably isn't what you are thinking)Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

2/7/24 • 56:22

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨I hope you enjoyed part 1 of our two-part kickoff to Season 5 of Let's Talk to Animals! I have been known to joke that animal communication is the hands-down best life coaching program I have ever found. But I'm really not joking. Learning this skill has been so profound that I now divide my life into two phases: BAC (before animal communication) and AAC (after animal communication). Intuition has been a major driver in my transformation and I want that for you too. In part 1 two weeks ago, I shared 5 tips to begin to find, trust and follow your intuition. For part 2, I share 5 more tools to turbocharge your intuitive abilities in 2024.Key topics for part 2 include:The 4 pillars for deep intuitive transformationThe difference between sensing and mental knowingA simple way to ground yourself before making any major decisionsHow to make nonverbal communication cool againGet unclogged intuitively and have FUN doing it!✨Missed Part 1? Tune in now and grab my other 5 intuitive tipsSupport the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

1/24/24 • 57:03

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Welcome to Let's Talk to Animals podcast, Season 5! I'm so excited to dive into our fifth season together. I don't know about you, but 2024 really feels like a tipping point year. We have gone through so much over the last few years, interruptions, changes, losses, transitions, pivots, not to mention a whole lot of face-time with ourselves that delivered insights into areas you might have felt were best left alone.So here we are. January 2024. A whole huge shiny towering pile of 365 fresh new days to live and shape and experience. Maybe you are charging forward, filled with confidence and enthusiasm. Maybe you are hesitating, still feeling compromised physically, mentally and emotionally by the years just past.Maybe you are somewhere in between. But I know something that will help this new year full of chances and choices a much smoother ride, and that is intuition.Once I discovered how to tune in, trust and follow my intuition, I discovered I truly am not alone in charting my course, making choices (on my own behalf, on behalf of my interspecies family), choosing the most positive outlook even in really challenging situations. This is why I often (sort of) joke that animal communication is the hands-down best life coaching program I have ever found! I want that for you too. This kickoff episode for Season 5 of Let's Talk to Animals podcast is a two-parter designed to help you locate, tap into, activate, trust and follow your own inner guidance system - your inner, inbuilt GPS.Key topics for part 1 include:How to use emotion to discover the right choice to makeWhat to do when you think you are getting a "sign"The role of personal commitment to YOU in activating intuitionWhy giving is good, yes, but receiving is gold for intuitive livingWhy clarifying what you stand for is such a vital part of intuition✨Stay tuned for Part 2 in 2 weeks (early notification options are below!)Memoir of my life with my soul bird Pearl ❤️Life is just better when it's shared. I wrote a book about my life with my soul bird of 24 years, Pearl: "Love & Feathers: what a palm-sized parrot has taught me about life, love, and healthy self-esteem"Share this episode with a friendIf you enjoy this episode, share it with a friend who loves exploring intuition in daily life and using it to improve the lives of animals of all species. Leave us a review & share what you like most :-)It would mean so much if you would leave us a review on whatever listening platform you use (or over on YouTube if you prefer the vlogcast version). This really helpSupport the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

1/10/24 • 47:52

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Pet reincarnation is one of those terms that we as human animals often have strong opinions about. Sometimes those opinions stem from our upbringing, our social network, even our ability to dream bigger than the mind is willing to allow!In this follow-up episode to my story of how my soulbird of 24 years, Pearl, reincarnated to me as Miss Petal, I answer 5 of the most frequently asked questions I receive about pet reincarnation:What is pet reincarnation?How does pet reincarnation work? What is pet reincarnation like when it happens?What if another animal enters your life while you are waiting for your reincarnated pet to return to you?How can you start the process of inviting your pet in spirit to return to you in a new reincarnated body?If you haven't listened to part 1 of this two-part episode, be sure to go back and listen to that story as well - it fills in some of the details I refer to in this episode. :-)Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

