Show cover of Truthspresso


A Christian podcast addressing theology, politics, economics, and practical life tips as caffeine for your mind.


This episode is part 6 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.2 Nephi chapters 26-27 continue Nephi's prophecies. After the ascension, Jesus would show Himself to the Nephites. However, after four generations of a righteous remnant, the Nephites would forsake God. Gentiles will destroy them. The record of their history and prophecies will be sealed until the latter days.2 Nephi chapter 27 is like Isaiah chapter 29 but expanded for commentary about how God would give His book to an unlearned man and three witnesses will see it before it's released to the public. God will open some sealed content later in due time.We briefly look at these "three witnesses" to the Book of Mormon and how they all apostatized from the LDS Church over the same issue with Joseph Smith. They were Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.Further research:Book of Mormon in videoJoseph Smith: The Prophet of the RestorationThe Book of Mormon online: 2 Nephi [chapters 26, 27]*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Answers In GenesisAnswers In Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry that equips Christians to know and defend their faith effectively. They offer books and videos on creationism, evangelism, apologetics, homeschooling, and much more. Answers In Genesis is also home to the famous Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.Answers In Genesis

1/27/25 • 36:35

This episode is part 5 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.2 Nephi chapters 10-25 cover the final part of Jacob's sermon to the Nephites. After reading some chapters of Isaiah, he prophesies about the coming of Christ, that the Jews will be scattered, and that they will be regathered and believe in Jesus. The United States plays a pivotal role in the last days when the people will receive the words of God through Joseph Smith.Nephi continues to write on his brass plates and reflect on how Isaiah is clear about future things. He gives more detailed prophesies about Christ with some more modalistic verses. He then copies 13 full chapters from Isaiah.Then, Nephi goes to town with yet more seemingly amazing prophecies that sound like New Testament doctrine in the 500's B.C. We look at 2 Nephi 25:23 as a verse to bring up to LDS missionaries as a challenge to their "plan of salvation." Ephesians 2:8-9 has something to say against it!Further research:Book of Mormon in videoJoseph Smith: The Prophet of the RestorationThe Book of Mormon online: 2 Nephi [chapters 10, 11, 25]*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

1/20/25 • 39:32

This episode is part 4 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.2 Nephi chapters 4-9 cover the last of the elder Lehi's words of blessings and warnings to his children. Soon afterwards he passes away.Nephi fears his brothers again and God directs him and his family and friends to an area of the wilderness where they begin to build a civilization for "the people of Nephi." Laman and his descendants rebel against God. God curses the Lamanites with darker skin to keep the two peoples from intermarrying.Nephi makes his two younger brothers Jacob and Joseph priests to their people. Jacob delivers a message to the people by reading a portion of Isaiah and giving some doctrinal dissertation on Satan, the fall of humanity, the necessity of the Messiah's atonement, and the resurrection.We look especially at the plethora of New Testament statements that find their way into Jacob's message about 500 years before Jesus and the apostles say or write these words.Further research:Book of Mormon in videoJoseph Smith: The Prophet of the RestorationThe Book of Mormon online: 2 Nephi [chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

1/13/25 • 42:53

This episode is part 3 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.2 Nephi chapters 1-3 cover most of the elder Lehi's words of blessings and warnings to his children. He advises his sons Laman and Lemuel to obey Nephi's words.Lehi seems to wax eloquent with a doctrinal dissertation on the atonement of the future Messiah, creation, the fall of Satan and Adam and Eve, and the necessity of free will.He also claims that the fall of humanity was necessary for humans to have children. The dominion mandate and the command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were conflicting commands from God!Also, Lehi claims that Abraham's great-grandson Joseph prophesied of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.Further research:Book of Mormon in videoJoseph Smith: The Prophet of the RestorationThe Book of Mormon online: 2 Nephi [chapters 1, 2, 3]*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

1/6/25 • 42:56

Was Jesus born in a barn stable outdoors? Did Joseph knock on doors and get snubbed by innkeepers?Who were the wise men? Were there three of them?Let's examine some of these traditional ideas about the Nativity.While we do this, let's not lose sight about what's important about the purpose of Christ's birth.Scriptures Referenced:Luke 2:1-7,16Luke 22:11Luke 13:15Acts 13:6-8Isaiah 60:6Matthew 2:1-6Micah 5:2Numbers 24:17*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

