Artist picture of Tragedie


38 222 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Tragedie na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Hey Oh
Hey Oh
Album cover of Hey Oh (Premium Version)
Hey Oh (Premium Version)
Album cover of Hey Oh, Pt. 2
Hey Oh, Pt. 2
Album cover of Hey Oh
Hey Oh
Album cover of Je reste ghetto (feat. Reed)
Je reste ghetto (feat. Reed)
Album cover of Hey Oh
Hey Oh
Album cover of Hey Oh (feat. Willy William)
Hey Oh (feat. Willy William)
Album cover of Sexy pour moi!
Sexy pour moi!
Album cover of Eternellement
Album cover of Ma ville
Ma ville

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Tragedie na Deezer

Bonita (Radio Edit)

por Tragedie


2 fãs

Álbuns populares

Tragedie: Álbuns mais populares

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Tragedie: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Soirée 2000 Soirée 2000 50 faixas - 60 207 fãs
Cover of playlist Bleu blanc hits 2000 Bleu blanc hits 2000 50 faixas - 75 231 fãs
Cover of playlist Good Mood - Healthie HOUR Good Mood - Healthie HOUR 2 000 faixas - 820 fãs
Cover of playlist Zumba Workout: Latin Dance Hits Zumba Workout: Latin Dance Hits 97 faixas - 2 896 fãs
Cover of playlist Plaisir coupable Plaisir coupable 70 faixas - 69 208 fãs
Cover of playlist Sunny Music ☀️ Chill Songs Sunny Music ☀️ Chill Songs 2 000 faixas - 276 fãs
Cover of playlist France 2000s France 2000s 49 faixas - 75 fãs
Cover of playlist La pire playlist du monde La pire playlist du monde 100 faixas - 1 282 fãs
Cover of playlist Sport Ambiance 90's Hits Sport Ambiance 90's Hits 45 faixas - 817 fãs
Cover of playlist R&B FRANÇAIS - LES CLASSIQUES R&B FRANÇAIS - LES CLASSIQUES 38 faixas - 4 494 fãs
Cover of playlist Born in 90 Born in 90 56 faixas - 2 192 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Tragedie na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Tragédie is a beautiful story that sees two young unknowns place three singles and an album at number one in the French charts. Y-zit, then known as Tizy Bone, and Shulky Shai began by singing a cappela in the streets of Nantes in 1998. Their first single "Hey Oh" reached No. 1 in the charts in 2003, and the same enviable fate awaited "Sexy pour moi" and the album Tragédie. Their second album, A Fleur 2 Peau in 2004, contains another No 1 with "Gentleman". Tragédie's career came to a halt in 2005 when Y-zit attempted to launch a solo career.