12/20/23 • 47:19

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨In this episode we explore one of the most exciting aspects of the intuitive journey through animal communication - meeting your animal spirit guides!Different cultures and traditions call these non-human guides by different names - animal totems, spirit animals, power animals, animal angels, spirit pets. In this episode, animal communicator Shannon Cutts walks you through five different types of animal spirit guides and five different creative ways you can discover your personal spirit animal!As mentioned in this episode, the Why You Pick Me free tool can help you as well: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

12/13/23 • 53:06

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨This month is very special to my little flock. It is a month of death, rebirth and miracles. So it felt fitting to share our very personal story of pet reincarnation with you this month. I take you all the way back to my eight year old self, when I met the being who would reincarnate back to me not once, not twice, but three times. Earlier this season I shared about the passing of my soulbird of 24 years, Pearl. Now it is time to share the story of his return in a brand new body as Petal. This episode is part one of two - in our next episode, I will walk you through five of the most frequently asked questions about pet reincarnation that I get as a working professional animal communicator.And if you are longing for your pet in spirit to return to you through pet reincarnation, you will definitely want to listen to this episode to get a feel for the personal impact it can have on us, the human animals. Our memoir of life together: video I mentioned (the TLDR version): schedule your pet reincarnation session: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

12/13/23 • 28:36

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Timing is everything when you want to have an important conversation with someone you love. So when is it the right time to learn animal communication so you can talk to your pet directly? And when is it the right time to hire a professional animal communicator to help you talk with your pet? In this episode of Let's Talk to Animals podcast, we talk through this important question from several angles. Learn how to set an intention for your important animal communication conversation, how to select an animal communicator to work with or learn from, what to expect from your animal communication session, possible next steps after your animal shares input with you and how animal communication can change your relationship with your pet over time. Most vitally, discover how your own attitude towards interspecies conversation can shape the outcome of your conversation and how to come into each communication with mental and emotional openness. Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

11/29/23 • 32:25

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Recently, a colleague asked me what I do when I "heal animals." Her great question led to a much longer discussion about the role of the healer in energy healing for animals. In this episode, I share my response to her, explaining exactly what happens when a pet parent or animal guardian reaches out to me to schedule a healing session for their animal. You will learn what works best to ensure your pet receives the most benefit from any healing session, some tips to choose the right modality that will best serve your pet's needs, how to prepare your pet and yourself, signs to watch for that the healing session is taking effect and so much more.If you have a pet who could benefit from energy healing, you definitely do not want to miss this episode!Also be sure to revisit Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of Let's Talk to Animals podcast to learn more about specific energy healing methods mentioned in this episode.If you would like to learn more about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) I highly recommend this free 4-part resource guide: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

11/15/23 • 33:13

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Have you ever stopped to consider what the creatures of the wild might want to share with us? What messages might a hummingbird, a tree frog, or a crow have for you? Today, I invite you to embark with me on a journey into the heart of interspecies communication. As we navigate through fascinating conversations with wild animals, we'll discover the wisdom they have to share and how we can apply it to our own lives.Imagine connecting with a hummingbird and hearing it urge you to seek joy and rise above life's frustrations. Or learning about persistence and the power of holding on to what you love from a tree frog. Our encounters with these incredible creatures challenge us to see beyond our limiting perspectives and help us understand our integral role in the natural world.As we delve deeper, we'll uncover the profound wisdom of wild animals and learn how to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with them. From the teachings of crows and snakes to the insightful messages from a toad, each interaction presents a unique opportunity for learning and growth. So tune in, open your heart and mind, and prepare to redefine your relationship with the natural world. You might be surprised at what you might discover.Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

10/4/23 • 49:11

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Animal communication sounds fun until you start to consider what your animal might say or want or not want or how their input might change your life together! In this episode of Let's Talk to Animals podcast, animal intuitive Shannon Cutts shares four of the biggest reasons some pet parents remain unwilling or at least fearful of giving their pets a voice. Can you relate? This episode can help!Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

