Artist picture of Wojciech Kilar

Wojciech Kilar

3 811 fans

Listen to all of Wojciech Kilar's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Love Remembered
Love Remembered
Album cover of Grande valse
Grande valse
Album cover of Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Party
Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Party
Album cover of The Hunters Prelude
The Hunters Prelude
Album cover of Agata's Theme
Agata's Theme
Album cover of Haute montagne
Haute montagne
Album cover of Death and the Maiden: Roberto's Last Chance
Death and the Maiden: Roberto's Last Chance

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Playlists & music by Wojciech Kilar

Cover of playlist La dolce vita La dolce vita 50 tracks - 2 744 fans
Cover of playlist Classical Motivation Classical Motivation 62 tracks - 12 fans
Cover of playlist Trabalhe com MÚSICA Trabalhe com MÚSICA 50 tracks - 8 fans
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Cover of playlist MEDITAR e RELAXAR MEDITAR e RELAXAR 45 tracks - 113 fans

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Listen to Wojciech Kilar on Deezer

For every mood


A musician and composer of classical music, Poland's Wojciech Kilar is much better known as a composer of film scores. Active in Poland since the late 1950s, Wojciech Kilar achieved international renown with his score for the 1980 animated film The King and the Bird, which won him the Prix Louis-Delluc. His best-known works include Dracula (1992), La Jeune fille et la mort (1994), La Neuvième porte (1999) and Le Pianiste, for which he won the César for best film score in 2002. Made a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in 2013, Wojciech Kilar died on December 29 in Katowice, Poland, of cancer.