Artist picture of Mariee Sioux

Mariee Sioux

8 812 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Wizard Flurry Home
Wizard Flurry Home
Album cover of Tule
Album cover of Twin Song
Twin Song
Album cover of Old Magic
Old Magic
Album cover of Swimming Through Stone
Swimming Through Stone
Album cover of Ghosts in My Heart
Ghosts in My Heart
Album cover of White Fanged Foreverness
White Fanged Foreverness
Album cover of Lcarus Eye
Lcarus Eye
Album cover of Wild Eyes
Wild Eyes
Album cover of Homeopathic

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A delicate, psych folk troubadour whose beguiling acoustic melodies mix with influences from her Native American family roots, Mariee Sioux is a throwback to earthy, melancholic 1960s singer songwriters such as Joni Mitchell, Nick Drake and Joan Baez. The daughter of mandolin player Gary Sobonya, she was raised in Nevada City, California and taught herself to play guitar. She was a childhood friend of fellow folk starlet Alela Diane and grew up watching local Joanna Newson gigs and listening to Devendra Banhart records, before self-releasing early recordings Pray Me A Shadow (2004) and A Bundled Bundle Of Bundles (2006). Released through indie label Grass Roots Records, her studio debut Faces In The Rocks (2007) featured Native American flautist Gentle Thunder and affirmed her place as one of the more enchanting voices of California's folk revival scene. Follow-up Gift For The End (2012) included more gentle, sun-blissed, psychedelic moments and tranced-out spirituality, before she went on to collaborate with Bonnie Prince Billy on the EP Bonnie And Mariee (2012).