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The rap duo New Boyz had a career which burned brightly for a relatively short time but during their career they were credited, along with fellow Inland Empire residents Audio Push, with bringing the so-called jerkin' style of rap to a mass audience.
The style emerged in 2007 and emanated from a dance style and dress code developed by gang members in the Inland Empire region of California. The band rose to prominence after the release of their 2008 debut album 'Skinny Jeans and a Mic' which featured the lead single 'You're a Jerk'. The accompanying video went viral and the single climbed to number four in Billboard's Rap Chart and reached number 24 in the Hot 100.
The band was formed by high school friends Dominic Thomas and Earl Benjamin. Thomas had been rapping since the age of eight but Benjamin's initial teenage focus had been to win a football scholarship to San Diego State University. After pooling their money the two friends decided to buy some recording equipment and thus began their musical career. After a string of hits the duo decided to part amicably in 2013 and pursue solo ambitions.