Artist picture of Lulu


3 438 fans

Escucha todas las canciones de Lulu en Deezer

Top canciones del artista

Album cover of To Sir With Love
To Sir With Love
Album cover of Independence
Album cover of Shout
Album cover of The Man with the Golden Gun (Main Title)
The Man with the Golden Gun (Main Title)
Album cover of The Man Who Sold the World
The Man Who Sold the World
Album cover of We've Got Tonight
We've Got Tonight
Album cover of Feelin' Alright
Feelin' Alright
Album cover of Boom Bang a Bang
Boom Bang a Bang
Album cover of The Boat That I Row
The Boat That I Row
Album cover of You and I
You and I

Último lanzamiento

Nuevos lanzamientos de Lulu en Deezer


de Pikito Produce, Just Carol, Lulu


0 fans

Álbumes populares

Los álbumes más populares de Lulu

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Playlists y música de Lulu

Cover of playlist 60s Hits 60s Hits 52 canciones - 92 819 fans
Cover of playlist 60s Pop 60s Pop 70 canciones - 10 840 fans
Cover of playlist James Bond Classics James Bond Classics 33 canciones - 27 201 fans
Cover of playlist British Classics British Classics 60 canciones - 9 949 fans
Cover of playlist Best Of British 60s Best Of British 60s 40 canciones - 665 fans
Cover of playlist Gregor Meyle / Das Beste Gregor Meyle / Das Beste 2 000 canciones - 189 fans
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 3 BRAVO Hits 3 30 canciones - 168 fans
Cover of playlist Eurovision Hits Eurovision Hits 100 canciones - 39 fans
Cover of playlist 90erne - 100 Hits Fra 90erne 90erne - 100 Hits Fra 90erne 1 995 canciones - 945 fans

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Escucha a Lulu en Deezer

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