Artist picture of Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil

202 609 fans

Listen to all of Lacuna Coil's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Hosting the Shadow (feat. Randy Blythe)
Hosting the Shadow (feat. Randy Blythe)
Album cover of Heaven's a Lie
Heaven's a Lie
Album cover of Losing My Religion
Losing My Religion
Album cover of Enjoy the Silence
Enjoy the Silence
Album cover of Blood, Tears, Dust
Blood, Tears, Dust
Album cover of Delirium
Album cover of You Love Me 'Cause I Hate You
You Love Me 'Cause I Hate You
Album cover of Never Dawn
Never Dawn
Album cover of Ghost in the Mist
Ghost in the Mist
Album cover of Distant Sun
Distant Sun

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Playlists & music by Lacuna Coil

Cover of playlist Metal Radar Metal Radar 150 tracks - 99 225 fans
Cover of playlist 2000s Metal 2000s Metal 50 tracks - 82 295 fans
Cover of playlist Love You to Death Love You to Death 50 tracks - 15 771 fans
Cover of playlist 100% Lacuna Coil 100% Lacuna Coil 50 tracks - 1 308 fans
Cover of playlist Metal Cövers Metal Cövers 60 tracks - 2 365 fans
Cover of playlist Women of rock Women of rock 53 tracks - 927 fans
Cover of playlist Loud & Dangerous Rock Loud & Dangerous Rock 50 tracks - 104 fans
Cover of playlist Women of Metal Women of Metal 80 tracks - 44 420 fans
Cover of playlist Symphonic Metal Symphonic Metal 60 tracks - 17 025 fans
Cover of playlist covers vol.1 covers vol.1 75 tracks - 563 fans
Cover of playlist 100% Lamb of God 100% Lamb of God 50 tracks - 3 832 fans
Cover of playlist Headbangers Headbangers 75 tracks - 536 fans
Cover of playlist Metal Queens ♕ Metal Queens ♕ 50 tracks - 455 fans
Cover of playlist Metal Christmas Metal Christmas 50 tracks - 7 717 fans

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For every mood


Andrea Ferro originally formed Lacuna Coil with guitarist Marco Zelati, playing gigs as a covers band under the names Sleep of Right and Ethereal Bbt. After meeting singer Cristina Scabbia in a Milan club, they concentrated on writing their own material. There were various line-up changes along the way and, signed by Century Media Records, they changed their name to Lacuna Coil, getting a positive reaction to their self-titled debut EP.

Their first album, 'In a Reverie', was released in 1998 and its gothic imagery and thunderous sound quickly won a big following throughout Europe. Their breakthrough, however, came with third album 'Comalies' (2005), which was hailed by the heavy metal community, while the single 'Heaven's a Lie' helped them make their first serious inroads into the American market.

Dramatic festival appearances also helped promote their fourth album 'Karmacode' (2006), which included a cover of Depeche Mode's 'Enjoy the Silence'. The follow-up, 'Shallow Life' (2009) became the group's most successful album, reaching number two on the UK Rock Chart and number 16 on the US Billboard 200.

Despite the departure of long-time band members Cristiano Mozzati, Marco Biazzi and Cristiano Migliore in 2014, the group has continued to tour the world and record new material, releasing their eighth studio album 'Delirium' in 2016 and the follow-up 'Black Anima' in October 2019.