Artist picture of The Linda Lindas

The Linda Lindas

3 329 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de The Linda Lindas na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of No Obligation
No Obligation
Album cover of The News (Re: The Linda Lindas)
The News (Re: The Linda Lindas)
Album cover of Growing Up
Growing Up
Album cover of All In My Head
All In My Head
Album cover of Resolution/Revolution
Album cover of Racist, Sexist Boy
Racist, Sexist Boy
Album cover of Magic
Album cover of Rebel Girl
Rebel Girl
Album cover of Remember

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de The Linda Lindas na Deezer

No Obligation

por The Linda Lindas


28 fãs

Álbuns populares

The Linda Lindas: Álbuns mais populares

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Pom Pom Squad Pom Pom Squad 484 fãs
Pennywise Pennywise 137 414 fãs


The Linda Lindas: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Hot New Rock Hot New Rock 150 faixas - 122 489 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Paramore 100% Paramore 37 faixas - 15 013 fãs
Cover of playlist Punk! Punk! 101 faixas - 59 419 fãs
Cover of playlist Grrrls! Grrrls! 100 faixas - 5 001 fãs
Cover of playlist Pop Punk Anthems Pop Punk Anthems 132 faixas - 119 fãs
Cover of playlist ❗ Epitaph New Releases ❗ Epitaph New Releases 50 faixas - 540 fãs
Cover of playlist Weihnachten Rock Hits Weihnachten Rock Hits 70 faixas - 545 fãs

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Ouça The Linda Lindas na Deezer

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