9/20/23 • 32:55

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Animal communication has so much to offer. Learning to talk with animals can help us understand our pets better. It can help us work more effectively with rescued animals to find out what they need to return to the wild or secure a new forever home. Learning animal communication can also help the communicator feel more alive and intuitive.But many students of animal communication find that they hit a plateau at some point. For example, you may have had many successful conversations with animals but you just can't seem to go any deeper in your conversations. Or you may find it is easy for you to talk with animals about some topics but not others.All too often, this points back to a lack in our own self care. To become the kind of animal communicator that can be of the highest service to our animal clients, we must tend to ourselves first. In this episode of the Let's Talk to Animals podcast, animal intuitive and animal communication teacher Shannon Cutts shares a deeply personal story from her own experience of how blocks came up in her interspecies communications and how self care helped her break through those blocks.Study animal communication with Shannon: to the podcast version: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

9/6/23 • 35:42

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Imagine a world where you could understand every whimper, purr, or tail wag from your beloved pet. That's exactly what we're exploring on this episode of the Let's Talk to Animals podcast. Guided by yours truly, Shannon, an animal-sensitive intuitive and Reiki master, we venture into the realm of interspecies communication. We explore the nuances of animal communication from navigating changes in our pets' lives to dealing with end-of-life transitions. We share insights on how this form of communication not only deepens our relationship with our animals but also clarifies their experiences and needs.We also underscore the importance of trusting your intuition in enhancing your relationship with your pets. Learning to use animal communication to seek inner confirmation can lead to better solutions and gentler journeys to your goals. Furthermore, we delve into the human-animal connection, highlighting the benefits of understanding animal communication as a pathway to our own self-discovery. By the end, you'll be enamored by the idea of communicating with your animal friends as equals, as partners, and as valuable teachers in life. Tune in and start your journey of understanding your pet on a whole new level.Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

8/23/23 • 35:44

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Pet anxiety is on the upswing. As the world we share with our animal companions gets louder, brighter, more unrelenting in every sensory way, human animals are not the only ones who may act out due to rampant feelings of anxiety! But is that anxious behavior you are seeing in your pet truly because of anxiety? Could there be other factors contributing to what you are labeling as pet anxiety? In this episode, animal communicator Shannon Cutts shares stories from her recent client files to explain how simply calling anxious-appearing behaviors "pet anxiety" may cause us to miss the bigger picture of what is going on with our animal. This episode focuses on three commonly overlooked pet issues that can masquerade as anxiety, trigger anxiety or lead to anxiety. You will also learn more about a genetic temperament trait that affects up to 20 percent of all pets - high sensitivity - and how this trait interacts with anxiety in affected pets. Learn more and request Shannon's free Highly Sensitive Pet Help Guide at Support the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

8/9/23 • 23:03

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Are you ready to unlock the healing potential of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for animals? Our guest, Joan Ranquet, an experienced animal communicator and Reiki master practitioner, shares her journey from discovering EFT as a personal trauma remedy to using it for animal healing. Joan gives us an intimate look into her experience with EFT and her remarkable success with her furry clients. She emphasizes the transformational power of EFT and how it can change our perceptions of animal behavior. Dive into the world of EFT tapping as a tool for processing trauma in both humans and animals. We navigate the technique, the key points, and the calming effect it can bring to you and your pet. We discuss the ability of EFT to break free from looped animal behaviors and its applicability for recurring situations. It's a fascinating exploration, one that could fundamentally shift how you interact with and understand your four-legged companion.The episode wraps up by delving into the potential of combining Animal Communication with EFT. Joan highlights how this combination can alleviate feelings of threat in animals, potentially replacing the need for medication or isolation. She underscores the importance of understanding an animal's essence before initiating communication and the crucial role of compassion and healing. Whether you're grappling with a tricky pet situation or simply curious about EFT, this episode is packed with insights and resources to aid in animal healing. Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge of EFT for your animal companion's well-being.Get the book "EFT for Animals" by Joan Ranquet: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

