Artist picture of Josh Gad

Josh Gad

6 017 fans

Listen to all of Josh Gad's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of In Summer
In Summer
Album cover of Baptize Me
Baptize Me
Album cover of You and Me (But Mostly Me)
You and Me (But Mostly Me)

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Playlists & music by Josh Gad

Cover of playlist Disney Hits Disney Hits 50 tracks - 83 941 fans
Cover of playlist Musical Hits Musical Hits 85 tracks - 5 252 fans
Cover of playlist Disney Villains Disney Villains 30 tracks - 538 fans
Cover of playlist Hits Disney Hits Disney 50 tracks - 750 fans
Cover of playlist Musical Hits Musical Hits 50 tracks - 12 fans
Cover of playlist Disney World Disney World 46 tracks - 26 fans
Cover of playlist Mundo Disney Mundo Disney 50 tracks - 38 772 fans
Cover of playlist Música Para Crianças Música Para Crianças 51 tracks - 6 184 fans

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Joshua Ilan Gad (born on February 23, 1981), also known as Josh Gad, is an American singer, actor, and comedian. After several supporting roles in indie movies and TV shows throughout the 2000s, Gad landed the part of Elder Cunningham on the Broadway musical The Book of Mormon in 2011. That same year, he received a nomination for Best Leading Actor in a Musical at the Tony Awards. After leaving The Book of Mormon in 2012, Gad starred in 1600 Penn, a show he co-created and produced as well. He also served as the voice for Louis the molehog in the movie Ice Age: Continental Drift. The following year, his role as Olaf in the Disney film Frozen earned him an Annie award for Voice Acting in a Feature Production. In 2017, Gad was cast as LeFou in Disney’s live-adaptation of Beauty and the Beast and played Hector MacQueen in the Kenneth Branagh-directed adaptation of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, alongside Michelle Pfeiffer, Judi Dench, and Daisy Ridley. The actor played the role of Olaft once more in 2019’s Frozen II, winning another Annie award for his vocal performance. During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Gad premiered his Reunited Apart YouTube series, which reunited the cast of classic films and destined all of its revenue to charity.