Late Supper at the Midnight Diner: life and a double shot of expression. MENU: Blue Ridge Roots, New York grit, Paris style, Scots wit.
Silence in Society, Violence in Language + Lawrence Ferlinghetti Farewell • Plus how the Coral Reef may decide our fate
3/16/21 • 49:35
Lady Bunny, Lama Gyurme + Happy Renewal Year 2021!
1/2/21 • 106:41
Saturday Brunch: Social Dilemma + Tennessee Williams Illusion
10/19/20 • 44:16
Larry Kramer vs. Covid, Angi's Inspiration, Happy Dammit
9/4/20 • 36:16
Late Supper Short Story •105 Degree Peach: Life Before the Land Turned Red by Martin Belk (28 mins). Driving with Grandma Ruby to York.
4/23/20 • 30:24
Late Supper BONUS Poetry Reading • Mary Folliet recorded March 2020 • Haiku, 10-word Poems, TANKA for artists
3/30/20 • 08:14
Mary Knows Jazz, Pretend Protocol, Old Folk Love, Lockdown Practicalities • Take Care of Yourselves
3/30/20 • 59:43
Stay Home Get Paid: Virus Survival, New Pal Vivian Manning Schaffel, Coffee Podding, Buttermilk Biscuits
3/14/20 • 50:00
Wolkenbruch's Wondrous Journey, Beautiful Rogers, Tim's Fiestaware, Mashed Potatoes
2/17/20 • 48:11
Death & Christmas, Renewal Year 2020, Rome 'n' Okra, Fellini, Sing! Sing! Sing!, Paris Nuit Blanche
1/24/20 • 60:01