Artist picture of The Brian Setzer Orchestra

The Brian Setzer Orchestra

8 278 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von The Brian Setzer Orchestra auf Deezer


Album cover of Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Album cover of Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Bell Rock
Album cover of Jingle Bells
Album cover of Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
Album cover of Gettin' In The Mood (For Christmas)
Gettin' In The Mood (For Christmas)
Album cover of Run Rudolph Run
Run Rudolph Run
Album cover of Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Album cover of Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland
Album cover of Baby It's Cold Outside
Baby It's Cold Outside
Album cover of Dig That Crazy Santa Claus
Dig That Crazy Santa Claus

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Neuheiten von The Brian Setzer Orchestra auf Deezer

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Die beliebtesten Alben von The Brian Setzer Orchestra

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