Welcome! It's been too long, my friend. Please have some sherry (or your beverage of choice) to take the chill out. Take your place by the fire, and let's discuss genuine tales of terror. Supernatural, paranormal, lore, legends, the strange and bizarre, conspiracy, crime, mysterious, macabre, the unexplained and unsolved. Please have a seat...in the Haunted Chair.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-haunted-chair--5754982/support.
In this episode of the haunted chair, we will continue our investigation into the bizarre and strange occurrences often associated with UFO phenomenon, inclusive of purported sightings of the Mothman prior to the Silver Bridge disaster, and its apparent sightings in Chicago, Chernobyl, and across the globe. We will probe the witnessing of dopplegangers and men in black, and engage in further speculation as to what may be the origin and nature of the manifestations, as well as their intended purpose, if any. As observed by John Keel, the questions begin to move past the simplistic “Can these things be,” into the real of real questioning “Why do these things exist?”Sources:The Mothman Prophecies by John Keelhttps://tinyurl.com/2mp6a397The Chernobyl Mothman Nuclear Incidenthttps://tinyurl.com/2m8uowr3Fortean Times February 2023The Chicago Mothmanhttps://tinyurl.com/2gpeuus3The Curse of Cornstalkhttps://tinyurl.com/2m4s4kcoMusicVoices by Patrick Patrikioshttps://tinyurl.com/ydegwxltCharles Alexander - The Great Silver Bridge SongAll other music by MelodyloopsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-haunted-chair--5754982/support.
5/13/23 • 57:16
In this episode of the Haunted Chair. It seems that for many months now, the world has been excited by the potential of reported sightings of UFOs across the globe. The Pentagon is investigating a rising number of cases involving unidentified aircraft, now tracking an estimated 650 incidents. These potential visitations are certainly not a new phenomenon, but are they, indeed, visitors from another world? Could they simply be sightings of advanced government aircraft that various departments wish to keep hush hush? Could they, in many cases, be something as simple as a Chinese weather balloon? Could they be a hallucination of minds that are predisposed toward belief, or perhaps something else entirely? And why do a majority of cases seem to imply something malevolent at work, with sinister sightings of men in black, as well as cryptids such as the Mothman appearing in close proximity? We will examine the subject of Alien visitation in depth, and look into a possible link to other sightings of supernatural ages throughout history. Sources:The Mothman Prophecies by John Keelhttps://tinyurl.com/2mp6a39720 Chilling Facts You Never Knew About The Unsettling Alien Abduction Of Barney And Betty Hillby Sarah Norman.https://tinyurl.com/2nt6jesr20 Chilling Facts You Never Knew About The Unsettling Alien Abduction Of Whitley Strieberhttps://tinyurl.com/2fbcne43Voices by Patrick Patrikioshttps://tinyurl.com/ydegwxltAll other music by MelodyloopsBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-haunted-chair--5754982/support.
4/30/23 • 51:26
In 1953, in the 44th installment of the Halls of Fantasy Radio program, listeners were traumatized by an episode titled “The Shadow People.” While certainly not the first cultural reference to this phenomenon, it does serve as a point of interest to a modern resurgence of what people believe are actual sightings of these seemingly malevolent entities. The origin of these apparitions remains unclear, although it may be possible to tie them to myths and legends of reported sightings stretching back through antiquity. The characteristics and circumstances vary, from manifestations in locations that appear to be a scene of a tragedy such as a car accident or house fire, to seemingly unbidden appearances in the middle of the night with accompanying symptoms of paralysis and intense dread. In this episode, we will examine various manifestations, possible origins, and take a close look at the shadows on the wall, perhaps directly behind you.Sources:How a Strange Man in a Fedora Inspired Wes Craven’s Freddy Kruegerhttps://tinyurl.com/26jmrr4dCarl Jung and the Shadow: The Hidden Power of Our Dark Sidehttps://tinyurl.com/2493dxg9 The Cures and Demons of Sleep Paralysis by Sarah Jaffray https://tinyurl.com/2fogekm7 Music: Voices by Patrick PatrikiosBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-haunted-chair--5754982/support.
2/2/23 • 31:14
In this episode, The Haunted Chair delves into the origin and nature of liminal spaces, why they are often eerie and disconcerting, and what could be the underlying psychological reason for our reactions. Then, we delve into the phenomenon of the report of stairs appearing out of thin air in the middle of lonely places, seemingly with no destination or purpose. Finally, we explore some of the most chilling cases of reported disappearances and time slips that have ever been recorded. Have a seat...in the Haunted Chair.Episode Sources: What Happened to the Lost Colony of Roanoke?https://tinyurl.com/yx8z5wn3What Really Happened to the Mary Celeste?https://tinyurl.com/2lny27ck Ten Amazing Slips in Timehttps://tinyurl.com/2p9f5omz The Mysterious Vanishing of Ambrose Biercehttps://tinyurl.com/2gqnjocu Stories of People Disappearing or Vanishinghttps://tinyurl.com/2grdjc8n The Eerie Comfort of Limnal Spaces by Jake Pitre https://tinyurl.com/2j3mzkpb Liminal Spacehttps://tinyurl.com/ykxjsh4k Liminal Spaces – Lost In Unknowable Loneliness of Modern Architecturehttps://tinyurl.com/2ls5wtbw Why Are Liminal Spaces Creepy?https://tinyurl.com/2mlezb3t Strange Cases of Mysterious Stairs in the Wilderness that Lead to Nowherehttps://tinyurl.com/2g7r846z Researcher Claims Time Slips Have Trapped Thousands of Brits in the Pasthttps://tinyurl.com/2j3mzkpb Charles Ashmore’s Trailhttps://tinyurl.com/2q8wj2jcMusic: Voices by Patrick Patrikios https://tinyurl.com/ydegwxlt Sinister Cathedral and Surrender by Asher FuleroAllegro by Emmit Fenn https://tinyurl.com/2gqwwowk Gold Cage and Hopeless by Jimena Contreras https://tinyurl.com/2r2rzdlaBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-haunted-chair--5754982/support.
1/14/23 • 42:57
In this New Year episode of the Haunted Chair: New Year's resolutions have their roots in antiquity, and may relate to the warding of ghosts or evil spirits. A 3500 year Babylonian tablet may be the earliest known depiction of a Ghost, and we briefly investigate a few of the most haunted locations in the U.S. These locations include the ghosts of Savannah, GA, the horrors of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, the St. Augustine Light House, and the Waverly Hills Sanitorium in West Virginia. Please have a seat...in the Haunted Chair.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-haunted-chair--5754982/support.
1/4/23 • 29:07