Artist picture of Au p'tit Bonheur

Au p'tit Bonheur

5 289 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of J'veux du soleil
J'veux du soleil
Album cover of Le Vaurien
Le Vaurien
Album cover of J'T'Aime Tell'Ment
J'T'Aime Tell'Ment
Album cover of Ca c’est d’la bombe atomique
Ca c’est d’la bombe atomique
Album cover of Soleil Nocturne
Soleil Nocturne
Album cover of Sorcière

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Playlists & music by Au p'tit Bonheur

Cover of playlist France 90 France 90 50 tracks
Cover of playlist France 90 France 90 50 tracks - 25 fans
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The Au P'tit Bonheur group, led by Jamel Laroussi, first shot to fame in 1991 with the unstoppable hit "J'Veux du soleil ", which appeared on their debut album, Le Mal De Vivre, released the following year. This instant standard totally engulfed the career of Jamel Laroussi / Au P'tit Bonheur, who in 2013 released his fourth album in his twenty-year career with La Saison des Grandes Chaleurs.