Artist picture of Huey Lewis

Huey Lewis

3 016 fans

Listen to all of Huey Lewis's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Cruisin'
Album cover of Once Upon a Time in New York City
Once Upon a Time in New York City
Album cover of You Can't Judge A Book (By Looking At The Cover)
You Can't Judge A Book (By Looking At The Cover)

Most popular release

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by Huey Lewis

1 fan

Popular albums

Most popular albums from Huey Lewis


Playlists & music by Huey Lewis

Cover of playlist Duets Essentials Duets Essentials 70 tracks - 71 136 fans
Cover of playlist Love Featurings Love Featurings 80 tracks - 274 fans
Cover of playlist Grandes colaboraciones Grandes colaboraciones 30 tracks - 98 fans
Cover of playlist Duetos que Amamos! 💛 Duetos que Amamos! 💛 71 tracks - 11 fans

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