12/30/24 • 30:16

This episode is part 2 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.1 Nephi chapters 16-22 cover the journey of the prophet Lehi and his family to the coast of southeastern Arabia. Nephi builds a ship. The family sails to their new "promised land," which is somewhere in the ancient Americas. Once there, the family found resources to build civilization there. Nephi wrote some prophecy on metal plates and explained to his older brothers what it means and encourages them to obey God's commandments.I briefly address issues over the Laman river, horses in Mesoamerica, and the curious convenience of hindsight in detailed prophecies allegedly written in the 500's B.C.Further research:Book of Mormon in videoJoseph Smith: The Prophet of the RestorationThe Book of Mormon online: 1 Nephi [chapters 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

12/23/24 • 38:57

This episode is part 1 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.1 Nephi chapters 1-15 cover the prophet Lehi and his family leaving Jerusalem before the Babylonian captivity, his sons retrieve brass plates from Laban, Lehi has a dream of a tree with white fruit, and his son Nephi gets a vision of end times interpretations of Lehi's dream. Further research:Book of Mormon in videoJoseph Smith: The Prophet of the RestorationThe Book of Mormon online: 1 Nephi [chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

12/9/24 • 34:31

Chelsea returns to Truthspresso to co-host about thankfulness. After celebrating Thanksgiving Day, we present four reasons to be thankful to God:Because of who He is (1Ch 16:34; 2Co 9:15)Because of what He has done (Isa 12:4-5)Because of what He is doing (Psa 107:8-9; Php 4:6)Because He is faithful in the hard times (1Th 5:18; Eph 5:20; Col 3:17)*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Blackout CoffeeBlackout Coffee is a coffee company that supports traditional American values of strong families, personal responsibility, and patriotism. Blackout Coffee delivers to active duty military and first responders. Be Awake, Not Woke with their rich and flavorful coffees, teas, and hot cocoas.Blackout Coffee

12/2/24 • 27:23

My brother John joins me for the first time as a guest on Truthspresso. Two Mormon missionaries and their bishop visited my house on Friday. John was there to join me.We all had a delightful conversation. After the Mormons pitched their church and explained that they have continuing prophets, John and I asked some basic probing questions about the atonement and who they believe Jesus to be.John and I talk about this conversation and give an overview of the Book of Mormon. We also discuss a few details in the life of Joseph Smith.*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Seven Weeks CoffeeSeven Weeks Coffee is a pro-life coffee company that donates to pregnancy resources centers and other life-affirming organizations. Sip a cup and help women and babies.Seven Weeks Coffee

11/25/24 • 45:44

This episode is part 6 of examining common claims about something Donald Trump said.As we examine each trope let's ask ourselves "Did Trump really say that?!"Context is king. There can be more than meets the eye than what media will often have us believe.In part 5 we dissect one hoax from an interview Donald Trump had with Tucker Carlson a few days before the election:The "Liz Cheney in a firing squad" hoaxSources Cited:"Lawrence: The one person who did not deny Donald Trump wants Liz Cheney executed is Donald Trump," MSNBC, November 1, 2024."Trump escalates violent rhetoric with chilling remarks about Liz Cheney," CNN, November 1, 2024.Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney), "This is how dictators destroy free nations," November 1, 2024, 4:10am.Andrew Howard, "Suggesting 'nine barrels shooting' at Cheney, Trump reverts to violent rhetoric," Politico, November 1, 2024."Liz Cheney Responds To Trump's Violent Rhetoric Against Her: 'Its what autocrats do'," The View, November 4, 2024."Watch: Trump Calls Liz Cheney 'Radical War Hawk'," WSJ News, November 1, 2024."Trump attacks Liz Cheney, says she wouldn't be such a 'war hawk' if she had guns pointed at her," MSNBC, November 1, 2024."TRUMP CALLS FOR CHENEY'S EXECUTION," Drudge Report Archives, Accessed November 16, 2024.*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

