Artist picture of Jafunk


1 854 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Jafunk auf Deezer


Album cover of Into the Night
Album cover of Don't Stop the Music
Don't Stop the Music
Album cover of Ecstasy
Album cover of New Way
Album cover of Yellow Daze
Album cover of What's the Move
Album cover of You Got Me
Album cover of Fool For You
Fool For You
Album cover of Nightlife
Album cover of Dazed

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Jafunk auf Deezer

New Way

von Jafunk, Triple H Horns, Yogi


13 Fans

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Jafunk

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Jafunk

Fabich Fabich 2 131 Fans
Pastel Pastel 1 141 Fans
Nic Hanson Nic Hanson 924 Fans
Mike Nasa Mike Nasa 76 Fans
Dabeull Dabeull 23 494 Fans
Holybrune Holybrune 3 441 Fans
L'Impératrice L'Impératrice 126 479 Fans
Jamiroquai Jamiroquai 984 072 Fans
Bellaire Bellaire 16 479 Fans
NanaBcool NanaBcool 69 Fans
Jungle Jungle 216 798 Fans
Yogi Yogi 4 798 Fans
Disclosure Disclosure 953 291 Fans
Darius Darius 39 737 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Jafunk

Cover of playlist Nu Disco Nu Disco 50 Titel - 49 492 Fans
Cover of playlist Fresh Soul Fresh Soul 95 Titel - 13 571 Fans
Cover of playlist Happy Hour Happy Hour 80 Titel - 189 498 Fans
Cover of playlist New Funk New Funk 78 Titel - 45 980 Fans
Cover of playlist Funky Workout Funky Workout 50 Titel - 4 472 Fans
Cover of playlist House Plants by Bmkltsch Rcrds House Plants by Bmkltsch Rcrds 103 Titel - 5 720 Fans
Cover of playlist RFI Monde RFI Monde 1 880 Titel - 7 389 Fans
Cover of playlist CULTURE MUSIQUE - Musique et Climat CULTURE MUSIQUE - Musique et Climat 2 000 Titel - 875 Fans
Cover of playlist Kitsuné Musique Essential Kitsuné Musique Essential 49 Titel - 3 289 Fans
Cover of playlist Weekly Selection by Klingande Weekly Selection by Klingande 85 Titel - 1 232 Fans
Cover of playlist Les Enfants de la Zique Les Enfants de la Zique 2 000 Titel - 2 351 Fans

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