Even though around half of any population identify as introverts, this is one aspect of diversity and inclusion that is often overlooked. Every Thursday join flourishing introvert and TEDx speaker Joanna Rawbone MSc, as she explores the costly challenges that introverts face on a regular basis. With her typically pragmatic approach, Joanna’s show includes a mix of 10-minute topics, interviews with inspirational introverts and episodes on how to get the best from introverts. If you are an introvert who is ready to begin or continue flourishing, a manager looking to access the potential of the introverts in your team or the loved one of an introvert wanting to understand how to improve your relationship, this is the podcast you’ve been waiting for.
I believe most of us are changemakers in one or other way, however in this episode I am focusing on the empowering journey for introverts intentionally aspiring to be change makers. With my background and qualification in change agent skills and strategies, I know with certainty that being a change maker is more about mindset and intention than formal qualifications. Our society and businesses are often biased towards the extravert ideal, hence it is crucial for introverts to harness our unique and quiet strengths of deep thinking, active listening, and genuine relationship-building so we can play a vital role in advocating for and implementing meaningful changes. I impress that we introverts can indeed become influential leaders by focusing on small cumulative efforts, the marginal gains that lead to significant impact over time. I talk about being prepared to respond to the extravert biases and leveraging quiet influence through written communication and meaningful one-on-one interactions, so we carry on our changemaking work while sustaining our quiet strength. *** Key Points *** Mindset matters more than qualifications Leverage quiet influence strategically Build resilience against extravert bias *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
2/6/25 • 15:30
Oh the myths about we introverts are endless, unfortunately though it happens with our continued collusion. In this episode, my invitation is for we introverts to recognise and utilise our voices to effectively so we confidently debunk these myths while showing up as our authentic and unapologetic self. Our well-thought through and clearly presented contributions often command more respect than our louder counterparts. It is our deep thinking and clarity that enhances the quality and value of conversations by focusing on what truly matters. Our think-say-think communication process is a power, so is our ability to build deeper connections. Let's dive right in. *** Key Points *** Recognise our introvert strengths. Amplify our voice selectively and intentionally. Identify and choose the right platform to show up. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
1/30/25 • 18:12
With so much noise around us in both work and social settings, how do we quieter ones function effectively? Drawing from my nearly 50 years of corporate experience, I discuss societal biases towards the extravert ideal that starts in childhood and extends through education and professional environments. It's these settings and other's expectations that often pressure we introverts to significantly alter our behaviour which potentially harms our wellbeing. I believe it is imperative therefore for we introverts to understand the personal cost of sacrificing our authentic self for the sake of conforming to an ideal that is not ours. We can still use our introvert strengths like thoughtful problem solving and meaningful listening effectively without succumbing to external pressures. So how do we set social boundaries while remaining nonconfrontational in order to prioritise our wellbeing? Let's explore! *** Key Points *** Maintain authenticity amidst societal biases. Embrace introverted strengths confidently. Set boundaries assertively in all contexts. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
1/23/25 • 14:58
In this episode, I explore the significance of emotional intelligence (EI) for we introverts who are either climbing the career ladder or seeking a more fulfilling life. We explore the origins of EI that was then popularised by Daniel Goleman. It would be remiss of me to talk origins in this way without mentioning Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Understanding this history helps us appreciate how these theories have evolved over time and why they are still relevant. I believe choosing leaders with robust emotional intelligence is necessary to mitigate our current global crisis by challenging the outdated corporate mindset. By enhancing our EI through actionable feedback and developing a rich emotional vocabulary, we can lead more meaningful lives with stronger interpersonal connections *** Key Points *** Emotional Intelligence vs. Cognitive Intelligence. Techniques to enhance EI include feedback. Introversion isn't an excuse for poor skills. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
1/16/25 • 14:28
Let's talk about the confidence-building strategies specifically crafted for we introverts. Drawing from personal experience, I recount receiving feedback that suggested a lack of confidence, a common misconception about we introverts often compared unfairly to extraverts. I also explore what true confidence entails, aligning with Dr. Rob Yeung’s definition: taking effective action despite fear. Developing quiet confidence involves understanding one's strengths and maintaining emotional balance through self-care and mindfulness practices. I address the myth that introverts lack confidence and highlight how we can embrace our innate strengths to show up strategically and authentically. #Introverts #Confidence #FlourishingIntroverts *** Key Points *** Quiet confidence vs arrogance Strategies for cultivating enduring habits and attitude. Important role of authenticity. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
