Artist picture of Baroness


34 381 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Baroness na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Shine
Album cover of Take My Bones Away
Take My Bones Away
Album cover of Last Word
Last Word
Album cover of Eula
Album cover of Back Where I Belong
Back Where I Belong
Album cover of Choir
Album cover of Stretchmarker
Album cover of Cocainium
Album cover of Beneath the Rose
Beneath the Rose
Album cover of March to the Sea
March to the Sea

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Baroness na Deezer

STONE (Deluxe)

por Baroness


605 fãs

Álbuns populares

Baroness: Álbuns mais populares

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Baroness: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Planet Stoner Planet Stoner 70 faixas - 27 716 fãs
Cover of playlist Prog Metal Prog Metal 80 faixas - 7 782 fãs
Cover of playlist Motocultor 2024 Motocultor 2024 108 faixas - 429 fãs
Cover of playlist Alternative Attack Alternative Attack 499 faixas - 2 191 fãs
Cover of playlist Black Sabbath e Discípulos Black Sabbath e Discípulos 38 faixas - 198 fãs
Cover of playlist All Times Metal All Times Metal 82 faixas - 234 fãs
Cover of playlist Mixed by Charly Hübner Mixed by Charly Hübner 25 faixas - 3 fãs

Para todos os moods


Baroness is an American heavy metal band formed in Savannah, Georgia, in 2003. The band's founding members -- singer-songwriter and guitarist John Baizley, guitarist Tim Loose, bassist Summer Welch, and drummer Allen Blickle -- all grew up in Lexington, Virginia, and played initially played together in the band Johnny Welfare and the Paychecks. After the musicians relocated to Georgia, Baroness released three EPs before unveiling its full-length debut, Red Album, in 2007. 2009's Blue Record went to number 15 on Billboard's Hard Rock Albums Chart, while 2012's Yellow and Green reached number 6 on the Hard Rock Chart and number eight on the Top Rock Albums Chart in 2012. The band's roster changed often, but Baroness remained commercially successful with albums like 2016's Purple, which went to number 2 on Billboard's Hard Rock Chart and number 5 on the Rock Chart. Purple also featured the song "Shock Me," which was nominated for a Grammy Award for "Best Metal Performance." The band's sixth album, Gold & Grey, was released in 2019 and became the band's first Top 40 entry on the Billboard 200. Stone followed in 2023, preceded by the singles "Last Word" and "Beneath the Rose."