11/18/24 • 30:59

The 2024 elections exceeded many expectations. Donald J. Trump is once again slated for the White House.He won in an electoral landslide and won the popular vote. He gained in almost every demographic. We look at some fiscal data and figure out why Gen Z and younger Millennials shifted the most toward Trump from 2020.Some people are really unhappy and feel their very livelihood and the world is in danger. After playing some clips of TikTok people melting down, I present a challenge to Christians. If you're happy or feel relief, avoid the trap of kicking people while they're down. Be a listening ear and ask questions gently. Speak truth in love. Ease the angst and look for opportunities to further the gospel.Sources Cited:Linley Sanders, "How 5 key demographic groups voted in 2024: AP VoteCast," Associated Press, Updated November 7, 2024.Graham Kates, "Map shows Trump's 2024 election victory came as voters shifted red across the country," CBS News, November 8, 2024.Dorothy Neufeld, "Mapped: The Salary Needed to Buy a Home in 50 U.S. Cities in 2024," Visual Capitalist, July 24, 2024.Kimberly Amadeo, "U.S. Budget Deficit by Year," The Balance, Updated May 16, 2024."What is the national deficit?", Accessed November 9, 2024."Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to Donald Trump Winning the Presidential Election," Jimmy Kimmel Live, November 6, 2024."Leftist tears: Unhinged meltdowns captured following Donald Trump’s victory," Sky News Australia, November 6, 2024.Scriptures Referenced:Hosea 4:6Colossians 2:81 Corinthians 2:121 Corinthians 1:21*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

11/11/24 • 41:55

On the eve of world-changing elections I skim through some of the stories in the book of Daniel and ask if the United States is in a form of captivity.Will the country head more toward captivity or out of it? Can our vote steer the nation one way or another?Scriptures Referenced:2 Timothy 2:22-26Colossians 2:8Isaiah 44:28*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

11/4/24 • 47:02

This episode is part 5 of examining common claims about something Donald Trump said.As we examine each trope let's ask ourselves "Did Trump really say that?!"Context is king. There can be more than meets the eye than what media will often have us believe.In part 5 we dissect two hoaxes from the same article in The Atlantic:The "I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had" hoaxThe "$60,000 to Bury a Mexican" hoaxSources Cited:Jeffrey Goldberg, "Trump: 'I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had'," The Atlantic, October 22, 2024.Michael D. Shear, "Trump Asked Aide Why His Generals Couldn’t Be Like Hitler's, Book Says," New York Times, August 8, 2022.Christopher Tremoglie, "Reductio ad Hitlerum: 60 years of Democrats falsely calling the Republican nominee a fascist," Washington Examiner, October 24, 2024.John Mashek, "Bush, Obama, and the Hitler Card," US News, May 16, 2008.Taija PerryCook, "Did Trump Once Say 'I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had'?" Snopes, October 25, 2024."President Donald Trump offers to pay for the funeral of Vanessa Guillén," Donald J Trump, July 30, 2020.Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows), "I was in the discussions featured in the Atlantic’s latest hit piece against President Trump," October 22, 2024, 2:42pm.Mayra Guillen (@@mguilen_), "Wow. I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics," October 22, 2024, 2:30pm.George Conway (@gtconway3d), "No one is exploiting your sister’s death here," October 23, 2024, 10:46am.Mayra Guillen (@mguilen_), "Is that why the @TheAtlantic is in your bio?" October 23, 2024, 6:27pm.Attorney Natalie Khawam (@WhistleblowerLF), "After having dealt with hundreds of reporters in my legal career," October 22, 2024, 5:13pm.Peter Kafka, "Laurene Powell Jobs and Kamala Harris are coming to Code," Vox, April 27, 2017."Kamala Harris says 'everybody needs to be woke' in 2017 video that may haunt her campaign," New York Post, August 6, 2024.*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster...

10/28/24 • 46:19

***Warning: This episode talks about sensitive topics***November 5, 2024 is a crucial election in the United States for many reasons. The country is polarized. Even many states are polarized.Colorado's Amendment 79 would enshrine abortion as a fundamental right into the state constitution. It would even allow the legislature to pass laws that pay for it on demand with taxes.Colorado is the premier destination for abortion in the country. The state has no restrictions on abortion.Could Amendment 79 and future laws based on it encourage people from outside the state to flock in and make residents pay to end the life of their unborn children. Could the language of the amendment set up barriers to stopping human trafficking?Pray for Colorado. Speak the truth.Sources Cited:Colorado 2024 Amendment 79 on BallotopediaJesse Paul, "Amendment 79: An attempt to preserve abortion access in Colorado's constitution," Colorado Sun, Updated October 11, 2024.Frances Rossi and Tom Perille, "Opinion: Initiative 89 would prevent Colorado from ever regulating third-trimester abortions," Denver Post, Updated July 23, 2024.Laura J. Lederer and Christopher A. Wetzel, "The Health Consequences of Sex Trafficking and Their Implications for Identifying Victims in Healthcare Facilities," Annals of Health Law 23, no. 1 (Winter 2014): 61-91.Arduizur Carli Richie-Zavaleta, et al, "Sex Trafficking Victims at Their Junction with the Healthcare Setting-A Mixed-Methods Inquiry," Journal of human trafficking 6, no. 1 (2020): 1-29.*** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

