Artist picture of Sanseverino


63 877 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Maigrir
Album cover of Grand Jean-Luc
Grand Jean-Luc
Album cover of Mon père il est tellement fort (with Sanseverino)
Mon père il est tellement fort (with Sanseverino)
Album cover of La cigarette
La cigarette
Album cover of C'était mieux maintenant
C'était mieux maintenant
Album cover of Mal ô mains
Mal ô mains
Album cover of Dans la salle du bar-tabac de la rue des Martyrs
Dans la salle du bar-tabac de la rue des Martyrs
Album cover of Les films de guerre
Les films de guerre

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Playlists & music by Sanseverino

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Clown, comedian, then artist, Stéphane Sanseverino came to song late in life. Born in Paris in 1961 of Italian descent, he won public acclaim for his style, which blends chanson and gypsy jazz with a touch of humor. After a spell with Les Voleurs de Poules, the songwriter, guitarist and singer went solo in 1999, and enjoyed success with his debut album Le Tango des Gens, released two years later. In 2003, he received the Victoire de la Musique award for "Revelation of the Year", and went on to expand his musical palette with Exactement (2004), the soundtrack to the film U (2007), Les Faux Talbins (2009) and the country exercise on the album Honky Tonk (2013). A seasoned guitarist with a jovial way with words, Sanseverino pays tribute to the chanson heritage in Le Petit Bal Perdu (2014) and, the following year, adapts Henri Charrière's novel Papillon into music.