1/9/25 • 19:48
What does genuine self-care for introverts look like? Often misconstrued as superficial indulgences, true self-care requires a deeper understanding of our 'wants' versus our 'needs'. While 'wants' are akin to icing on a cake, nice for sure, but essential? Not really! The real substance lies in addressing our core needs. In this episode I to help you identify and prioritise the deep-seated aspects that contribute to mental, emotional, physical, and equally important social well-being. I also talk about the 'needs chart' which is a valuable visual aid to help communicate and understand personal needs within families and teams. Let's explore this together. *** Key Points *** Distinguish between 'wants' vs. 'needs'. Adapt routines based on changing needs. Use a ‘needs chart’ for clarity. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
1/2/25 • 15:19
This I believe is the right time for this episode for we introverts with festive season at its peak. I explore how we socialise on our own terms during the high-energy, high expectation festive season. As an introvert myself, I've often faced misconceptions that I'm antisocial, shy or arrogant. Apparently, introverts avoid people. We do not. It is about managing our social and emotional energy wisely. It is more about how societal pressures affect we introverts both at work and in family situations. It is about respecting our own boundaries while giving ourselves the permission to enjoy social events meaningfully. It is about being discerning with invites using our personal selective socialisation blueprint. *** Key Points *** Understand and respect our boundaries with social invites. Communicating polite yet firm 'no' Set your intentions mindfully *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
12/26/24 • 13:06
The very first ally we need is ourselves. This could not be more true for we introverts as well. In this episode, I explore the concept of self-allyship for we introverts and how it differs from advocacy. Previously, I discussed advocating for system-level change to support introverts. However, self-allyship is about providing personal support and encouragement in a world that often favours extraversion. Drawing on my 30 years as a leadership and skills trainer, I emphasise the importance of embracing one's nature while combatting societal biases. It is in fact necessary that we become our own ally to navigate internalised negative beliefs and systemic biases. *** Key Points *** Embrace change with self-responsibility. Counteract internalised negative beliefs. Create environments conducive to growth. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
12/19/24 • 15:25
Celebrating Episode 250 together, can you believe it? Do I, an Open Introvert, have any strengths to offer in a world of loud, confident, and spontaneous extraverts, that anyone will take notice of or find valuable? Having been there and asked that question of and for myself I take a deep dive into some of the unique strengths and inherent gifts that we introverts bring to both life and work. This episode may be a little uncomfortable or awkward for some of the listeners but it is a topic I believe we need to explore with positive intention. We introverts tend to undervalue our strengths and abilities due to societal bias towards the extravert ideal. My aim is to empower fellow introverts by helping them acknowledge and celebrate their unique introvert strengths. I encourage to take stock of your personal strengths and redefine how you can articulate them in professional and personal life for broader recognition and respect. *** Key Points *** Recognising undervalued introvert strengths. Understanding flourishing as an ongoing process. Redefining strength articulation professionally. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
12/12/24 • 17:22
Join me as I proudly share the empowering concept of being unapologetically introverted. Growing up in England, where apologising was almost second nature, I've come to embrace my introversion without apology and that is no small-shift. This shift has significantly boosted my confidence and self-belief - more so now that I understand and take pride in being an Open Introvert. Through a personal story involving two siblings: Melody, an introvert, and Kyla, an extravert, I explore with their permission how stereotyping often leads well-meaning extroverts astray. I hope to educate extraverts about our unique needs which can foster better understanding rather than trying to change us. My journey through challenges like an unsuitable marriage and burnout shows the importance of balancing one's true nature with life's demands. *** Key Points *** Embrace our introversion confidently. Educate others about our introvert needs. Assertive communication fosters empowerment. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
12/5/24 • 14:51
To be an Introvert Advocate, I feel it is important that I share my own journey of becoming one. Having faced systemic biases towards the extravert ideal from school to business and everywhere else, I have learned that effective advocacy begins with self. By sharing my personal experiences of the extravert bias and the pressures to conform to extraverted norms, I hope to inspire we introverts to embrace our authentic introvert-self. Being self-aware and self-advocate is key to raising awareness, initiating change, and empowering oneself, we can challenge these biases together. Let's work towards equitable inclusion by eliminating the extraversion bias, the last acceptable bias that persists unchallenged at work and other parts of our lives. *** Key Points *** Importance of self-awareness Embracing authenticity over conformity Building allies beyond personality types *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
11/28/24 • 15:31
