Artist picture of Lenny Tavarez

Lenny Tavarez

993 713 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Lenny Tavarez na Deezer

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Album cover of Parce (feat. Justin Quiles)
Parce (feat. Justin Quiles)
Album cover of Faldas y Gistros
Faldas y Gistros
Album cover of Elegí (feat. Dímelo Flow)
Elegí (feat. Dímelo Flow)
Album cover of QUÍTENME EL TELÉFONO (feat. Yandel, Jay Wheeler)
QUÍTENME EL TELÉFONO (feat. Yandel, Jay Wheeler)

Último lançamento

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por Lenny Tavarez


165 fãs

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Lenny Tavarez: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist ¿Hablas Portuñol? ¿Hablas Portuñol? 50 faixas - 60 025 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Maluma 100% Maluma 51 faixas - 64 703 fãs
Cover of playlist 10s Latin Music 10s Latin Music 51 faixas - 98 620 fãs
Cover of playlist Sólo Bachata Sólo Bachata 50 faixas - 81 689 fãs
Cover of playlist Feel Good Latin Feel Good Latin 50 faixas - 35 128 fãs
Cover of playlist Sol y Playa Sol y Playa 50 faixas - 104 308 fãs
Cover of playlist Zumba Hits Zumba Hits 50 faixas - 10 356 fãs
Cover of playlist REGGAETON 2024 REGGAETON 2024 160 faixas - 109 115 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Blessd 100% Blessd 40 faixas - 4 135 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Jay Wheeler 100% Jay Wheeler 50 faixas - 6 161 fãs

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Ouça Lenny Tavarez na Deezer

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Previously one half of the popular reggaeton act Dyland & Lenny, Lenny Tavárez moved on to become a solo artist in his own right and an important part of the Latin trap scene. He's known for a style that's brighter and more pop-friendly than many of his contemporaries, with his style and persona drawing comparisons to pop and R&B artists more than fellow rappers.

Tavarez got together with his friend Carlos Castillo Cruz to form Dyland & Lenny after the pair abandoned their childhood dreams of becoming basketball stars. They debuted with the album 'My World' in 2010, reaching number 13 in the US Top Latin Albums Chart. The second, 'My World 2', followed in 2013 and featured collaborations with Alvarez, Pitbull, Yomo and Victor Manuelle.

At the end of 2013 the duo went their separate ways and Tavárez began to record solo material, releasing the singles 'La Nena', 'Fantasias' and 'Torturo' with 'No Quiere Amor' and 'Caviar' bringing more of the hallmarks of trap to his sound.