7/26/23 • 34:56

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨What if you could transform your life and find your true passion by connecting with animals and nature? In our recent conversation with Cindie Carter from Walks and Wags and Social Dog Podcast, we explored her incredible journey from racing cars to discovering her life's purpose through her love for dogs. Cindie shares her inspiring story and the deep spiritual connection she has with animals and nature, as well as the support she received at every step of the way from her interspecies family, friends and community.Cancer can be a life-changing experience, but how can our connection with animals help us through it? Cindie opened up about her own battle with cancer and the role her bond with animals played in her healing process. She emphasizes the importance of kindness and love, while also sharing the impact of spiritual role models, such as Saint Francis, on her journey. Listen in as we discuss the transformative power of animal companionship and the valuable lessons they can teach us.Did you know that animals can sense energy and form deep connections with humans, even without meeting them in person? We delved into the fascinating world of animal communication with Cindie, as she recounted her unique bond with her furry friend Newton in Alaska. Discover the healing benefits of animals and how Cindie has worked with rescue animals to help them find their forever homes. To learn more about her work and connect with Cindie , be sure to visit and learn more about SASA energy healing with The Lightfoot Way, enjoy our interview with Kim Shotola and Allison Culver: the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

7/12/23 • 37:30

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Ever wondered about the secret language between you and your pet? Today, we unravel the mystery of animal communication with our special guest, Karoline from Dog Mom Mentality. As she shares her journey with her dog, Layla, we explore the powerful transformation of their bond. From the initial thrill of owning a puppy to the trials of managing a reactive dog, Karoline's story mirrors the experiences of many pet owners.Karoline believes that animal communication can deepen our connection with our pets and even serve as a tool for self-discovery. During our conversation, she shares her "aha" moments from the communication sessions, bringing to light the feedback loop in their relationship and the unexpected impact of her own anxiety. She also introduces us to the concept of "soul contracts" with our pets, and how they can be our mirrors and mentors, teaching us critical life lessons. Our chat with Karoline is not just about her personal journey; it's also about empowering you, the pet guardian. Stepping into the realms of animal communication takes bravery, as there are times when you may hear things that might be hard to accept. But Karoline emphasizes the importance of being open and authentic in these conversations. She also shares resources for pet owners who may be feeling overwhelmed, including her unique journaling tool. So, tune in and take the first step towards building a deeper relationship with your pet.Connect with Karoline, Layla & Dog Mom Mentality:https://dogmommentality.comGet your own Dog Mom Mentality journal, shirt and stickers: to the DMM podcast: to schedule your animal communication session (and perhaps be featured right here on Let's Talk to Animals)? the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

6/28/23 • 47:21

Share your thoughts & ideas! ✨Joan Ranquet is an internationally known celebrity animal communicator and founder of Communication With All Life University where students from all over the world can study, learn and practice interspecies communication.Yet once upon a time, she too was a beginner just learning how to talk to animals! In this much-anticipated episode of Let's Talk to Animals, Shannon Cutts talks with Joan about how she discovered animal communication, what she did to start learning animal communication and how her practice grew to include several books, a TEDx talk with over 300,000 views and an online university with 25 teachers and several intensive tracks of study.Visit Joan and CWALU at the showLeave us a review & share what you like most :-)Your reviews REALLY help our little podcast get noticed & known. 🙏Schedule your pet's session (living and in spirit)Head over to Schedule (pssst Join our Weekly Love Letter & get $25 off) ❤️ Learn animal communication with me!Enjoy two foundational free mini-classes & join my next live class. 🤔🤩 Let's connect on IG @loveandfeathersandshells💫 Support Let's Talk to Animals

6/14/23 • 32:01

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