10/21/24 • 31:01

This episode is a call to action for listeners of Truthspresso to help out a ministry suffering from hurricane Helene!After discussing some of the timeline and effects of hurricanes Helene and Milton, I show how some politicians want to pretend to care about people. Never let a crisis go to waste, it seems.Don't be like power-hungry politicians! Be Christians!Fellow podcaster and member of the Christian Podcast Community A.M. Brewster lost just about everything in the flooding from hurricane Helene. Please give to help him though his loss!Sources Cited:"Utterly irresponsible and selfish Harris slams DeSantis," MSNBC, October 7, 2024."Gov. DeSantis fires back at Kamala Harris: 'It's not about you'," Fox News, October 8, 2024.Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP), "I was just briefed by @FEMA_Deanne Criswell," X Post, September 29, 2024, 9:09pm.Vice President Hamala Harris (@VP), "This afternoon, I spoke with @MayorKenWelch," X Post, October 9, 2024, 8:11pm."VP Harris covers mouth says its a live broadcast during briefing on Hurricane Milton response," New York Post, October 10, 2024.Josh Christenson and Steven Nelson, "DHS chief Mayorkas spends under six hours in Helene-hit NC before bolting to grab sushi at DC Nobu: 'Complete failure'," New York Post, Updated October 11, 2024.GiveSendGo campaign for A.M. BrewsterA.M. Brewster's Truth. Love. Parent.A.M. Brewster's The Celebration of God.We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

10/14/24 • 27:34

This episode is part 4 of examining common claims about something Donald Trump said.As we examine each trope let's ask ourselves "Did Trump really say that?!"Context is king. There can be more than meets the eye than what media will often have us believe.In part 4 we dissect two hoaxes:The "Putin is a Genius" hoaxThe WWI soldiers are "losers and suckers" hoaxSources Cited:Philip Bump, "'Genius,' 'Savvy': Trump reacts to Putin's moves on Ukraine exactly as you'd expect," Washington Post, Updated February 22, 2022.Bess Levin, "Trump Calls Putin's Ukraine Moves 'Genius' Because He's a Sick Man Who Hates Democracy," Vanity Fair, February 22, 2022."President Trump Joins Clay & Buck from Mar-a-Lago," The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, February 22, 2022."Trump On Putin Invasion Plan: 'This Is Genius'," MSNBC, February 22, 2022.Joe Biden (@JoeBiden), "When that butcher Putin invaded Ukraine," July 12, 2024, 5:41pm.Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine), "He was being sardonic," July 12, 2024, 8:11pm."WATCH: Harris says it's 'well known' that Trump admires dictators and wants to be one," PBS NewsHour, September 10, 2024.Jeffrey Goldberg, "Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers'," The Atlantic, September 3, 2020."Biden gets visibly angry over unverified servicemember claims: 'You're the sucker, you're the loser'," New York Post, June 27, 2024.Weather correspondence between Trump team and weather serviceJill Colvin, "Trump visit to US cemetery in France canceled due to rain," Associated Press, November 11, 2018.Laura Widener, "Explained: The controversy over Trump not visiting one US cemetery in the rain, for another," American Military News, November 12, 2018."President Trump visits Suresnes American Cemetery in France," CNN, November 11, 2018."John Kelly Confirms Trump Called POWs 'Suckers'," Inside Edition, October 3, 2023."

