Artist picture of Noisettes


12 211 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Noisettes na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Never Forget You
Never Forget You
Album cover of Sister Rosetta
Sister Rosetta
Album cover of Wild Young Hearts
Wild Young Hearts
Album cover of Sometimes
Album cover of Never Forget You (FP Remix)
Never Forget You (FP Remix)
Album cover of Atticus
Album cover of Every Now And Then
Every Now And Then
Album cover of Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go)
Don't Upset The Rhythm (Go Baby Go)
Album cover of Cheap Kicks
Cheap Kicks
Album cover of So Complicated
So Complicated

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de Noisettes na Deezer

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Noisettes: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist One Tree Hill soundtrack One Tree Hill soundtrack 100 faixas - 3 433 fãs
Cover of playlist Pop Hits | THE WEEKND EM SÃO PAULO Pop Hits | THE WEEKND EM SÃO PAULO 156 faixas - 5 613 fãs
Cover of playlist Só as Trends | I NEVER FORGET YOU Só as Trends | I NEVER FORGET YOU 133 faixas - 1 934 fãs
Cover of playlist Brit pop | Brit pop classics Brit pop | Brit pop classics 97 faixas - 67 fãs
Cover of playlist Urban Pop Vibes Urban Pop Vibes 138 faixas - 414 fãs
Cover of playlist Viral Hits 2022 Viral Hits 2022 205 faixas - 97 fãs
Cover of playlist REGRESO AL 2000 REGRESO AL 2000 94 faixas - 114 fãs

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Former classmates from the BRIT School for Performing Arts, the band built up a reputation for flamboyant, high energy live shows through early support slots with Babyshambles, Bloc Party and Muse. Debut album What's The Time Mr Wolf? (2007) crashed punk, soul and blues influences into raucous indie pop with lead single Don't Give Up making it to the soundtrack of Brit flick St Trinian's and Scratch Your Name featuring in the last ever episode of The Sopranos. Building on some high profile critical acclaim, second album Wild Young Hearts (2009) was a slicker, funkier affair which drew in a more mainstream audience. Never Forget You gained healthy airplay on British radio and when it was used on an advert for Mazda 2 cars, the single rocketed to No 2 in the UK charts. The sassy, soulful follow-up single Never Forget You also made it into the UK Top 20.