This week I explore an intriguing question posed by a client of mine: Can introverts truly influence others? In this episode I dive into the nuanced distinctions between being an influencer and being influential, especially from the perspective of we introverts. The perception by introverts themselves and others, is that we introverts lack influence due to our quiet, think-say-think processing nature. Our preference for meaningful content is often overlooked because of the hyper-active, always on, and highly visible extravert influencers. You see, influencing is a responsibility, ethical influence at least - which seeks mutual benefits as opposed to self-serving manipulative ends. There is a difference between honest intentions and manipulation and I explore that through the lens of Jeanie Laborde's book - Influencing with Integrity. *** Key Points *** Introverts have inherent influencing strengths Understanding Ethical vs manipulative influence Strategic thinking for intentional communication *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
11/21/24 • 14:03
*** Summary *** Dear fellow introverts, this episode is a little nostalgia, little learning and a lot of emphasis on power of storytelling for we introverts. In this episode, I take you back to the autumn of ’87, sharing how a nervous pre-interview night with my cat Chumley kicked off a lifelong journey of storytelling. Yup, you read that right. Let us explore why and how storytelling is an excellent tool for we introverts to connect, engage and be noticed in and for our authentic self. Let us take a dive into how crafting the right story not only impacts our message but transforms how others respond to us. *** Key Points *** The power of storytelling for introverts. Our think-say-think helps us craft impactful stories Understanding and using Quiet Courage. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
11/14/24 • 15:27
*** Summary *** None of us is a stranger to conflicts. Conflicts between introverts and extraverts have a challenging world of their own though. As someone who has always shied away from conflict, especially when it turns heated, I have come to appreciate that when approached with emotional maturity, these disagreements can actually lead to enhanced creativity and authenticity. It is about understanding, discussion and inclusion rather than division. We can address the common sources of workplace conflict such as meeting dynamics or communication styles, to encourage an environment where differences are celebrated rather than suppressed. *** Key Points *** Importance of Emotional Maturity. Inclusion is the answer, not division. Celebrate our differences through storytelling. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
11/7/24 • 15:35
*** Summary *** In this episode, I confront the stubborn myth the return-to-office is the only way for business and teams to thrive. It is time we accept that hybrid workplaces are here to stay and I urge leaders to be inclusive in exploring the new ways of working that prioritise employee well-being and, crucially, introvert inclusion. The outdated leadership practices often perpetuate bias—especially against those who thrive outside traditional office settings. It’s a bold invitation to redesign workplace culture with flexibility, productivity, and genuine connection at the core, rather than clinging to outdated methods. It is time to redefine the leadership norms and embrace "grown-up conversations" around flexibility, trust, and connection. Bold, inclusive hybrid working isn’t just possible—it’s necessary. *** Key Points *** Presenteeism is not Productivity Proximity bias is real - and is outdated. Flexibility is not a perk, but an essential. *** Resources *** Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
10/31/24 • 18:53
Is presence, and being present one and the same thing? In this episode I explore the curious concept of presence and being present from an introvert's perspective. I am choosing to explore this from the lens of negotiation. Through introspection and reflection on personal significance, impact on personal brand, and internal conflicts, I take you towards a deeper understanding of the distinction between Presence and Being Present. And to complement that, I share some tips on how you apply and manage both authentically, and when. See, we are negotiating! How do we navigate stepping out of and beyond our comfort zone in a world driven by the bias towards the extravert ideal. It is our intentional and well thought actions that truly help us being present in alignment with who we are, and why we are present. Key Points Balancing Presence with Being Present. Recognising and combating bias against the introverts. Being intentionally present and active, authentically. Resources Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
10/24/24 • 14:52
Summary Negotiation, Negotiation, Negotiation - it is happening everywhere and at all stages of our lives. I explore negotiation skills specifically tailored for introverts and how we already negotiate in our day to day lives. More importantly, how and why being more intentional in our negotiation skills serves us well. I debunk the myth that negotiation only happens in boardrooms and among people in suits and ties. To the contrary negotiation plays a crucial role in daily interactions as we advocate for ourselves, resolve conflicts, and maintain personal boundaries. You'll hear me sing praises of William Ury, and I do so unapologetically. Be it setting realistic deadlines or managing household responsibilities - negotiating skills come in handy. Hence, the sooner we learn these skills as introverts, the better we can do in our career, relationships and overall life - in collaborating, with clear terms and boundaries. Key Points Everyday relevance of negotiation skills. Separate person from problem strategy. Empowerment through self-advocacy tactics. Resources Visit https://hub.flourishingintroverts.com/resourcesp for tools and resources mentioned during the podcast.