10/7/24 • 58:26

This episode is part 3 of examining common claims about something Donald Trump said.As we examine each trope let's ask ourselves "Did Trump really say that?!"Context is king. There can be more than meets the eye than what media will often have us believe.In part 3 we dissect two hoaxes:The "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by" hoaxThe Putin can "do whatever he wants" hoaxSources Cited:"President Donald Trump: White supremacist group Proud Boys should 'stand back and stand by'," CNBC Television, September 30, 2020."Trump Says He Doesnt Know Who the Proud Boys Are," Bloomberg Quicktake, September 30, 2020."Trump says he doesn't know who Proud Boys are after telling them to 'stand by'," Axios, September 30, 2020.Bill McCarthy, "In context: Donald Trump's 'stand back and stand by' debate comments on white supremacists," Politifact, September 30, 2020.Ed Pilkington, "'Stand back and stand by': how Trumpism led to the Capitol siege," The Guardian, January 6, 2021."Proud Boys chairman says group is misunderstood, doesn't stand for white supremacy," WPLG Local 10, October 1, 2020."Biden slams former Trump in State of the Union for telling Putin to 'do whatever the h*** you want'," ABC News, March 7, 2024."Donald Trump delivers speech in South Carolina," Sky News, February 10, 2024."Donald Trump Delivers Speech in South Carolina,", February 12, 2024."The North Atlantic Treaty," NATO, Last updated October 19, 2023.Danielle Cuddington, "Support for NATO is widespread among member nations," Pew Research Center, July 6, 2016.Francesca Chambers and Javier Zarracina, "GRAPHICS STORY: How much do NATO allies really spend on defense?" USA Today, July 10, 2024."Donald Trump says he would 'encourage' Russia to attack Nato," The Times and The Sunday Times, February 11, 2024."Donald Trump says he warned Nato ally he would let Russia 'do whatever they want'," Evening Standard, February 11, 2024."Trump says he'd encourage Russia to 'do whatever the h*** they want'," WCNC, February 12,...

9/30/24 • 59:13

This episode is part 2 of examining common claims about something Donald Trump said.As we examine each trope let's ask ourselves "Did Trump really say that?!"Context is king. There can be more than meets the eye than what media will often have us believe.In part 3 we dissect three hoaxes:The "Dictator on day one" hoaxThe "bloodbath" hoaxThe "terminate the Constitution" hoaxSources Cited:"Trump Says He Won’t Be a Dictator ‘Except for Day One’ if Re-Elected," WSJ News, December 6, 2023."Donald Trump: I'm not going to be a dictator," Fox News, January 10, 2024."Kamala- Trump will be Dictator on day one weaponize Department Of Justice against political enemies," Dimabong Times, July 10, 2024."WATCH: Harris says it's 'well known' that Trump admires dictators and wants to be one," PBS News Hour, September 10, 2024."WATCH: Trump Makes Viral 'Bloodbath' Comments During Comments About Auto Manufacturing At Ohio Rally," Forbes Breaking News, March 17, 2024."MSNBC 03 18 2024 06 13 21," Rosalita Esperanza, March 18, 2024."Biden Rips Trump Over 'Dictator' And 'Bloodbath' Comments At White House Correspondents' Dinner," Forbes Breaking News, April 28, 2024."Joe Biden Warns Crowd During Speech At The DNC: Trump Is ‘Promising A Bloodbath If He Loses’," Forbes Breaking News, August 20, 2024."Media Saying 'Bloodbath' Compilation, Hoax EXPOSED," American Revolutionary, March 18, 2024.Donald J. Trump, "So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION," Truth Social, December 3, 2022.Sareen Habeshian, "Trump: Constitution should be terminated due to 'massive' election fraud," Axios, Updated December 3, 2022."See what Trump said about ‘our beloved Constitution’ before calling for its ‘termination’," CNN, December 5, 2022.Donald J. Trump, "The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People," Truth Social, December 5, 2022.Donald J. Trump, "SIMPLY PUT, IF AN ELECTION IS IRREFUTABLY FRAUDULENT," Truth Social, December 5, 2022.Steve Benen, "Under fire, Trump denies writing what he wrote about Constitution," MSNBC, December 6, 2022.Andrew Feinberg, "

9/23/24 • 59:40

This episode is part 1 of examining common claims about something Donald Trump said.As we examine each trope let's ask ourselves "Did Trump really say that?!"Context is king. There can be more than meets the eye than what media will often have us believe.In part 1 we dissect three hoaxes:The Charlottesville "very fine people" hoaxThe immigrants are "animals" and "not people" hoaxThe "inject bleach" hoaxSources Cited:"President Donald Trump On Charlottesville: You Had Very Fine People, On Both Sides | CNBC," CNBC, August 15, 2017."Joe Biden For President: America Is An Idea," Joe Biden, April 25, 2019."Trump and Biden Debate Trump’s ‘Fine People on Both Sides’ Response to Charlottesville," Time, June 27, 2024.Taija PerryCook, "No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'," Snopes, Updated June 21, 2024."Trump Doubles Down on MS-13 'Animals' Remark," Associated Press, May 17, 2018."Trump calls some illegal immigrants "animals" in meeting with sheriffs," CBS, May 16, 2018."MS-13," Wikipedia, Updated 13 September 2024."Trump calls MS-13 gang members 'animals'," Washington Post, July 28, 2017."Trump: Is There a Way We Can Do Something With Disinfectant?" Bloomberg Television, April 23, 2020."Biden on Trump’s Handling of COVID-19," The Daily Signal, June 27, 2024.Scriptures Referenced:Psalm 35:19-22*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

