Listen to music for free and enjoy other audio content anytime, anywhere.
Discover millions of tracks and podcasts, plus extra content exclusive to Deezer.
Enjoy your own set of smart playlists with recommendations made just for you.
Pick and play the tracks you want from your favourite artists in select playlists.
Add music and podcasts to your favourites and create your own playlists.
Switch between your phone, tablet, desktop and other supported devices.
Uncover all the songs you love and discover tracks you never knew you needed — what more could you want from a free music streaming app?
Sign upYour smart playlists on the Music tab will serve up recommended tracks based on your music taste.
Sign upEnjoy a curated selection of podcasts, live radio and more. Browse by topic or what's trending, and find recommendations made for you.
Sign upWant to identify a song playing around you? Tap SongCatcher and let it work its magic.
Discover SongCatcherNail the chorus to any song with Lyrics. Belt out the words with friends, and share your favourite verses.
Discover LyricsSwitch between your phone, tablet or laptop, or sync to any of our supported home devices.
Discover compatible devicesYes, it's 100% free. Deezer Free is powered by advertisements to support all the music and content producers you love. As this is our most basic plan, some features are restricted.
You can discover millions of tracks in shuffle mode, and create your own collection. You can enjoy personal mixes like Flow, and launch mixes inspired by a track or artist. You also get built-in mobile features like SongCatcher and Lyrics.
Deezer Free is supported on desktop and most mobile and tablet devices. It's also possible to stream and cast from select home and speaker devices. You can find all devices here.
With both plans, you can discover millions of tracks in our catalogue, but Deezer Free provides shuffle-based streaming with occasional ads. If you'd like ad-free music, offline listening, and extra features, you can upgrade to Deezer Premium.