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Aaron Watson – born James Aaron Watson on August 20, 1977 in Amarillo, Texas – is a country music singer, songwriter, and musician. While he enjoyed classic country music growing up, he didn’t learn to play the guitar until he was in college. Devoting his time and energy into learning his instrument and forging a musical career for himself, he release his debut album, Singer/Songwriter, in 1999 followed by A Texas Café (2000). Watson’s third album, Shutupanddance (2002) was his first nationally successful album, earning him radio play and a higher commercial profile. His next album, The Honky Tonk Kid (2004) featured a collaboration with country music legend Willie Nelson. Recorded during the tour to support the 2004 album, his Live at the Texas Hall of Fame album was released in 2005. The following year, his album San Angelo was the first to hit the Billboard Country Albums chart, climbing to Number 60. His next few albums continued the trend of climbing higher on the charts, culminating with his 2015 album The Underdog reaching Number 1. His next release, Vaquero (2017), was another success, landing at Number 2. After a live release and a Christmas album, Red Bandana (2019) returned him to the Billboard Top 10, reaching Number 7. In January 2021, Watson released the album American Soul.