Artist picture of Geoffrey Oryema

Geoffrey Oryema

11 179 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Geoffrey Oryema auf Deezer


Album cover of Ye Ye Ye
Ye Ye Ye
Album cover of Spirits of My Father
Spirits of My Father
Album cover of Lapwony
Album cover of Piny Runa Woko
Piny Runa Woko
Album cover of Mara
Album cover of Jok Omako Nyako
Jok Omako Nyako
Album cover of Payira Wind
Payira Wind
Album cover of Kel Kweyo
Kel Kweyo
Album cover of Lajok

Beliebteste Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Geoffrey Oryema auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Geoffrey Oryema

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Geoffrey Oryema

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Bonga Bonga 52 273 Fans
Lhasa De Sela Lhasa De Sela 121 784 Fans
Manu Chao Manu Chao 1 396 577 Fans
Ablaye Cissoko Ablaye Cissoko 4 946 Fans
Quantic Quantic 85 559 Fans
Cesária Evora Cesária Evora 316 967 Fans
Fatoumata Diawara Fatoumata Diawara 91 520 Fans
Ismaël Lô Ismaël Lô 35 412 Fans
Sidiki Diabaté Sidiki Diabaté 170 426 Fans
Gaël Faye Gaël Faye 183 501 Fans
Dom La Nena Dom La Nena 31 796 Fans
Ben Harper Ben Harper 740 584 Fans
Moriarty Moriarty 224 862 Fans
Habib Koité Habib Koité 14 688 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Geoffrey Oryema

Cover of playlist Siesta Siesta 62 Titel - 10 007 Fans
Cover of playlist Dreamcatcher Dreamcatcher 50 Titel - 5 117 Fans
Cover of playlist Musiques du Monde Musiques du Monde 1 162 Titel - 2 362 Fans
Cover of playlist RFI Monde RFI Monde 1 758 Titel - 7 472 Fans
Cover of playlist RESET par Fnac RESET par Fnac 675 Titel - 451 Fans
Cover of playlist April Lockdown by Dj Deep. April Lockdown by Dj Deep. 39 Titel - 197 Fans
Cover of playlist Les pochettes mythiques Les pochettes mythiques 107 Titel - 22 Fans

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