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Born near London on 21 October 1989 to British-Jamaican parents and raised in Toronto, Canada, where she moved with her family when she was five, Rochelle Jordan makes future-facing R&B that reflects the musical mélange of her background, drawing from UK rave culture as much as gospel and soul. She dropped her first record ROJO in 2011, coining a nickname that has persisted to this day, with a follow-up collection of exquisite electronic soul, Pressure, arriving in 2012. She released a third album, 1021, in 2014 but after failing to achieve any notable commercial fanfare, took herself away from the music industry and out of the spotlight. She re-emerged seven years later, triumphant and re-energised, having cut ties with her former label and signing instead to Tokimonsta’s Young Art imprint, on which she released her 2021 comeback LP Play With The Changes, garnering critical acclaim and reclaiming her status as a bold R&B artist with leftfield proclivities.