10/17/24 • 16:37
Summary If you are an introvert, I can almost guarantee that you have experienced bias. This episode is all about the prevalent extroversion bias within organisations. Our societal preferences for traits like chattiness and outward displays of confidence can mean that we are sidelined and our contributions go unheard. I bravely explore bias we introverts are subjected to in environments that favour extravert behaviours – from being overlooked for promotions to feeling excluded from key projects. It is time that we recognise and confront these biases rather than allowing them to hinder career progress. Key Points Recognising organisational Extraversion Bias Strategies to highlight Introvert Strength Taking initiative to bringing about an inclusive change Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
10/10/24 • 15:26
Summary Let us unpack the complexities of building dynamically inclusive teams by leveraging the natural strengths that introverts bring to the table. In this episode we explore how inclusivity within teams can be achieved through mutual trust, psychological safety, and what Enola Consulting calls "compassionate efficiency." It's about creating a space where everyone feels valued and respected. The reality is that inclusivity requires ongoing effort; it's not just a box to tick and we mustn't treat it so. It is an ongoing journey. It is important that leaders practice genuine empathy, encourage diverse perspectives, and demonstrate actual interest in their team members and their wellbeing —to foster an inclusive environment. Key Points Inclusivity requires ongoing self-awareness and commitment in leaders. Leaders must practice genuine empathy and duty of care. Building mutual trust is the key. Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
10/3/24 • 18:27
Summary If only people could just listen, and notice how it helps people to heal. Despite my decades-long campaign to improve our listening skills, people are more interested in learning how to present or use language to influence. In fact from early years, we're taught how to read & write, but not how to listen. Central to this episode is the inherent ability of introverts to be comfortable with silence which gives us the edge when we need to listen. And when we listen to understand not just respond, we enable people to begin to heal. This is an art that should be embraced because to someone who needs to be heard, it has a magical effect. In a recent professional engagement, I witnessed how poor listening hindered communication and undermined respect, which I believe affects trust and connection. I talk about distractions, how it erodes our listening prowess and leads to disconnected interactions - and how genuine listening can provide emotional security, a foundation of sincere human connection. Key Points Listening provides validation & emotional security. Poor listening is detrimental to connections. Anyone can improve their listening ability - it takes intention. Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
9/26/24 • 13:48
Summary Oh the daunting world of networking, how it bothers we introverts. In this episode I share how we can look at networking from a fresh perspective, an encouraging one at that. Acknowledging our discomfort with traditional networking methods, I share my own journey and how I've come to see it as an opportunity to build meaningful relationships rather than just a transactional exchange. By intentional reframing of how we view and go about networking, we make it less about selling oneself and more about creating mutually beneficial connections. Key Points Network to build connections Add value to relationships Leverage existing connections Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
9/19/24 • 14:45
Summary In this episode I take a closer look at the reality of companies championing inclusivity and actual gap in implementation on the ground. This gap can create a trust deficit which is neither good for the team nor the leadership. And psychological safety takes the hit in this process - which is never a good thing! My primary aim is explore how we can accomplish authentic inclusivity with consistency and alignment of our words and action, at whatever level you are in an organisation. It is also time to value thinking time over presenteeism whilst we're creating a workplace environment that everyone can flourish in. Key Points Align actions with policies and stated values. Recognize and address unconscious bias. Understanding the value of thinking time over presenteeism. Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
9/12/24 • 13:39
Summary Welcome to the new and 21st season of The Flourishing Introvert Talks. We are diving into the often-overlooked contributions of introverted leaders within our evolving work environments. In the post-lockdown world there's been a noticeable shift from initial acceptance to a push for Return-to-Office mandates. This regression is driven by perceived declines in productivity—something I strongly reject. It is time that corporate world recognises how remarkably we introverted leaders excel through thoughtful listening, emotional intelligence, and creating inclusive environments that genuinely value all team members' input. And we've got data to back this with. Key Points Inclusive leadership vs Proximity Bias Empirical evidence supports Remote Work benefits Moving from Frustrated to Flourishing Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
9/5/24 • 13:48
Summary Fellow introverts and allies - and just like that we have arrived at the Season 20 Finale of our journey of self-discovery and empowerment together as Flourishing Introverts. As we bring season to a close, I explore what it means for we introverts to truly flourish as individuals, and the fifty percent of humanity that we represent. Let us explore the challenge of being expected to conform to societal expectations so we have clarity around why it’s non-negotiable for us to flourish on our own terms. The reality is flourishing isn't a one-size-fits-all concept; it never will be. It is a deeply personal and subjective journey for we introverts. I share some of my experiences and the lessons I have learned over the years as I come to celebrate my own introversion, unapologetically, I call upon you to tread on your unique paths with joy and own your intent to flourish on your terms. It’s time to live authentically instead of merely ticking boxes set by someone else's standards. Key Points Celebrate our Individuality Over Conformity Define our success on our terms Be intentional in living authentic life, to flourish on our terms Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
