Artist picture of Neko Case

Neko Case

10 129 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Neko Case auf Deezer


Album cover of Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis
Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis
Album cover of I Wish I Was the Moon
I Wish I Was the Moon
Album cover of Georgia Stars
Georgia Stars
Album cover of Song for Judee
Song for Judee
Album cover of Things That Scare Me
Things That Scare Me
Album cover of Middle Cyclone
Middle Cyclone
Album cover of Dirty Knife
Dirty Knife
Album cover of Atomic Number
Atomic Number
Album cover of I'm An Animal
I'm An Animal
Album cover of Lady Pilot
Lady Pilot

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Neko Case auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Neko Case

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Neko Case

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Lambchop Lambchop 16 947 Fans
Laura Marling Laura Marling 82 327 Fans
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Elbow Elbow 84 794 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Neko Case

Cover of playlist Folky Christmas Folky Christmas 50 Titel - 10 650 Fans
Cover of playlist Indie Folk Energy Indie Folk Energy 70 Titel - 56 515 Fans
Cover of playlist Women of Folk Women of Folk 60 Titel - 12 234 Fans
Cover of playlist Songwriters Essentials Songwriters Essentials 80 Titel - 4 244 Fans
Cover of playlist Dark & Moody Dark & Moody 70 Titel - 40 920 Fans
Cover of playlist Hunger Games Hunger Games 55 Titel - 4 639 Fans
Cover of playlist The Buzz The Buzz 56 Titel - 8 Fans
Cover of playlist The L Word The L Word 77 Titel - 582 Fans
Cover of playlist My Women ♀️ My Women ♀️ 111 Titel - 49 Fans
Cover of playlist Nalu a Bordo Nalu a Bordo 113 Titel - 117 Fans
Cover of playlist Comforting Tunes Comforting Tunes 20 Titel - 27 Fans
Cover of playlist Diário Das Ilhas Diário Das Ilhas 74 Titel - 109 Fans
Cover of playlist Chill Summer Chill Summer 26 Titel - 11 Fans
Cover of playlist Songwriters Essentials Songwriters Essentials 80 Titel - 5 Fans

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