Artist picture of Tal Bachman

Tal Bachman

2 926 fans

Listen to all of Tal Bachman's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of She's so High
She's so High
Album cover of Darker Side Of Blue
Darker Side Of Blue
Album cover of If You Sleep
If You Sleep
Album cover of Strong Enough
Strong Enough
Album cover of You Don't Know What It's Like
You Don't Know What It's Like

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Playlists & music by Tal Bachman

Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Girls Soundtrack: Girls 259 tracks - 601 fans
Cover of playlist BBQ 2023: Summer Party Classics BBQ 2023: Summer Party Classics 216 tracks - 1 021 fans
Cover of playlist 90s HITS | TOP 100 SONGS 90s HITS | TOP 100 SONGS 146 tracks - 540 fans
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Cover of playlist 90s Smash Hits 90s Smash Hits 146 tracks - 466 fans
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Cover of playlist 35K 35K 321 tracks - 507 fans
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Cover of playlist 90' Hits 90' Hits 129 tracks - 197 fans

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Born Talmage Charles Robert Bachman in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on August 13, 1968, The son of legendary Canadian rocker Randy Bachman (The Guess Who, Bachman-Turner Overdrive), Tal Bachman is best known for his 1998 hit single, “She’s So High”. Bachman signed to Columbia Records on the strength of his demos and soon went into the studio with co-producer Bob Rock, who had been a member of Canadian bands Payolas and Rock & Hyde. At his point, Rock was better known as a producer of hard rock acts such as Metallica, Aerosmith, Skid Row and others. Bachman’s self-titled debut album was released in 1999 and was a critical and commercial success. The album’s first single, “She’s So High”, was a hit in his homeland and in the U.S., where it reached Number 1 on Billboard’s Adult Top 40 chart. In 2000, Bachman won the BMI Award for Song of the Year and a Juno Award for Best New Artist. By the time he released his 2004 sophomore album, Staring Down The Sun, Bachman had left Columbia Records and was officially an independent artist. The album earned positive reviews, but didn’t have the far-reaching effect that his major label debut had. While he remained active in the music business, he didn’t release any new music until 2019 when he digitally released new music – Ian Starglow’s Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 - under his alter-ego Ian Starglow, a narcissistic, faded British glam rock star who is unable to emotionally move on from his ‘70s heyday.