9/16/24 • 45:03

In this episode of Truthspresso I chat about Jesus and socialism.A coworker a while ago made the claim to me that Jesus was a socialist. I have certainly heard this claim before, but I figured I would address it.In part 11 we look at three parables to see if they lean more socialist or free market capitalist:The hidden treasure in the fieldThe pearl of great priceThe vineyard tenantsBecause the parable of the vineyard tenants is Jesus' ultimate parable about the history of Israel, one would think the illustration would be important. The vineyard owner took risks, set up capital equipment, and established a business. The vineyard laborers seemed to prefer a violent revolution and to take over ownership of the vineyard. This very "capitalist" illustration seemed to indict the rebellious Israelites for crucifying Jesus in ways that resembled modern Marxist actions.Scriptures Referenced:Matthew 21:33-46*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Answers In GenesisAnswers In Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry that equips Christians to know and defend their faith effectively. They offer books and videos on creationism, evangelism, apologetics, homeschooling, and much more. Answers In Genesis is also home to the famous Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.Answers In Genesis

9/9/24 • 40:56

In this episode of Truthspresso I chat about Jesus and socialism.A coworker a while ago made the claim to me that Jesus was a socialist. I have certainly heard this claim before, but I figured I would address it.In part 10 we look at the parable of the unjust steward. A "Christian socialist" claims that this parable proves that Jesus favors defrauding wealthy people to give to the poor. While this parable and Jesus' application can be hard to understand at first, closer study reveals that Jesus wants us to be good stewards of money unlike His worldly examples--including both the merchant and his unjust steward.Sources Cited:Chuck McKnight, "Jesus Was a Socialist," Patheos, Updated March 11, 2019.Scriptures Referenced:Luke 16:1-13Leviticus 19:15*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Seven Weeks CoffeeSeven Weeks Coffee is a pro-life coffee company that donates to pregnancy resources centers and other life-affirming organizations. Sip a cup and help women and babies.Seven Weeks Coffee

9/3/24 • 40:27

After I dropped off my sons for a church youth activity I recorded most of this episode in my car in the parking lot.I shared a few thoughts mostly about the march on Monday afternoon before the opening speeches.Women dressed as abortion pills, pro-Palestine protesters, rainbow flags, and a sign that says "Trump and J.D. Vance are weird" donned the street.During the first two days of the DNC, a mobile clinic offered free chemical abortions for women and vasectomies for men. Outside the center was a giant inflatable IUD. Inside the building was a display of giant inflatable abortion pills. Several speakers emphasized abortion as a fundamental right necessary for freedom.Is there a reason not to consider the modern Democrat Party a "Molech cult"?Sources Cited:Barbara Rodriguez, "Here's why Planned Parenthood offered free abortion pills and vasectomies outside the DNC," 19th News, August 21, 2024.Conrad Dias, "DNC protesters dressed as abortion pills march through Chicago demanding reproductive health care access," Meawww, August 19, 2024.Lila Rose, "DNC's hellish abortion rituals celebrate death, the party's true agenda," Fox News, August 21, 2024.Scriptures Referenced:Leviticus 20:1-5*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

8/26/24 • 31:09

As I was reading stuff online I came across an article from Roman Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong against William Lane Craig's defense of monothelitism.Armstrong blames Craig's error on Sola Scriptura and rejecting the "infallibility" of the Roman Catholic church.While I agree that Craig is wrong about monothelitism, I also believe Armstrong is wrong about why.This episode addresses both the error of monothelitism and the error of Roman Catholic epistemology. I believe Craig's philosophy is the problem. I also believe history disproves Armstrong's "infallible church" idea and that Scripture is the authority for determining who Jesus is.Sources Cited:William Lane Craig, "#75 Monotheletism," Reasonable Faith, September 22, 2008.Dave Armstrong, "William Lane Craig’s Christological Errors (Monothelitism +)," Patheos, Updated April 5, 2018.Dave Armstrong, "Sola Scriptura Can’t Definitively Refute Christological Heresy," Patheos, Updated June 14, 2020.William Lane Craig, "Does Christ Have Two Wills or One?" drcraigvideos, July 15, 2022, educational video, 0:07 to 0:56."Third Council of Constantinople (A.D. 680-681)," New Advent, Accessed August 18, 2024."Discourse I" in "Four Discourses Against the Arians (Athanasius)," New Advent, Accessed August 18, 2024."Gregory of Nazianzus - Critique of Apollinarius and Apollinarianism," Early Church Texts, Accessed August 18, 2024.Scriptures Referenced:Isaiah 53:11Galatians 3:132 Corinthians 5:211 Peter 3:18Acts 2:22,30-31Hebrews 1:2-3; 2:16-18; 4:14-15; 5:7-9James 1:13-14See AlsoIs Jesus Like My Favorite Superhero? (Playlist feed)*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

