Artist picture of Scissor Sisters

Scissor Sisters

95 316 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Scissor Sisters na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
Album cover of Let's Have A Kiki
Let's Have A Kiki
Album cover of I Can't Decide
I Can't Decide
Album cover of I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
I Don't Feel Like Dancin'
Album cover of Take Your Mama
Take Your Mama
Album cover of Only The Horses
Only The Horses
Album cover of Laura
Album cover of Mary
Album cover of Fire With Fire
Fire With Fire
Album cover of Comfortably Numb
Comfortably Numb

Lançamento mais popular

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Scissor Sisters: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Corrida Pop Corrida Pop 50 faixas - 15 226 fãs
Cover of playlist 2000s Party Hits 2000s Party Hits 60 faixas - 479 486 fãs
Cover of playlist Bate Cabelo Bate Cabelo 50 faixas - 382 fãs
Cover of playlist 2010s Pride 2010s Pride 60 faixas - 8 414 fãs
Cover of playlist 2000s Pride 2000s Pride 70 faixas - 5 670 fãs
Cover of playlist Friday Night - Party Mix Friday Night - Party Mix 100 faixas - 1 014 fãs
Cover of playlist 00s Indie Pop 00s Indie Pop 50 faixas - 5 536 fãs
Cover of playlist One Tree Hill soundtrack One Tree Hill soundtrack 100 faixas - 3 424 fãs
Cover of playlist Pride Circuit Music Pride Circuit Music 147 faixas - 1 110 fãs
Cover of playlist Say My Name Say My Name 100 faixas - 1 422 fãs
Cover of playlist Pride Anthems Pride Anthems 60 faixas - 13 485 fãs

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Para todos os moods


Emerging from the New York gay club scene in a storm of camp, disco-pop sass, the Scissor Sisters immediately found huge fame in Britain, topping the album charts and scoring big hits with the sleazy, electro cover of Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb, the cabaret boogie of Take Your Mama Out and the raunchy pout of Filthy/Gorgeous. Equally appealing to the pop charts, the radio playlists and the club dance floors, eponymous debut Scissor Sisters (2004) became the biggest selling album of the year with sales of over 2.5 million in the UK alone. Festival appearances, sell-out tours and a bundle of awards followed as Europe and finally America caught on, before they returned in 2006 with their follow-up Ta-Dah and their first UK Number 1 single I Feel Like Dancin, featuring Elton John on piano. Lengthy recording sessions throughout 2008 and early 2009 were forced to be scrapped, but a "super-sexual and sleazy" new sound was born on third album Night Work (2010).