Artist picture of Anne Dudley

Anne Dudley

1 101 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Anne Dudley na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Resurgam
Album cover of Medhel an Gwyns
Medhel an Gwyns
Album cover of How the Tide Rushes In
How the Tide Rushes In
Album cover of Fresh Paint
Fresh Paint
Album cover of Suite from Poldark
Suite from Poldark
Album cover of I'd Pluck a Fair Rose
I'd Pluck a Fair Rose
Album cover of The Blue Room
The Blue Room
Album cover of Habebe
Album cover of The Bal Maidens
The Bal Maidens

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Anne Dudley: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Soundtrack Classics Soundtrack Classics 70 faixas - 80 702 fãs
Cover of playlist Movie Hits Movie Hits 98 faixas - 950 fãs
Cover of playlist Classical Wonder Women Classical Wonder Women 113 faixas - 45 fãs

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A hugely influential composer and pianist, Anne Dudley's career in popular music began through an association with UK producer Trevor Horn. Working on ABC's 1982 album Lexicon Of Love With Horn, Dudley's remarkable string arrangements established her credentials as a producer and her career took off. Her impressive list of credits as a composer/producer includes work with Marc Almond, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Elton John, Annie Lennox, The Pet Shop Boys, Seal and Rod Stewart. Her work with Art Of Noise and particularly the association with singer Tom Jones on tracks such as Kiss are perhaps her best known works. Dudley's career as a film score writer has spanned 20 years and has included music for films such as The Full Monty, The Crying Game and Les Miserables as well as TV productions such as Kavanagh QC, Jeeves And Wooster and Poldark. Dudley is also a respected orchestral composer and has worked with the BBC Concert Orchestra. Her first commission for the BBC was the Music And Silence performed at the Royal Festival Hall in 2002 and she has since worked on numerous orchestral projects with regional orchestras around the UK.