8/19/24 • 71:40

Romans 2:13 says that "the doers of the law shall be justified."Romans 3:20 says that "by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified."Did Paul teach justification by keeping the law?Did Paul contradict himself?Chelsea returns to co-host this episode as we summarize Paul's arguments in Romans chapter 1 through 3. We believe Paul was making one harmonizing point with both verses.Scriptures Referenced:Romans 2:13; 3:20; 2:7-10*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Blackout CoffeeBlackout Coffee is a coffee company that supports traditional American values of strong families, personal responsibility, and patriotism. Blackout Coffee delivers to active duty military and first responders. Be Awake, Not Woke with their rich and flavorful coffees, teas, and hot cocoas.Blackout Coffee

8/12/24 • 51:26

May 30, 2024 is a day that will live in infamy! Donald Trump became the first former President of the United States to be brought to court on felony charges and have a jury reach a verdict of guilty. Not to mention that this happened while he is currently running for President again and is the highest polling candidate.The ripple effects of this historical day will be felt indefinitely. The debates will rage over whether or not this was justice or merely political lawfare.In part 5, we cover the instructions from Judge Merchan to the jury for how to deliberate. Most of the instructions were standard fare. However, the section detailing the charges raised serious questions in my mind.The charges were 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree to conceal the crime of conspiracy to promote an election by unlawful means. Each juror could determine anonymously if the "unlawful means" was one or more of the following:FECA violation (campaign contributions above the federal limit)falsifying other business recordstax violations (by paying Cohen extra money to cover income taxes)Falsifying business records alone is a misdemeanor.Conspiracy to promote an election by unlawful means is a misdemeanor.The maximum sentence for all 34 charges is 136 years in prison because Trump allegedly paid for an alleged crime in 11 installments.The jury found Trump guilty of all 34 felony counts. A lot has happened since then. Sentencing has moved to September 18th.Sources Cited:Jury instructions from Judge MerchanNY Elec L § 17-152 (2021)Michael R. Sisak, Jennifer Peltz, Eric Tucker, and Michelle L. Price, "Jurors in Trump hush money trial end 1st day of deliberations after asking to rehear testimony," Associated Press, Updated May 29, 2024."D.A. Bragg Announces 34-Count Felony Trial Conviction of Donald J. Trump,", May 30, 2024."Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails," Politico, October 19, 2020.Touré, "It makes me so happy to write 'convicted felon Donald Trump'," The Grio, May 31, 2024.Ximena Bustillo, "Trump loses bid to lift New York gag order in response to Harris' campaigning," NPR, August 2, 2024.Scriptures Referenced:Proverbs 25:2Leviticus 19:15-18*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for...

8/5/24 • 48:03

May 30, 2024 is a day that will live in infamy! Donald Trump became the first former President of the United States to be brought to court on felony charges and have a jury reach a verdict of guilty. Not to mention that this happened while he is currently running for President again and is the highest polling candidate.The ripple effects of this historical day will be felt indefinitely. The debates will rage over whether or not this was justice or merely political lawfare.In part 4, we cover the defense witnesses--such as they were. Trump decided not to testify. The judge's restrictions prevented a campaign finance law expert witness from testifying. After one paralegal briefly showed a chart, Robert Costello was the remaining witness.Costello's testimony resulted in the judge almost throwing out his testimony. Shenanigans or court decorum? You decide.Finally, the trial ended with closing arguments: Todd Blanche for the defense went first, and Joshua Steinglass for the prosecution followed. After a long day, the court adjourned for deliberation the next day.Sources Cited:Emma Colton, "Key Trump witness nixed after Merchan's stringent rulings reveals what his testimony would have been," Fox News, May 21, 2024."Highlights: Trump trial judge admonishes defense witness for 'side eye' and clears press from courtroom," NBC News, Updated May 20, 2024.Kara Scannell, Lauren Del Valle, and Jeremy Herb, "Closing arguments wrap in Trump hush money trial," CNN, Updated May 28, 2024.*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Answers In GenesisAnswers In Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry that equips Christians to know and defend their faith effectively. They offer books and videos on creationism, evangelism, apologetics, homeschooling, and much more. Answers In Genesis is also home to the famous Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.Answers In Genesis

