Artist picture of Seru Giran

Seru Giran

44 342 fãs

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Salir De La Melancolía
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Viernes, 3AM
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Perro Andaluz
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Album cover of La Grasa de las Capitales
La Grasa de las Capitales
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Nos Veremos Otra Vez
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Inconsciente Colectivo
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Parado En El Medio De La Vida
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Seru Giran: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Esenciales Rock Argentino Esenciales Rock Argentino 100 faixas - 36 608 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Seru Giran 100% Seru Giran 40 faixas - 346 fãs
Cover of playlist Retrorock 80s Retrorock 80s 50 faixas - 6 757 fãs
Cover of playlist 80's Nacionales 80's Nacionales 35 faixas - 522 fãs
Cover of playlist Retrorock 70s Retrorock 70s 50 faixas - 1 265 fãs
Cover of playlist Rock nacional clásico Rock nacional clásico 56 faixas - 2 078 fãs
Cover of playlist Essential Charly Garcia Essential Charly Garcia 30 faixas - 194 fãs
Cover of playlist Tu Mùsica Tu Historia Tu Mùsica Tu Historia 103 faixas - 279 fãs

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Serú Girán was an Argentine supergroup made up of Charly García, David Lebón, Pedro Aznar, and Oscar Moro, all of whom had made names for themselves in various musical projects. The band was founded in 1978, after the dissolution of Charly García’s band La Máquina De Hacer Pájaros. The band released their debut album titled Serú Girán that same year, and premiered it with a grand live performance backed by a 24-piece orchestra. Their follow-up album, 1979’s La Grasa de las Capitales, pushed them to further heights of popularity. The following year Serú Girán released the album Bicicleta, which saw the group tackling the realities of the Argentinian socio-political situation of the early 1980s using metaphors from Alice in Wonderland to avoid government censorship. On December 30, 1980, the group played a historic free concert in Buenos Aires to an audience of over 60,000 people, making them the first Argentine rock band to play for such a crowd. In 1982, Pedro Aznar left the group to study at the Berklee College of Music, leading to a farewell tour which was later released as a live album. The group disbanded soon afterward, but they reunited in 1992 to record their final studio album, Serú ‘92, and play one final tour.