8/15/24 • 12:14
Summary We avoid the difficult, don't we? It is not easy to invite, open up to and engage in difficult conversations and decision making. I explore the challenges we face when handling the difficult. Drawing from personal experiences and client stories, I discuss how making decisions—whether they're about ending a relationship or changing careers—resembles a complex dance that requires both grace and strategy. It does require courage, clarity and patience. I dive into the delicate balance between logical thinking and emotional feeling in decision-making. Our heart says something, but head has a completely different mind of its own, pun completely intended. So, how do we do this? Let's explore! Key Points: Balance logic with empathy Personal anecdotes illustrate strategies Client case studies provide insights Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
8/8/24 • 15:56
Summary Being a Cage-Rattler on a mission to shake out the Extraversion-Bias, an essential part of my work involves helping we introverts find our path to success and joy in a world designed for extraverts. This episode dives into the concept of limitless opportunities and how we can shift our mindset to recognise them. Building upon episode 232 (from last week) I explore the power of mindset - how we can move beyond our frustrations by fueling our personal growth so we can flourish peacefully. Let's redefine what success looks like as we learn to celebrate our unique introverted qualities as strengths. Oh this episode is packed with actionable strategies on making the most out of life's endless possibilities! Key Points Embrace September as The Month of New Beginnings Transform Frustrations into Opportunities Adopt an Infinite Possibilities Mindset Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Find out more about our Frustrated to Flourishing Program. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
8/1/24 • 14:13
Summary Once again I am here to talk about the Mindset and this isn't the last time I will talk about it. "Choosing a Flourishing Mindset," as I named this episode too, is not a destination but an ongoing journey. In this episode I am looking at the power of your mindset from the angle of flourishing, because after all, it shapes how we approach challenges and life choices in general. The question is what influences our mindset and how can we remain intentional about ours? In this episode I share some core beliefs and how can we introverts thrive by developing an intentionally flourishing mindset. Key Points Recognise and Celebrate your Authentic Self Align your goals with your Core Values. Prioritise Inner-Joy amidst Chaos. Resources What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
7/25/24 • 17:56
Summary Ah, the exasperating and mundane recurrence that plagues the lives of many of we introverts, if not most – a real-life Groundhog Day. The same routine: morning alarm, commute to work, unproductive tedious meetings that favour extravert ideal more than anything else. It almost feels like a relentless trap to those of us who crave meaningful and fulfilling work life. In this episode, I share insights on how we can break free from these cycles that stifle our spirit. It's about recognizing when enough is enough and taking deliberate steps towards change - and how we can start with small changes leading to small victories and long-term fulfillment. Key Points Impact of mundane routines. Recognising the need for change. Creative steps towards meaningful change. Resources: What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
7/17/24 • 14:12
Summary In this episode, I dive into the role of extrinsic and intrinsic fear in creating mid-year doldrums in our minds. I am to offer an alternative way to look at remaining year, and the opportunity it brings. These 'what have you achieved by mid-year' prompts can lead us down a spiral of self-criticism and feelings of insufficiency. I talk about importance of intentions as opposed to goals. By focusing on intentions, we introverts feel more empowered and purposeful in our quest for growth, without succumbing to externally imposed expectations or experiencing cognitive dissonance between personal values and professional demands. Intention setting is where fulfillment and alignment flourishes. Key Points Focus on intentions before goals Align actions with your principles/values Reduce fear of failure through being pragmatic PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
7/11/24 • 13:32
Summary It is time to explore the complexities of motivation from our perspective as introverts. The billion dollar question is what motivates us, and what about our team members? The best motivation isn't something we can 'do to others' but something that comes from within, and for us, a calm & positive environment does act as a catalyst. We dive into intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation and its impact on us as individuals. I discuss why for introverts, internal satisfaction typically plays a more significant role in driving our actions than external rewards do. It is time that leaders focus on creating relevant conditions for their teams to tap into their personal motivations, leading to greater empowerment and engagement. Key Points The strongest motivation comes from within. Intrinsic vs Extrinsic: Enduring vs Short-lived. Importance of conducive environment. PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking the quiz here. Want to watch our Video LIVE Show? Tune-in here. Take advantage of the free Clarity call here. It's time to explore your development needs to unlock your potential. Sign-up for my weekly 'Reflections' email right here. Visit Joanna’s website right here. Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook Community of like-minded Introverts here.
7/4/24 • 13:41