7/29/24 • 38:26

May 30, 2024 is a day that will live in infamy! Donald Trump became the first former President of the United States to be brought to court on felony charges and have a jury reach a verdict of guilty. Not to mention that this happened while he is currently running for President again and is the highest polling candidate.The ripple effects of this historical day will be felt indefinitely. The debates will rage over whether or not this was justice or merely political lawfare.In part 3, we cover the start of the trial and all attempts to lift the gag order, recuse Judge Merchan, delay the trial, or move it to another venue were shot down.We look at the prosecution's witness testimonies, especially the star witnesses Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen.Sources Cited:Robin Levinson-King & Kayla Epstein, "Who is Juan Merchan, the 'no-nonsense' judge who oversaw Trump's hush-money case?" BBC, May 31, 2024.Jeremy Herb, Kara Scannell, Lauren del Valle, Eric Levenson and Sabrina Souza, "Judge finds Donald Trump in contempt for 10th time over gag order and threatens jail time," CNN, Updated May 6, 2024.Sara Boboltz, "What The Stormy Daniels Testimony Can Tell Us — And What It Can't," Huffington Post, May 8, 2024. (*** Reader discretion advised ***)Ella Lee, Zach Schonfeld, and Lauren Sforza, "Risque Stormy Daniels testimony creates uproar at Trump trial," The Hill, May 7, 2024. (*** Reader discretion advised ***)*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!

7/22/24 • 33:49

In this episode I play some clips from episodes of Truthspresso in early 2020 where I predicted that the pandemic relief measures would lead to price inflation.Prepare to be amazed! ;)Do I have the spiritual gift of prophecy?No. It's just what the Austrian School of economics understood would happen.A Biblical view of government forbids monetary inflation and such frivolous borrowing and spending as happened under the guise of "helping" people.Truthspresso episodes referenced:Episode 37: Embracing CoronanomicsEpisode 43: Inflation: Legalized Counterfeiting against God?Episode 45: Dr. Shawn Ritenour on Economics and the BibleScriptures Referenced:Haggai 1:5-7*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Seven Weeks CoffeeSeven Weeks Coffee is a pro-life coffee company that donates to pregnancy resources centers and other life-affirming organizations. Sip a cup and help women and babies.Seven Weeks Coffee

7/18/24 • 29:13

On Saturday, July 13, at a rally in Pennsylvania, former President Trump was giving an outdoor speech. Six minutes into it, gunshots were fired!The President felt one round whiz by his head. A second one bloodied his right ear. He ducked in the nick of time to avoid a third one that likely wouldn't have missed.Thankfully, he was Ok. He expressed valiance as his security detail escorted him out.The world-changing news just won't stop! The USA is careening toward third-world status.Please pray for former President Trump, the current President Biden, and for a true revival.Whatever happens in November, violent activism isn't the solution. Sources Cited:"Shots fired at Trump rally," Fox News, July, 13, 2024, educational video, 0:00 to 1:00.Anthony Guglielmi (@SecretSvcSpox), "An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania," X, July 13, 2024, 4:42pm.Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence), "BREAKING: Eyewitness informed Police officers and Secret Service about man on a roof with a rifle," X, July 13, 2024, 6:22pm.Scriptures Referenced:Proverbs 12:5-7; 28:16-18*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Answers In GenesisAnswers In Genesis is a Christian apologetics ministry that equips Christians to know and defend their faith effectively. They offer books and videos on creationism, evangelism, apologetics, homeschooling, and much more. Answers In Genesis is also home to the famous Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.Answers In Genesis

7/15/24 • 29:33

Back in November and December of 2020 I released three episodes of my own sci-fi satire story of an alien invasion.It was meant to teach Biblical lessons against tyrannical monetary policies and cultural Marxism.Now you can listen to the whole story in one jumbo episode!Enjoy!Scriptures Referenced:Proverbs 28:4-5*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!Mentioned in this episode:Affiliate Link: Blackout CoffeeBlackout Coffee is a coffee company that supports traditional American values of strong families, personal responsibility, and patriotism. Blackout Coffee delivers to active duty military and first responders. Be Awake, Not Woke with their rich and flavorful coffees, teas, and hot cocoas.Blackout Coffee

7/8/24 • 107:23