Artist picture of Klaxons


99 044 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Klaxons auf Deezer


Album cover of Golden Skans
Golden Skans
Album cover of It's Not Over Yet
It's Not Over Yet
Album cover of Echoes
Album cover of Atlantis To Interzone
Atlantis To Interzone
Album cover of There is no other time
There is no other time
Album cover of Two Receivers
Two Receivers
Album cover of Magick
Album cover of Magick
Album cover of Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Album cover of Children of the Sun
Children of the Sun

Beliebteste Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Klaxons auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Klaxons

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Klaxons

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Foals Foals 443 574 Fans
Kasabian Kasabian 781 561 Fans
The Strokes The Strokes 1 555 081 Fans
Arctic Monkeys Arctic Monkeys 4 524 739 Fans
The Kooks The Kooks 781 115 Fans
Two Door Cinema Club Two Door Cinema Club 577 516 Fans
Interpol Interpol 445 617 Fans
Arcade Fire Arcade Fire 674 532 Fans
MGMT MGMT 1 128 675 Fans
Justice Justice 720 710 Fans
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand 1 040 511 Fans
Editors Editors 227 428 Fans
Hard-Fi Hard-Fi 22 317 Fans
Tame Impala Tame Impala 872 267 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Klaxons

Cover of playlist 00s Alternative 00s Alternative 50 Titel - 72 794 Fans
Cover of playlist 00s Indie Pop 00s Indie Pop 50 Titel - 5 953 Fans
Cover of playlist Indie Party Indie Party 50 Titel - 57 728 Fans
Cover of playlist KINK 1500 KINK 1500 1 449 Titel - 1 793 Fans
Cover of playlist Indie Sleaze Indie Sleaze 50 Titel - 15 403 Fans
Cover of playlist 24h de Indie Rock & Folk 24h de Indie Rock & Folk 369 Titel - 694 Fans
Cover of playlist FM4 JAHRESCHARTS 2014 FM4 JAHRESCHARTS 2014 92 Titel - 429 Fans
Cover of playlist Kitsuné Musique Archives Kitsuné Musique Archives 1 831 Titel - 3 056 Fans
Cover of playlist Pop Leve | Good Vibes | Vibe Boa Pop Leve | Good Vibes | Vibe Boa 146 Titel - 174 Fans
Cover of playlist Music is GREAT Music is GREAT 231 Titel - 522 Fans
Cover of playlist Master Peace - Music Quizz Master Peace - Music Quizz 27 Titel - 8 Fans
Cover of playlist FM4 Soundselection 16 FM4 Soundselection 16 39 Titel - 37 Fans

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